'Nymia, the Tidemaiden' Character in 'Forsaken' | World Anvil
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'Nymia, the Tidemaiden' (English (UK): {nɪmɪə])

"From the humblest stream to the greatest sea, my domain reaches all. Where the waters lie, you will know my comfort, and find your strength once more. Heed me, o' knight, for though your journey is long, and your burdens heavy; you are not alone."

Created by Tybris (Me)

The Tidemaiden Nymia

A gentle melody upon a sea breeze, a soothing current wending through the river, a cleansing surge restoring that which once was, a bearer of insight found in distant dreams, a fount of generosity bestowing succour to the worthy, and a terrible flood drowning those who garner her ire. These depictions of Nymia are well founded, embodying her triumphs, her sins, and the very ebb and flow of her being.   Like the rest of her kinsmen, Nymia was once a mere 'Servitor', sworn to the will and machinations of their maker; 'The Demiurge'. In time, their determination and ingenuity would reward them with one of the highest stations one could achieve in the old world. With this came a myriad of responsibilities, some of which Nymia continues to uphold even to this day, dancing from task to task with remarkable poise. When the wickedness of their benefactor grew too great, and they fell prey to the trappings of tyranny, Nymia would be among those who rose up in defiance and dethroned their master. The conflict that brought about such was devastating, but she would not be broken by this sullen reality. Rather, Nymia would be at the forefront of those who worked tirelessly to restore the world as 'The Ascended' wished it to be, the world the mortal races have inhabited for millennia since.   Nymia presides over the primal element of water and all such entails. From the greatest sea to the smallest stream and all that lies in-between, from the clouds that burst in the heavens to the lakes that rest far beneath the earth. It is all beneath her care. It is through her will and the actions of her servants that the rains fall, the rivers nourish the earth, the sea's bounty is bestowed upon the worthy, dreamers find insight, purifying surges restore the strength of the ailing, and terrible floods undo her foes. Her story can be found in the world itself; from the vast oceans that swallow up long dead ruins, to the waters that carve the boundaries of continents and civilisation alike. Like many 'Ascended', her nature is complex and her actions, both righteous and unjust, have left their mark on the world and those who inhabit it.   This being said, Nymia is generally considered a benevolent 'Ascended' by many across the world. Through her own work, or collaborations with her kinsmen, she has given rise to all manner of beings; from merfolk to elementals, to creatures that dwell in the darkest depths of the sea. Some of these creations willingly serve their maker, exacting their will with ardent determination. Others are wild and forever free, flowing through life like the waters they inhabit. Several cultures either revere, or hold a healthy respect towards her due to the importance of her domain to life itself, but none devote themselves to her with the same zeal as the humans who would go on to found the city of 'Aldormere'. She has watched over them for thousands of years, and they repay her benefaction with their reverence.   Alas, for all their versatility, Nymia still bears heavy burdens. Though they survived the butchery that gave rise to 'The Spurned', many of their kin did not. Their love towards 'Hazuki' has become estranged by their reclusion, and the world slips, day by day, further towards oblivion. Terrible shadows dwell in the depths, and the sanctity of her domain is defiled by 'The Black March'. The weight of prior conflicts between mortals and 'Ascended' alike weigh upon her, and though she strives even now to defend her own and mend that which has been broken, Nymia faces a battle of attrition she is doomed to lose unless the tide is turned.   Dark days lie ahead, and the sea offers only the direst of omens; but even now flickers of hope shimmer in the shadows like moonlight prancing atop the waves...

Divine Domains

Water, the tides, dreams, sailors, versatility, change, purity, lucidity, altruism, rejuvenation, motherhood, devotion, and zeal. They are also sometimes associated with the moon and its domains due to their bond with 'Hazuki'.


