The Tablet of the Owl Myth in Ædeos | World Anvil

The Tablet of the Owl

And that part I shall weave with the common sense.
— Till Ulchabhan, the author of the Tablet


General knowledge

The Tablet of the Owl is a mythical topaz crystal, supposedly consisting secret paths to Ædeos, hidden knowledge and secrets beyond human understanding. The original author remains hidden to the genral public. Some think it was a Seeker of the Uncharted Form, others ascribe it to a group of Saveni or Saveni-Aškari believers. Noone knows. Whenever surfaced, it would circle around the community no longer than a moon's turn. Then... vanish into thin air. No doubt it would get hoarded by yet another seeker. Yet another person, who thought, they finally understood.

Historical Basis

I dare say, common sense is a secret beyond human understanding.
— Till Ulchabhan

Sadly, for anyone, who pursues it, the weave was prepared by Till Ulchabhan himself and he enjoyed this one to the fullest. The Tablet was a pastime on his stay at Fìon sìtheil, where he researched some of the most widely spread concepts. And hiding in plain sight was his greates inspiration. The Owl part refers to Till Ulchabhan and thus, to the "Eye in the Sky" — a synonym for wisdom or hidden knowledge.

The true reading on the Tablet is: "All thoughts can make sense to one person, but one thought will make no sense to all people". To the vast majority it will read: "It takes one █████ to create/begin/start █████, but it takes all █████ to destroy/end/finish █████." How people will fill in the blanks is entirely up to their imagination... and their common sense.


The myth is known in all parts of Saveni but it is fairly rare. There seems to be a pattern of the Tablet surfacing every 10 years or so, but nobody can really tell the reason.

Variations & Mutation

There exist literally as many variations as there were owners of the tablet. Some vary but slightly, other greatly, but the key concept never changes. An example is a story of greed and a harsh lesson on kindness:

It takes a word to lose one's trust, but it takes eight words to redeem it.
— The Tablet of the Owl

There once was a Cymrian merchant, famed for his nose for good deals. One day, as his ship returned home from a protracted journey, he rushed to the docks swiftly and exclaimed: "Goods!". The sailors gave him a cross look. The storm season was about to begin and threaten their lives. The merchant had completely forgotten about it. Shame rushed onto his face flushing it pinkish red. No words. Only shame and regret.

One sailor turned his head to the left side and spit with disgust. He said nothing to say to him. The conversation was over before it had even began. The merchant closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The captain. Where is the captain? He mustered the courage and looked at the offended sailor's face. Alas, he was the captain of the vessel.

Hard times have started for the merchant. The storm season was raging furiously and ships seldomly left the docks. But it mattered not — his manner of caring more for the goods than for the people's lives spread far and wide. And with no crew, there could be no revenue. Slowly, but steadily he lost all his savings. It took one word to lose the trust of all and it would take all words to regain the trust of one.


Author's Notes

This is definitely something big and deserves more. Common sense is a beautiful concept — everyone has their own and sometimes they don't overlap at all. Till Ulchabhan has left some fine pieces in this world. I wonder what will be next?

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Aug 6, 2021 12:08 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Ooo, very mysterious.I like that no one really knows the truth of it. I'm looking forward to seeing more about this in future.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Aug 7, 2021 08:29 by Angantyr

Thanks! ^^ Common sense is a beautiful thing and surely will be brought out along with the tablet. So much misunderstanding would go to waste, should it be left unused.

Playing around with words and worlds