Messenger Ravens Species in 2275: Earth | World Anvil

Messenger Ravens

I wish I knew how those damned WITCHES were passing messages and avoiding us. Everytime we get near one of their towns, it is bloody well deserted.
— Cardinal Woolsey
  Ravens have been around forever. Their presence is commonly overlooked by those who do not understand their meaning. For those in the magical communities, ravens have always been known as messenger birds. Seeing a raven could be a warning, but most often it was because they had a message for the viewer. In the old days before magic returned, it took a special skill and patience to recieve the message a raven was sent to give. Now, however, with understanding that ravens can actually speak it is easier to pass messages and warnings along to others.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

These birds are primarily for the passing of messages between the communities. When a raven dies their primary wing feathers are turned into writing quills.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Ravens are known throughout the Earth. Their largest concentrations are in what was the northern hemisphere. They prefer to live in densely forested areas, but have been seen in towns and cities where foraging is easier for them and they can find shiny objects.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Large groups of ravens are commonly known as an unkindness.

Courtship Ideals

For ravens, when courting it is a combination of dance, song, and gift giving.


Ravens have been known as messengers and portents of disaster. In recent years they have become even more so.  
I saw a lone raven the other day. It led me to an abandoned campsite. We need to move they are about a day behind.
— Magus Marcus to Enderby village elders, June 17th 2179
Scientific Name
Corvus corax of the family Corvidae
10 - 15 years in the wild, domesticated birds can live up to 25 years.
Conservation Status
Ravens disappeared from much of the east and midwest of North America before 1900. In recent decades they have been expanding their range again, especially in the northeast, spreading south into formerly occupied areas.
— July 8th 2021
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Related Myths

Cover image: by Alexas_Fotos


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