Friendship Character in 3270 C.E. | World Anvil
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Onward, my friends, relentlessly! Onward, together!
-the traditional closing line of Friendship's corporate speeches

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Friendship was drawn from the primordial pools of in 3247, immediately going to work for Rudi Interstellar. As a company man, most of his closest friends are Rudi employees.


As a Iehuca, Friendship required little education. His knowledge at time of integration with his humanoid form was sufficient as a starting point for any career, but lacked the finer details available to the primordial swarm. His only formal training was on-the-job at Rudi Interstellar.


Friendship was a Vice President of Operations for Rudi Interstellar between the years of 3249 and 3258. He served as Rudi's Vice CEO (a position also called "Crown Prince") between 3258 and 3263. Since the retirement of his predecessor in 3263, he has served as Rudi Interstellar CEO.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Under Friendship's leadership, Rudi Interstellar's manufacturing efficiency increased by 4% between the years 3249 and 3260. This immense achievement attracted the notice of Rudi's then-CEO, Generosity. He was subsequently groomed as Crown Prince and selected to lead the megacorporation as CEO.

Failures & Embarrassments

Under Friendship's tenure and in a high-profile case, Rudi failed to protect their intellectual property in court. The case, which stemmed from dispute over the rebranded Hasedar XR-900 "Warlock", was a major embarrassment for Rudi and cemented Hasedar Forgeworks as the newest megacorporation.

Morality & Philosophy

Friendship believes that it is Rudi's mission to bind the galaxy together: to use their resources to spread culture, awareness, sensitivity, and unity to the various bickering factions with which they deal.

Personality Characteristics


Friendship's primary goal is to strengthen Rudi Interstellar's position in the galactic markets, but he has a secondary objective: he wants to end the Sanctioned threat to peace in the galaxy. He is willing to sacrifice more than most Iehuca would to do so. He has never trusted nor accepted True Magic, an attitude that was exacerbated by his costly (some estimate over one hundred trillion credits) defeat by Hasedar in court.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Friendship is a logistical genius, and shares his race's natural magnetism, but is a poor manager. His laissez-faire style has allowed NGE to surpass Rudi and become the second-strongest megacorporation.

Likes & Dislikes

Friendship adores indigenous art, especially ancient Lla oral poetry, to which he listens in the original languages.

Virtues & Personality perks

Friendship is not easily distracted, and can keep his mind focused even in distracting conditions.

Vices & Personality flaws

Although he won't admit it, Friendship has grown obsessed with destroying—or buying out—Hasedar Forgeworks. He does his best to avoid letting that aspiration color his judgment, but it most certainly does.


Social Aptitude

Extraordinarily charismatic. Friendship is very capable in a social setting, and it's obvious he knows as much. It's hard to gain leverage on him in the traditional ways.

Hobbies & Pets

Keeps numerous exotic birds and reptiles.


Smooth, androgynous voice with a characteristically-male aggression.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
3247 C.E. 23 Years old
Brilliant lavender
Jet-black ponytail
Aligned Organization

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