The missing bottle of Gráhus Item in Ædeos | World Anvil

The missing bottle of Gráhus

I swear, the bottle must be there somewhere! The man must've hidden it by himself. And damn be the bloody trickster that frequented his estate!
— Yet another soul, looking for the bottle


Once upon a time, there came to be a place, where a lost traveler could sit and relax, while looking at the wineyard. The estate, better known as Fìon sìtheil was governed by a man named Gráhus. Back in the day, when the first harvest marked the opening of the place, twenty four bottles were made of the sweet golden wine, that let one feel the time was set still. During the entire history, a total of twenty three bottles were accounted for. Noone knows what happened to the last one, and it was deemed hidden. As time went by, it became less of a local delicacy and more of an ancient artifact, the nectar of gods. Alas, that fish grew longer with every tale...

Theories — blame the skald

One of the many famous personas that frequented Fìon sìtheil was Till Ulchabhan, so it comes to no surprize that many blame the skald for hiding the bottle. An educated guess, if any, but understandable. The trickster was the biggest fan of the famed wine, and boasted having a sip of the very first bottle, so why wouldn't he hide one to get the last?

Three sips and even your thoughts will stop flowing.
— Till Ulchabhan, supposedly

Ascribed properties

Some hundreds of years have passed since the first bottle was opened, and wine is known to mature with time. What about the wine, that started with the property to slow time down? It is speculated that one sip may change the time perspective of the beholder for a months, years or even the entire lifetime. Two sips are said to slow down the aging.

Place in legends

The legend of the golden wine grew to become the source and symbol of immortality. In some stories it is called the wine of skalds, where it grants its owner the power to freely manipulate concepts and forms of Ædeos.

Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink


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