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Kaji's Telescope

Kaij's telescope? Hah! No such thing ever existed, thank the moon gods... good an' bad are scrap words, what's good to me might be bad to you an' switched. How do I know it's not real? Simple. You try craftin' metal while out at sea. Come talk to me when you can.
— Steels Emvra, a steamhead of Sestia
I always loved the idea, an' it's easy enough to do - just take the already made parts onto the ship and put 'em together when you need to. An' extras would be needed in case the first one broke, or was lost, right? *sigh* Imagine, findin' an old telescope an' lookin' through it to see if your partner is worthy. It might even make a place better, right? Only allow good people to settle an' set up shops.
— Iersei Logges, lumber cutter of Aplein


Once, many moons, suns, and waves ago, there was a ship that sailed the seas. Of course, they weren't the only ship sailing. Wood and waterstone had taken to the seas and there were as many beings as there was salt in the water. This was the age of exploration after all, one that would had happened naturally but was being spurred onward by plague making its way to the coast.   Anyhow, the Biting Waves and her crew. Hear now, everyone, that this ship was nothing special, but the crew... ah, the crew. They were lead by a fearsome sea-being, a woman who belonged to the snakes that made their home coral. She was tall. Strong. The color of a southern sunset and the deepest secrets of the seas reflected in her eyes. Kaji and her wife controlled the ship, which they made their home. Everyone on board was family in one way or another, and it was said of them that the bonds of water were thicker than blood.   Biting Waves was in the southern seas looking for a place to restock when the problems started. Provisions went missing. Water ran low. There was a haze on the sea their navigator didn't like. Kaji was in a fine rage, looking for who had betrayed her, and even worse, the rest of their family. A search of the ship commenced from top to bottom, and the culprit was found, a small sea-being named Ras was found. They were scrawny, skin dried out in some spots, scars weeping on several of their eight appendages, and as they cried at being found, Kaji's heart softened.   She questioned them and learned that they and their family had been separated. Kaji talked with them and little by little was able to draw them out of their shell. That night she reset the course to reunite the child with their family; her decision was cheered by every member of her family.   The days went by and new worries cast their gloom over the crew. This would be the last night of provisions, they still hadn't found Ras's family, and black clouds signaled a storm on the horizon. Kaji didn't change her mind. They waited and the storm hit, sending the ship skipping across waves.   When dawn broke they found themselves in the middle of a thick seaweed patch, one with leaves waving gently from atop the waves, and close enough to an island that they could see rednut trees and a rippling river. However, Ras let out an ear-piercing squeal and threw themself overboard. Kaji dropped her weapons, kicked off her boots, and dove into the seaweed, yelling at her family to be ready with the ropes. Below the greenery, she saw Ras entangled in a tentacle, hugging a much old, scarred being that was at least three times as tall as she was.   Popping back up to the surface, a nearby plant glimmered in the sunlight. She grabbed it, then the rope her son threw her. Hauled back onto the ship, she waved the plant around, declared it a victory, and immediately made plans to row out of the seaweed and to the nearby island for food and water. Before they could do so, several tentacles pushed the ship up from the bottom and carried it away from the patch, only putting it down when they reached a natural lagoon.   Ras popped up again and said thank you for helping them. When Kaji asked about the plants, their only reply was that the pearls in the middle were rare; seeing the bunch that Kaji had picked made them squeal again.   That was the last the crew saw of Ras... well, with their eyes at least. Kaji's wife took the pearls, and after experimenting, crafted seven telescopes. Three of them used red pearls; they allowed a brief glimpse into the future's weather. Three of them used a dark purple pearl; these allowed a being to look into the ocean and see straight down as if it was daylight. The last one she gave to Kaji, made with a brownish-gold pearl. The sight produced was different from all the rest; when looking at a person, Kaji could see the results of their actions in an aura surrounding them. Everyone, she discovered, had a unique color that was added to every day of their life. She asked for volunteers among her crew and the group determined that blue was for helpful actions, adding red was an identifier of hurtful actions, and when an action was performed where the being didn't know if it was harmful or helpful, yellow was found.   Kaji allowed the others to be used, but she kept that one, saying it was too dangerous in the wrong hands. When she died, her wife took the telescope and hid it from everyone. Some say she sailed back out to Ras's seaweed patch and gave it back. Others say she destroyed the telescope and her granddaughter accidentally at the pearl. And there's always the chance that it's out there, a well-kept secret passing from hand to hand. An old telescope with knowledge of all we do.

Historical Basis

Current research believes there might be some truth to the Kaji's Telescope, however, there is also research that says the myth/legend cannot be as it stands:  


  1. It's possible the octopus child was actually a young kraken, if the height of it's older relative was correct
  2. There was a Biting Waves ship found abandoned on the waves generations ago, empty and in need of repair
  3. Waterstone has been found in the deep deserts of Scey Shela and can be used as material for a ship


  1. There is no record of a Captain Kaji, or even a sea-being at the head of any ship during that time period
  2. If Kaji had as big a family as in the legend, why are none of them around now?
  3. Why has no other seaweed pearls with such powers been found?

Variations & Mutation

As the myth/legend is spread far and wide, many variations exist and it would be hopeless to record them all. Here are some variations overheard in the port of Bluji, by citizens and non-citizens alike:  
  • Kaji was a real person, with a ship registered under a different person's name
  • The number of telescopes was six, not seven
  • Kaji tested her telescope on her wife, and that's what made her say it was dangerous
  • Ras was a sea god/goddess in disguise, which is why the pearls have never been seen again (they were an unnatural gift given to one with a pure heart)

The Dashing Adventures of Kaji the Strong

Is a series of stories written on cheap paper, well received with children and sailors. It's up to seventy volumes last checked, with the next one due to be distributed next month.
A metalworker and a woodcarver worked together to show their vision of Kaji's Telescope.
Metal and wood
Varnish and glue
Makin' a 'scope
While sailin' the blue
Kaji's blessed
with inner sight
Ways to tell
Who's wrong from right
Blessed or cursed
I hear you ask?
Well that depends
On your well-worn mask
An' the face you show
the world each day
As actions mold
your soul like clay
— a bardic tale of Captain Kaji

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Author's Notes

Cover Art by PublicDomainPictures at Pixabay

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Jul 13, 2020 00:11 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really enjoyed the style win which you told the legend, and the fact you mentioned variations of the myth at the end. :)

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Jul 14, 2020 06:48 by CoffeeQuills the Coffee Quaffer

Thanks, I had fun with the legend! (And now I want to write about her too...)