Metalworker's Guild & WIP
The guild itself is a comfortable place where many of the metalworkers feel at home with both the people running it and the safety it offers. There are rumors of having a few secret rooms, but most of them are used for storage of materials that the metalworkers can use, others are open enough to serve as a learning classroom, and then there are a few places where others can sleep, where many can eat, and where, if needed, private conversations take place. When Patches goes there, he notices that there are people scurrying around that he doesn't really believe are metalworkers - they don't have the same muscles, they don't wear the same clothes, and they seem to be more "speakers" than "workers." There are also a few people who act as clerics for when accidents happen.
Purpose / Function
The intended purpose of the guildhall is to bring together the collective family of metalworkers, making sure that each person who wishes to be an apprentice can be so, if they so wish. In addition, they make sure that families have food, a bit of coin for needed goods, and are hale.
There are several rooms in the Metalworkers Guildhall.
The designs on the wall continue to change since new ones are put up with new additions to the guild, some designs are retired, and when a being dies a black ribbon will go on their metal plate. Other than that there are mostly meeting halls, storage rooms, and spaces that contain workshops to promote communication and spread new ideas.
Stone and wood are used for the most part. The walls are grey and they metal plaques are pined/hung up on them.
The building was created not by the first or even second metalworker Master that lived in Bluji, but by the third and fourth that worked together and made sure their small following had a safe area to be in. Currently, the eighth master is in charge and there have been many meetings as of late in the guildhall as they try to navigate a magical city that is rebelling against the progress of metal and metalworking.
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