"Siren Shells": These rare artefacts are traditionally only bestowed to Nymia's 'Sirens', loyal servants to her will, often charged with presiding over areas of the seas, or locales which have garnered the protection of this 'Ascended'. They take the form of conch shells, blessed by thalassic potency, granting them the ability to project the user's voice over great distances; as well as permitting them to influence the waters around them, and even charm the minds of weaker willed individuals, allowing the wielder to lure them towards their voice. This can be used to misdirect those who are charmed, robbing them of their prize, or worse still besides. Conversely, these shells can also be used to guide lost vessels to land, or calm the waters sufficiently to escape a storm, should the will of the wielder be strong enough. They are a versatile tool, despite the reputation 'Sirens' have given them.   "Tide-blessed Plate": These artefacts take the form of suits of armour befitting of virtuous Aldori knights and the like. Blessed patterns are etched into the metal and then each individual piece is bathed in sacred waters, whilst a cleric of Nymia recites ardent prayers beseeching their divine patron to imbue the armour with thalassic potency. Should their request be granted, the patterns etched into the metal will shift colour, glowing with azure essence, and numerous boons will be imparted upon the armour and its wearer whilst they don it. First and foremost, Tide-blessed plate will never rust nor suffer degradation due to the influence of water, regardless of its nature. Secondly, the armour will be supernaturally resistant to damage; no doubt born from the desire of the cleric and their patron to protect the wearer from harm as they enact their duties. Lastly, the plate will not burden the wearer should they be submerged in water. They will be able to swim as though devoid of its weight. Furthermore, this blessing will also permit the user to remain underwater for far longer than their natural capacity would allow. Should the wearer continue to garner the favour of Nymia, the power of their plate may come to grow. As such, it is possible for there to be some variations of this artefact which are considerably more powerful than others, bearing additional boons atop that which have already been described. Some of these additional empowerments include a supernatural resistance to chill magics, the strength of the raging sea emboldening the wearer, or the ability to breathe underwater without impediment. Alas, finding a suit of Tide-blessed plate which has had its potential fully realized is almost impossible. They are exceptionally rare, and according to history, worn almost exclusively by champions so devoted in their deeds, and beloved by Nymia, that they have become saints.   "Saint's Panoply": Are suits of Tide-blessed plate whose potential has been fully realized through virtuous deeds, and the righteous pursuit of Nymia's cause. These suits of armour are notably more decorated and embossed than their less powerful siblings. These suits of armour are exceptionally rare, and are almost exclusively in the possession of saints or their descendants.   "Holy Water": Encompasses any body of water blessed by Nymia, or her servants. Such waters emit a faint, blue glow, illuminating their surroundings and warding off malevolent influences and individuals. Once harvested by a virtuous soul, these waters can be used for a variety of purposes; from aiding in the removal of curses, to the healing of wounds, to the fortification of the spirit, to aiding in the destruction of the malefic, to the purification of corruption. Holy Water is also a vital component in certain religious ceremonies in the Nymian faith, particularly those pertaining to absolution. It is not uncommon for the fonts found in Nymian churches, chapels and cathedrals to have their waters blessed in such a fashion. The same can be said for the resting places of Nymia and many of her servants, or the wells of certain communities.   "Cloudburst Tridents": These fabled weapons possess the strength and fury of the raging sea. Their design is inspired by some of the implements mortal fishermen would use to catch their prey. These armaments, forged from steel, are engraved with all manner of elegant; but aggressive designs and feature sapphires resting at the base of the trident's head. For their potential to truly be realized however, the weapon must garner the blessings of a powerful water elemental, something which is no easy feat given the tempestuous nature of such beings. It is this which transcends the trident from something mundane, into something far more. The weapon will become an armament which will never degrade from exposure to water nor will