Terra Character in Auriga | World Anvil
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Created by: jollibri
Played by: Jossmoo

Terra is a large wolf with a green and brown coloring on his fur like that of a painting of a forest landscape.  Weighing in at around  135 lbs and around 4 feet long, he cuts an impressive figure to all those that see him striding next to his ranger.  Those that confuse him for a common hound should be wary as the wolf seemed to have a temper and is often prone to snap at those that treat him as such.    Terra had been found by the ranger Vasya and her companions in the forests outside of Dunbar. Terra was cut out from the body of a thorn wolf from the rift. A large creature that moved through the earth and forest, corrupted by the magic of the Rasa. After slaying the beast Terra was cut free of the magic and body that had grown around him, bonding with the first thing that he saw, the ranger Vasya.   As the ranger later learned he is from another world known as the unified realms, known as a thorn wolf. Terras size is still that of a juvenile but lacking the diet of his native world he may stay it.

Cover image: by Canva


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