Anda Character in 15th Realm of Secrets | World Anvil
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Anda (a.k.a. The Scourge of the Steppe)

Anda was a very large, very smart, very fast and very scary centuar that terrorized the North Yamuhi Steppe for 23 years. He took over many herds and made himeself a horde of around 1,600 centaurs. With this horde he rained terror, fear and destruction on many convoys, caravans, towns and lone travelers. He raced around the steppe with his horde and ate whatever he pleased. He ate cattle, sheep, horses, lions, cheetahs, elephants, humans; anything he could chase down with his fleeting speed and kill with good iron or steel weapons captured from the peoples in the step.   After suffering a crushing defeat at the battle Ondoyo at the hands of the Bashurian king Ke-Sho Khazai, Timun Khan wanted to prove his might as a warrior to his people. He sought to track down and kill Anda for that very purpose. He believed that if he showed everybody that he defeated a mighty warrior that eluded his predecessors for years, it would show how great a warrior he was. After starting a ruthless centuar extermination campaign, Timun attracted Anda's attention, and they then proceeded to meet each other in battle. Timun defeated Anda and killed him in battle. He took his corpse as well as all the other centuaur corpses and brought them to his seat of power where they were displayed, and Timun threw a lavish party to celebrate his victory. The remains of Anda's horde which survived the massacre quickly fell apart into small herds after the death of their leader.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A tall handsome centaur with a sleek coat and fine bone. A battle scar can be seen here or there on his muscular figure, but he looks very healthy and fit.

Facial Features

Large eyes, sloped forehead, big bushy eyebrows, portruding ape-like mouth and a sizeable nose with very large nostrils. A brown full beard.

Specialized Equipment

Bits and bobs. He used iron and steel spears, javelines, maces, axes and swords which he acquired on raids and used until they stopped working. As a centaur warlord he exclusively used man-made and manderthal-made iron or steel weapons rather than the usual flint javelins and wooden clubs centaurs used so much.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

He was unusually intelligent for a centaur. He was capable of assembling a very large horde and was able to control it as well as using new weapons and cunning battle tactics.

Personality Characteristics


Food, power, having lots of centaurs of his own. He also loved getting his hands on new weapons and was practically addicted to the thrill of battle.
Circumstances of Death
Shot by the Guntartar Khan Timun

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