its wielder be impeded in using it whilst submerged, it will become unnaturally resilient to damage, and the wielder will find their blows to be swifter and stronger, as though emboldened by a furious squall. As potent as these boons are, however, they pale before the Trident's greatest power; the ability to temporarily summon the elemental who imparted their blessings to the wielder's location, so that they might aid them for a time. This immense boon is not to be taken lightly, however, for should the elemental lose respect for the weapon's bearer, they will no longer answer their summons. Should they earn the elemental's scorn, the boons they imparted upon the trident will fade. Furthermore, the weapon will not impart its power to a new wielder until they have garnered the elemental's respect. Due to the often lengthy and arduous process by which a Cloudburst Trident is made, these artefacts are particularly rare to come across, and historically, they are only found to be in the possession of virtuous and heroic individuals. One such armament was the weapon of choice of a Nymian saint. When its boons are combined with those of a Saint's Panoply; the results are suitably legendary.   "Dreamer's Opals": These blessed stones are a surprising common artefact to find in the possession of Aldori individuals. Traditionally, Dreamer's Opals are hued in greys and whites, though there are some which can be found in shades of blue. These opals ward the mind from hostile or otherwise uninvited influences, a boon which is empowered further when the owner is aslumber, should they keep the opal in their possession. Conveniently, however, these opals do not impede Nymia from appearing to the owner in dreams. It is not uncommon for lovers to impart their departing partners with such stones as a token of affection and protection. Nobles may offer such in addition to their favour, particularly during times of war. Friends may also offer them to one another in the hope that such will offer good fortune to the bearer. Despite being comparatively common when placed against other divine artefacts, Dreamer's Opals are still relatively expensive to purchase. Precious stones are still worth their weight and then some, after all.   "Maegenhelm": Otherwise known as the 'Blade of Virtue', this ornate longsword is nothing short of legendary. It is one of the two blessed blades anointed by Nymia and brother to the 'Sword of Monarchs', otherwise known as Dryhtenmece. Suffused with immense power, this weapon, when placed in the hands of a truly righteous champion, has been instrumental in the accomplishment of numerous mythical deeds. Alas, the blade will only respond to the call of a truly virtuous soul, and it will be beholden to only a single champion until the day of their death, or their fall from grace. Upon such a time; the blade will leave them, like water slipping through their fingers, and return to 'Nymia's Basin' where it will reside until another virtuous soul heeds the call of their destiny. Alas; since the fall of the last champion, the blade's call has gone unanswered, and thus it remains submerged in the basin, yet to be bequeathed...   "Dryhtenmece": This blade is the sibling to 'Maegenhelm', and is otherwise known as the 'Sword of Monarchs'. Anointed by Nymia herself; this is a weapon of monumental power. A weapon whose edge will never dull, whose steel will never shatter, and whose true potential can only be unlocked by a righteous and just monarch. To this end, Dryhtenmece is intrinsically linked to the rulership of 'The Dominion of Aldor', and acceptance by the blade marks you as worthy of the throne. Whilst there have been historical cases of the blade passing through a lineage over the course of generations, it should be made clear that Dryhtenmece does not choose its wielder based on blood or lineage alone. The candour of the individual, and their potential for righteous action is far more important. Those who manage to harness the true strength of this weapon are nigh unmatched upon the field of battle. Some even claim that a wielder who achieves such could challenge the 'Ascended' themselves. It should be noted, however, that for a monarch that has been deemed worthy by the blade, straying from the path of righteousness has dire consequences. Rejection by the blade is almost unanimously seen as a show of infirmity or corruption as a ruler, and has been the death knell for more than one monarch's rule. A noble line that has suffered the indignity of the blade's rejection will surely be the subject of scrutiny and scorn by their peers. To date, no mortal has been chosen by both Dryhtenmece and Maegenhelm; but now, as we stand upon the precipice of damnation, who can say if such a pattern will be maintained...

