Wood Elves Species in DraKaise Battalion | World Anvil

Wood Elves

Those wise ones Favored by Armide.

Those that rebuked Rogalev were picked up by Armide, the devil himself in disguise. He taught them the beauty of nature and the nature of lies, how to hide like he does and how the world moves. In this was the beauty of his truth.
— Elven Children’s Story
  When the elves flocked to the portals of the new Material Plane, the Wood Elves stepped through into the forests of Uuku. They saw the sapling, heard Rogalev’s call and abandoned it all. They fled into the forest away from the sounds and shapes that would follow. They ran until Armide found them in the dark, then they ran some more.   Yet he followed, serene and unstoppable. Every time they fled, he was there. Every time they hid, he found them. They grew craftier and wiser, finding new places to hide from his clouds of bugs and seeking to escape the heat of his presence. Yet he found them. They lost all meaning and connection to buildings of stone and thoughts of cities.   They fled and learned what nature was when it was all that they could see. They fled and hid continuously until they realized he no longer followed. He no longer chased. The forest had swallowed every bit of their trace. Surprised, they called for him and then he appeared. The majestic sun spider, who was hard not to revere.   He had taught them lessons of hiding oneself and learning that the world always has something else in store. For they no longer cared for cities or wanted to build up stone. They could see how to live with nature over making it their own. And so this was applied to them as a race, these capabilities within this place. He left then, leaving them to know his truths and find their own.   Deep in these stories and deep in these understandings was that he had taught them to hide and taught them to lie, fooling one’s eye and becoming wild.   Commonly Found in:   Wood Elves in the majority are found in the Forests of Uuku and the Middling Jungles. However, the Frost Shield and the Highlands still have tribes wandering the nature and finding directions to live their lives.

Where are these quotes from?

  The Elven Children's Story Snippets have been collected over the years and standardized into the base qualities that Elves seem to seek from each story.

Cover image: by HelHeim


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