It's easy to tell whose journal is whose... well, at least after the imprint's made on the cover. 'fore that it's near impossible. Had a young couple meet up after a mistake though - kinda cute. First young fella wanted his clan symbol an' a luck sign embossed. Second young fella was lookin' for luck an' romance. Anyhow, long story short, journals got mixed up, the second fella came back all confused an' ran into the first one. Last I heard they were keepin' a journal together an' had five kids. Didn't ask me to emboss it for them though.
The known purpose of a journal is to record one's thoughts so that they don't distract or become lost to the sea mist. In Bluji journals are used from the youngest to the oldest to write of days, loves, ideas, recipes, curses, and blessings in as many languages as exist in the city. To be honest, it's rare that a being in Bluji doesn't have one; after one page (long ago) was used as proof of purchase in a case of claimed theft, many more beings began carrying pen and paper to record items bought and sold.
Document Structure
Publication Status
For the most part personal journals are private and are to be accessed by higher-ranking guild members or family members on good standing. If the person created art within the pages, then it's possible fans will insist that the works are published under the title: "Deceased's Memori" before they are lost forever.
Legal status
While journals are personal, they are also the subject of much debate when the creator dies. Families and guilds have often been at odds over who the pages belong to. In early days the deceased's journal was first given to the guild, who then copied out any information pertaining to them, and then was given to the family. Guilds didn't like this as it allowed families to freely share what were seen as guild secrets, such as dying techniques, sewing patterns, and more. Currently, more and more beings are asked (before death) who their journal belongs to when the inevitable happens.
Historical Details
Journals have existed in the world for as far back as can be remembered, but only recently have they become fodder for guilds and families to fight over. Most beings who are crafters and can write will have a new journal each year (though some have more and others less).
With crafters keeping journals of their experiments (both successes and failures), guilds experienced periods of growth and usually were able to spark ideas for others (for example, the seamstress guild creating new patterns after the dye guild used new dying methods thanks to a successful experiment done by a woodcarver).
Public Reaction
The public, on average, tends to enjoy keeping journals. It's seen by teachers as a good way for learners to understand the common tongue of Bluji, families that use other languages use it as practice as well, and as overheard by a mother "It keep them outta trouble!"
Journals fall into a range between well kept and neglected. Those that are treasured have been known to last over a century before needing to be copied; at the other end are journals thrown away mid-year due to mildew and mold*.
*This does not include any magic applied as preservation.
Journal, Personal
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I really like how deatiled you have made a simple idea of a journal. Great work!
Thanks, these summer camp prompts are doing wonders for my imagination!