Holy Books & Codes

Nymia's wisdom has been preserved through numerous methods. For some, this is through word of mouth and storytelling, for others it is through song, dance or artistry, and then there are those commend her guidance to parchment, so that the generations that follow may find her insight long after the recounter has perished. Different communities that venerate Nymia will utilise different practices to ensure her teachings are not lost to the annals of history, but the two most prolific methods stem from 'The Dominion of Aldor'.   The first of these methods takes the form of a series of scrolls, containing the tenets and wisdom Nymia would have her followers heed. In the ancient times, when mortals were still first finding their place upon the world, there would be but a few of these scrolls; and they would come to be known as the 'Maiden's Scriptures'. As time wound on however, these scrolls would be copied prolifically, particularly in the Dominion, resulting in them becoming the most common means through which the word of Nymia has been spread across Caitrea, and beyond. These scrolls would become the cornerstone of the 'Nymian Church', and the foundation upon which their faith is constructed. Most homes in the Dominion will have a copy of these scriptures, should they be able to afford such.   The second method was from the first; and are most commonly referred to as 'Canticles of Virtue'. These are excerpts that have been taken from the Maiden's Scriptures, and turned into songs fit to be sung in any location; from the isolated heath to the grand cathedral. Many, particularly in the Dominion, find these canticles to be welcome reminders of specific virtues and tenets, and a source of comfort when their faith or resolve is threatened. It is not uncommon for the knights of Aldor to be in possession of one, if not more of these canticles, which they will often carry upon their person.   Nymia appreciates the efforts that Mortals go to in order to conserve their guidance, though she holds no one particular method above any other. That her wisdom may live on and inform others is gift enough.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The traditional symbols and sigils associated with Nymia are as follows:   -A slumbering maiden holding a ornate basin filled with water, or an azure droplet. This symbol is most commonly translated into talismans, brooches and other religious trinkets that her followers may possess.   -Busts and statues of Nymia holding a basin of water, or resting before a font.   -Signet rings with blue opals.   -Weapons, armour, and structures engraved with the likeness of the Tidemaiden.   -Elegant, tidal patterns being etched into weapons, armour, tools or stonework.   -Imagery of the Tidemaiden holding an ornate chalice in one hand, and a sword in the other, balancing them at equal heights to one another. This depiction of Nymia usually appears in statues and artistry, though some talismans can have this depiction of her as well.

Tenets of Faith

Nymia has offered much wisdom to her followers and those that circumstance has deemed to be in need of guidance. Through hymns and scrolls, tales and carvings, a considerable measure of this wisdom has been preserved for future generations to learn from. Their teachings are, by and large, benevolent; exonerating the righteous use of zeal, seeking clarity before acting, offering kindness to those in need, and avoiding that which might corrupt your spirit or being. Regardless of the means through which these teachings are preserved, however, they will all include the core tenets and guiding principles Nymia encourages her faithful to live by. The most important of these tenets and principles can be found below. These include:   -"To the best of your abilities, practice versatility. Learn all you can, so that you may avoid being caught unprepared. Be like water."   -"Forsake not the virtue of kindness. Bestow it where you can."   -"Scorn not the maiden that finds you in your dreams; for her insight is seldom without use."   -"Forget not the waters from whence you came."   -"To act without clarity is to invite misfortune."   -"Zeal without righteous cause serves only to cause undue pain. Let you zeal burn only when the spark for such is just."   -"Fickle devotions are unworthy of praise. It is ever the virtuous who hold true to that which they devote themselves to."   -"It is the duty of the faithful to aid those in need, should they be able."   -"The waters of the world hold great bounties; and the faithful shall have their fill. Those who would claim more out of greed or malevolent ambition must be curtailed, or otherwise defeated. Suffer not those who would seek to corrupt this sacred domain."   -"Blood begets blood. It is not to be spilt lightly."   -"To mend wounds, of any nature, is a pursuit worthy of respect."   -"To strive for purity in mind, body and soul is a noble goal. To fall prey to corruption is a tragic fate."


