Zan-Zahay Character in 13600 | World Anvil
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Tlatowan, zukaman, saka Zan-Zahay Turun Zornya Gurdu (a.k.a. Zan)

She was born on the 1st of march and died on the 14th of january.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Zan had the constitution of a warrior. She was slightly taller than average Fengati people. Steppe lords at that time were also warriors, and Zan personally led her armies.

Body Features

Zan was heavily tattooed, mainly on her face and her arms.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zan was the daughter of the Tarib Kaman, the tribal leader of the Tarib tribe (they gave their name to orthodox Tahanism, which is sometimes called Taribism). She inherited the title, being the kaman's only child, but in her youth she was more interested in hunting and fighting than in politics. A carved stone somewhere in the steppes tells of a young woman who won a mounted archery contest against a group of experienced men and women from other tribes.

Gender Identity

Fengati people do not recognize the existence of genders.


Zan was a woman who was into women, though in Fengati one would just say, literally, "they were a human who was into people", as Fengati people do not consider gender to even be a thing.


She was mainly educated in the fields of war, horse-breeding and tribe management, being a kaman's only child. Later she became more instructed in politics and poetry.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Zan is the first unificator of the Pontic steppes. Centuries later, after the death of emperor Guktej I, the empire exploded and 200 years later was unified by emperor Caypad I, who put the empire into a long period of isolationism and prosperity.

Personality Characteristics


Zan unified the Pontic steppes after the foundation of Zgardatl around the third branch coming from the Kuban, which they call "Zgard". By doing so, she and her government imposed tributes that were in fact tributes of respect, not tributes of money as in other cultures ; the kmanates had to take a new constitution and recognize the empire as hierarchically superior and they were represented on maps as regions of the Fengati empire, and in exchange, the empire gave them protection and technology. As long as a kaman recognized the empire, they benefited from it.

Virtues & Personality perks

Zan-Zahay was reknowned for her incredible charism, and her ability to convince people, which helped her at getting allies to gain more territory and power. On the other hand, she had always been an amazing warrior and an excellent military leader. She made the territorial foundations for an empire. She was also an excellent orator.

Vices & Personality flaws

Zan was easily angry and annoyed. She was a nervous woman who couldn't stand any sign of disrespect.


Religious Views

Tahanistic beliefs were not truly one religion before the foundation of the empire, but rather a constellation of many local gods and common legends. During her life, Zan participated to unify Tahanism into one religion, a main branch which is often called Taribism because Zan was from the Tarib tribe of the Kuban.
Current Location
12186 12264 78 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born among a wealthy and famous horse-breeding Zornian tribe.
Circumstances of Death
Died peacefully after a glorious life.
Tarib territories
Current Residence
Zan is buried in her own tomb, beneath the main temple of Taa in the holy site of Zgardatl.
Long and black, "like a dark river"
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Zan only spoke her own dialect, and the farther she conquered, the more translators were needed.

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