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Petals vs. 50

Wind swept over the deck, followed by sea salt and a few unlucky fish. There wasn't a storm though - the clouds were light, there was sun, and rain was a memory of yesterday. We even saw another ship nearby; then we heard a crack, and the mast fell.
— From the book Oceans, Tales, and Stories

The Conflict


During the time Waves of Petals was a merchant ship loaded with dyed fabric and crossing the seas to market; Seeker 50 was a counting ship looking to update maps concerning currents and coastlines. It was thought that Seeker 50 had been fired upon (mistaken as a pirate ship) by Waves of Petals. However,


The battle took place on one of the great Southern oceans, not in the depths but about two day's sail from the coastline. The nearest towns were [NAME] [NAME] [NAME]


It was right at the beginning of a brewing storm. One ship thought that they had been attacked by the other ship, however, it was the wind that had knocked something down.


For the next twenty years, both countries were cold to each other at formal events.


There seem to be no long-term effects; in fact, there is a bawdy tavern ballad singing about the mistakes made that led to the fight.

Historical Significance

After the conflict, there were about twenty years of cold shoulders, snide remarks, and slowness in reactions between the two countries. Finally, uniting against a common enemy forced them to work together. It was against regulations to mention this history during that time period.

In Literature

About fifty years later it was noticed by a scribe that one piece of literature mentioned there being a brewing storm at the same time Waves of Petals sunk. While it heaped all the responsibilities on the other country's ship, Seeker 50, the scribe wondered aloud about the conscience and another scribe (from the coastal region) understood more about how the winds could harm people, places, and the environment. They brought their concerns to their head, who gave them leave to talk with survivors and see if the conflict had possibly been a mistake. Their eventual report was made into a book, Ocean Tales and Stories, but neither country admitted to "making a mistake," so their original theory went unknown by the local populace.
Battlefield Type
Conflict Result
Waves of Petals (a merchant ship) sunk & Seeker 50 rescued the floundering sailors

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Cover image: by dynamicwang


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