There are numerous holidays and celebrations dedicated to Nymia and that which she stands for, and the specifics of each can vary considerably. Below you will find some of the most widely known occasions dedicated to them. These include:   -"The Moon and Sea Festival": Otherwise referred to as 'Tsuki to kai no matsuri' in the far west, this auspicious occasion is held most commonly during the spring after the last ice has melted. It is a celebration of renewal, commitments, and rebirth; alongside 'Hazuki' and Nymia's unity. Many of Nymia's followers make their new year's resolutions during this time. Lovers among the faithful strive to wed around this time of year, as though to honour the divine and thus receive their blessings. As the sun sets, the festivities begin, and they will last for a full week. Great displays of graceful dance and musicality are performed on structures built atop bodies of water. The routines performed atop such buildings often incorporate the water around them, leading to truly majestic performances. The streets come alive with celebration and the skies sparkle with fireworks. Food, gifts, and other trinkets are sold in abundance amidst wedding ceremonies that bring further mirth to the communities partaking in this celebration. As the festivities proceed, officials deliver speeches and declare their intentions for the new year to their followers. The festival concludes at night with a grand retelling of 'Hazuki' and Nymia's love, performed through a mixture of dance, song, and theatre.   -"The Angler's Revelry": Is a festival traditionally held during the summer, and mostly among coastal and lakeside communities. It is a celebration of the water's bounty, and the successes of the fishermen, anglers and sailors within the community. It begins at sunrise, and will continue on for three days and three nights. Feasts will be held, with fish and complimentary substances as the primary constituents for many of the meals. All manner of activities will be had; from fishing competitions, to fetes, to singing and dancing and ought else besides. Many communities consider this to be the Nymian faith's equivalent to a harvest festival; though such may also be held in varying communities, particularly those which are more rural. Towards the end of each day, the festivities will be closed out with a mass at the local religious building. The final mass offered as a part of these festivities is something of a cautionary tale, commending the celebrations that have come to pass, whilst also warning the listeners against the lures of greed and undue ambition. The bounty of the waters is not there for the few to plunder, it is there each to take their share.   -"Saint's Day": Is a celebration exclusively held among the communities of 'The Dominion of Aldor'. It is a festival held in veneration of both Nymia and the legendary deeds of those who became her saints. Different towns and cities may venerate certain saints more than others, especially if they hail from them, but most will receive their fair share of admiration during the revelry. This particular festival lasts for a week, and is usually held during the spring, where the lessons of the past may have the most influence on the year ahead. Whilst indeed, there will be feasting and dancing, and all such things; the meat of the matter will emerge from the songs and tales told about the various saints of the faith. Their legacies will be used to inform the masses; illuminating them to paths of virtue they may not have considered priorly, whilst warning them of the potential pitfalls they could face throughout their life. Much of this will be delivered through song, prayer, story-telling from clerics and the like, or through theatre; often performed by mummers troupes. The tales told during these festivals have served as the galvanising inspiration for many an ambitious upstart to pursue their path. Few of them ever rise to the lofty heights of their inspirations, however.   -"Virtue's Contest": Is a celebration that can be held at any time of the year, and is a chance for knights and other virtuous souls to test their mettle. It is an exoneration of the zeal Nymia proports as part of her guidance. Often, this particular festival will be held as a show of strength and integrity across the 'Dominion', as well as displaying the same towards foreign powers and any delegates which may be in the region at the time. The festival lasts for three days once more, but the nature of it will change from community to community. Traditionally the first day is dedicated to feasting and general celebrations. Song and dance, theatre, and the like, but the second day will be dedicated to the contest the community has assembled. This can be anything from a series of duels, to feats of endurance, to jousting, to archery competitions, to alchemists attempting to create a specific compound, to smiths being tasked with creating a weapon worthy of a noble and so on. Those who are declared victors in these contests will be bestowed with fine rewards. The final day is dedicated to 'Canticles of Virtue' and further celebration commending the victors and those who were considered admirable contestants.   -"Errant's Homecoming": Is a comparatively smaller celebration than those described above. It is devoted to errant knights and other virtuous souls, and is hosted a short time after their return from whatever journey they have undergone, providing they are beloved enough by their community. It lasts only a day and a night for most, but some who are particularly righteous and renowned for their deeds may have lengthier celebrations dedicated to them. The nuances of these festivities will depend both on the individual and the community they have returned to. Some will have large, lively and lavish celebrations, whereas others may have but a small dinner in the village inn; and share a drink with those they once grew up with. This festival can also take a significantly more tragic turn should the errant have passed, and it is their body that returns. In such circumstances, the festival will be held as something of a wake for the individual, celebrating their life and deeds; and offering prayers towards Nymia for them to take them with the tide's embrace.   It should be noted that many of these festivities, in the iterations presented above, stem from the Nymian church; and as such, 'The Dominion of Aldor'. The way these festivals take place may vary considerably should they occur in another nation or among a different religious group. Some may even omit most of the above in favour of their own forms of worship and celebration.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To safeguard the waters of the world all that which dwells within them, to nourish the world with said waters, to safeguard and guide their flock towards the path of versatility, virtue and clarity, to bring low those who would defile the waters of the world, or otherwise immerse themselves in malevolent powers or actions, and to hold back and perhaps even overcome the ruinous evil of 'The Spurned'.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In her humanoid form, Nymia appears as a willowy, elegant maiden of somewhat androgyne appearance. They possess a soft, slender frame that enchants the eye and accentuates the sharp, powerful nature of her visage. She stands a head and shoulders above many of the middling mortal races, and her frame is devoid of major scarring and the few minor memoirs of conflict she possesses are well hidden. Any other "blemishes" she possesses remain by her own volition. The state of her physical being despite the rigours she endures is a testament to the potency of her mending magics. They do not suffer from any affliction, nor do they bear impeding injuries as of yet. From the perspective human eyes, they would appear to be an individual in their mid-twenties, and in their prime therein.

