Dalkndalk Rank/Title in 15th Realm of Secrets | World Anvil
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The Dalkndalk, which means king of kings in Auranaurukshuket was the head of the unified kingdom which was made up of the kingdoms Auruckshuck and Shayanaha. He had the highest legal Authority and his religious status was semi-divine. He had authority over the kings of Aurukshuk and Shayanaha and he was considered to be a Chugui (a type of divine deity in Aurukshukan religion) that has fallen to earth and recieved a human body. His word was law and if you spoke ill of him it was punishable by death. He was given yearly sacrifices which included animals for food, tribute and slaves and beasts of burden for work. He was very splendidly dressed and he was one of the richest and most powerful men in the East Hu-Balai. He was also the high priest to the god Uk. He married the daughter of a king from Aurukshuk or Shayanaha every generation. He would teach all his sons all the teachings they would need to become the future Dalkndalks and the one he saw worthy would inherit the throne.


He needs to master all aspects of law, religion, the art of war, fluency in Auranaurukshuket and Shayanaha, history, philosophy and the ways of the court.


He needs to be one of the previous Dalkndalks children.


There is a special crowning ceremony the father conducts on his deathbed.


He gets taxes, tribute, sacrifices, labor, supreme authority and diplomatic immunity.

Accoutrements & Equipment

He has pure gold braided in his long hair (which tended to be jet black) and beard along with tiny beads with tiny jewels like diamonds and rubies. He has garments made of the finest fabrics and cloths weaved with pure gold and with the most beautiful and elaborate designs on them which tell of life and death, heroes and monsters as well as a very large variety of Chugui. It's such a marvel it's simply mesmerizing. His Jewelry is made gold, platinum, diamonds, rubies, sapphires, Emeralds, cat's eyes etc and have the most beautiful etchings and carvings on them.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

He is immovable from his position as he has divine authority.


Aurukshuk and Shayanaha united for an unknown circumstance that is thought to have been as a result of repeated invasions and raids of a coalition of northern nomadic tribes that had an impressive number of centaurs and even a brontodragon. This caused them to realize that they wouldn't last long if they played the northern invaders against each other so they decided to unite instead of fight. One of their most ambitious military men, a human-manderthal hybrid who came from a disputed territory between the two kingdoms was pressed into service in the Arukshukana army and with much struggle due to the "racism" between the species and his hybridic heritage managed to become a commander and with the guidance of the Chugui of war and death, Adolmit, he won evry single battle, established himself as the Dalkndalk and the rest is history.   Another version drops this curious character and claims that there was an ordinary alliance between the kings and that since the was dredging on and wanted no backstabbing, one donated one of his daughters and the other donated one of his sons to the cause and they made them divine rulers so that the union will be official, legitimate and lasting.   There is another story that claims that it was because they feared that they would be conquered by the new and emerging Mankan Empire.   It's unknown which is the correct version but the result is that two kingdoms that should have been hating each other united and installed the divine Dalkndalk.

Cultural Significance

The Dalkndalk was revered and seen as a godly figure in the unified kingdom throughout most of it's history.

Notable Holders

Auranuk. Almost all the DalknDalks had that name because it means "son of Uk". Among the most notable was the dalkndalk Auranuk CCXV who decided that the brontodragon Auranadolmit will be sent with the army headed south to fight the Arquado Barbarossa and his army in Berlintini I's great war of coalition.
Religious, Political
Equates to
Analogies from the real world: Assyrian king, Egyptian Pharaoh, Mayan king etc.
Source of Authority
The first Dalkndalk was voted in by the kings of Aurukshuk and Shayanaha and there is lots of mythology around it. Putting that aside, it's "divine".
Length of Term
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