Body Features

In her humanoid form, Nymia stands at six foot and ten inches. They are one of the more diminutive 'Ascended', but a lack of height has done nothing to curtail the majesty of their being. Their skin, though light, is slightly sun-kissed and hued with faint shades of blue which are more noticeable in moonlight or the early hours of the day. Her hair is as black as that of a raven's plumes, and trails down to the small of her back. Their frame is slender, willowy and possessive of some androgyne qualities, with every motion exuding the elegance of a placid river. Lean arms lead to gentle hands, veiling the strength of a divine behind a mild veneer, and their legs share in such qualities. They are devoid of major scars, and the few she bears are often well hidden. Winding, wandering patterns of glowing cyan dress their form from their toes to their clavicle, wending across their body in captivating patterns. These can come and go as she pleases. Their nature is enchanting, and many who have seen her have recounted their beauty in fables and legends. Nymia is flattered by such, for the most part.   Nymia is content with her feminine features as much as their androgyne aspects. Despite being the patron of many a maiden, she does not admire feminine traits exclusively.

Facial Features

Despite the softness of her frame, and the kindness of her nature, Nymia possesses a powerful visage. Framed by her raven locks, her features are sharp and well defined. Slender brows crown wise, sea-blue eyes which sit astride a narrow but firm nose. Her cheeks sink slightly, lending to the keen nature of her visage, whilst heart-shaped lips rest above a chiselled jaw. They often permit their hair to flow freely out of preference, but when circumstance or the fancy takes them, they will usually tie it into a bun atop their head; retaining some strands to frame their face. This tends to be achieved with strands of moon-blessed silk imparted by their lover, or with reeds and other river flora. Various flowers and buds which can be found near bodies of water nestled amidst her locks, their petals never losing their lustre so long as they remain upon her. Cyan patterns rest beneath her eyes, tracing her cheekbones and curving down onto the cheek at their edge. She is able to have these appear and disappear at her whim, much akin to those which mark her body.   It is said that during times of particular duress, or aggravation, these patterns will flare with intensity; and the hues of her eyes will grow darker and more turbulent. Some have even claimed to have seen the raging tide within her spheres, brimming with righteous wrath.

Identifying Characteristics

Nymia's most identifying features are her raven locks and the flowers that rest within it, her sea blue eyes and the glowing patterns that dress her skin.

Physical quirks

Nymia's quirks and mannerisms do much to evoke the flowing and kindly nature of her being, but they are more than capable of displaying her zeal where necessary. She is a versatile individual; able to quickly shift from her more natural, flowing gait to far more cutting, or heavy, ireful motions depending on her temperament. Generally speaking, whilst calm, she will find herself gesturing in a more fluid fashion. She will lead with her head, or a hand when regarding something of interest; or will idly play with a lock of hair whilst regarding that which captures her eye. She is among the first to offer kindly smiles and softened gazes for those who require them. Among close company, she will also often place a hand upon them when they are speaking; as a show of appreciation and support. This quirk is most prevalent when she is in high spirits. Despite such demure pretences, however, she does not forsake her sensibilities. They are a keen individual, and her adaptable nature has not forgotten the importance of remaining aware. One would be a fool to mistake her innocent demeanour for naivéty.   When glee, or excitement finds her; her quirks take on a more lively nature. She forsakes the calmness of a for the lively babbling a brook. A spring will surely find her step, her gestures will retain their grace but become swifter and more energized, and she will approach matters with newfound vim. Many of these traits are most prominent when it rains, or the moon dances across the surface of the lake Nymia is presently inhabiting.   Should one provoke her wrath, however, they will find her mannerisms to become far more harsh in their delivery. The flowing nature of her better moods are exchanged for weighted motions that exude hostility. Some gestures will become all the more cutting and precise, like the waves chopping against the shores or the hull of a ship, whilst others will become large and heavy-handed in a fashion akin to a tidal wave. Many of her detractors have admitted the surprise they felt when this aspect to her was coaxed to the surface, and they bore witness to how her physical demeanour shifted as a result. She makes particular use of a distasteful, disappointed sneer towards those who have earned her contempt, though this appears to be an instinctual reaction more than a conscious choice.

Special abilities

'The Ascended' possess immense measures of power and magical capability, and Nymia is by no means an exception to this rule. By virtue of their natural talents, dedication to study and improvement, and the experiences provided by their various stations; Nymia has been honed into a formidable individual with a particular affinity for the primal element of water and that which dwells within it. They are capable of manipulating, directing and utilizing this otherwise chaotic force with a precision and proficiency few could hope to match, let alone surpass. Through their benefaction, the mortals of the world may drink deep of pure waters, feast upon the bounty of the sea, and mend their wounds with the rejuvenating flow of this elemental power. Through their ire; her enemies will find their lands awash with floods, their buildings submerged beneath a tide of zeal, and their lives forfeit as they are drowned beneath her wrath.   In addition to her formidable pelagic powers and the myriad other skills she holds proficiency in, Nymia also holds a gift for traversing and influencing the realm of dreams. This is a talent she has come to utilize often as of late, guiding the remnants of her mortal flock through the clarity she imparts when they are aslumber. Navigating the slumbering world is no small feat, yet they display mastery in such regards that few can rival. Her desire to provide clarity within a realm of mist and contradiction naturally places her at odds with those forces who revel in deceiving or misleading those who dream. It often falls upon the dreamer in question to choose what they perceive as the right path, come what may of it. Even with all of Nymia's potency, she can seldom circumvent such. They may reveal a path forward, but is not hers to walk.

Apparel & Accessories

Much of Nymia's attire is free-flowing and light; crafted from enchanted materials that will not impede her motion through the waters she looks over, nor break should she deign to take a different form for her purposes or fancies. Most of their attire is comprised of carefully sewn dresses and gowns, shrouding her frame within the comfort of silk-like fabrics. Often, such garments are decorated with all manner of patterns and designs evoking imagery associated with the seas or rivers and that which dwells within them. They can sometimes also feature lunar iconography, and such brings them joy to look upon. She holds a particular preference for shades of blue, turquoise and cyan, with some sea greens and other colours used to accent her attire with further details and nuances. Whilst her more traditional attire can be considered conservative; it renders Nymia no less entrancing to look upon. When they find themselves so inclined, she has been known to wear more revealing garments; from robes that veil little, to garb that would be more befitting of a nymph. There are times, where beneath the moon, she will rest amidst the waters with nothing upon her; awaiting the coming of the 'Night's Sentinel'.   Accentuating her attire; Nymia will frequently adorn herself with river flowers, lacing them into her garments, or having their likeness embroidered into the fabric of her attire. If it is their desire, they will also plant them amidst the raven tresses of her hair. When concerning accessories and jewellery, Nymia has a particular fondness for silken bindings, and trinkets hewn from silver. The latter is a decision informed in no small part by the sacred metal of their lover. She has been known to wear rings, brooches, circlets and diadems forged from such a metal and blessed by thalassic enchantments. Commonly these items will enshrine opals, sapphires or aquamarines; though gifts made by 'Hazuki' will often sport pearls, both black and white, in addition to her chosen stones.   When the clarion call of conflict sounds, and Nymia is bid to answer it, she will clad herself in sturdy, blessed cloth, and armoured, iridescent scales bequeathed from the denizens of the deep. She will don herself with a particular circlet forged together with Hazuki and blessed with both their magics. It is made in the image of two woven rivers, with pearls placed between the wending bands of silver. At its head lies a lone aquamarine, brimming with thalassic potency. Ceremonial lengths of fabric will rest about her waist and upon her shoulder-guards; lending to the flowing nature of her being as she surges through the battlefield. There is an elegance to her even when steeped in such bloody business. Those who have seen her take the field can attest to the inspiring presence and terrible majesty she presents during such bitter circumstances.

Specialized Equipment

Much like several of her fellow 'Ascended', Nymia employs a selection of tools in order to fulfil their duties and attend upon their whims. Unlike some of her peers, who wield veritable arsenals of equipment, Nymia has a narrower collection of implements. Much of what she achieves is done through her magic, servants, or collaboration with her peers prior to 'The Fall of The Old Makers'. As such, she has yet to require an expanded range of instruments. That being said, the few she possesses are of vital importance to her, serving them to an exemplary standard. These powerful artefacts are detailed in some measure below. They are as follows:   -'Skvalspere': Otherwise referred to as the 'Squallspear', this ancient armament has been Nymia's weapon of choice ever since 'The Ascended' rose against 'The Demiurge'. Forged from tide-blessed steel and enwreathed in thalassic energies, wrapped in the flora that lingers beneath the waters, and bejewelled by sapphires, this weapon acts as a potent focus for their pelagic magics. It is said that this weapon strikes with all the force of the surging tide, and those who have tasted of its bite find their wounds salted by brine. The weapon never dulls nor rusts despite its perpetual contact with watery essence, and it can be used as a "brush" to direct the flow of summoned water to devastating effect. It is an effective tool of war, and a cruel barb fit for those who have garnered Nymia's disdain.   -'The Tide's Horn': Superficially appearing like a pristine conch shell, this legendary artefact was created from the shell of one of Nymia's first animal companions after the reformation of the world by the hands of 'The Ascended'. When they perished, she took their shell and blessed it with a potent enchantment, amplifying its already potent abilities as a means to project her voice. With this shell; Nymia is able to command both the faithful, her servants, and the very waters of the world themselves from unparalleled distances. It fills the hearts of her followers with fervour, and inspires her servants to carry out her will with a supreme ardency. Furthermore, when the waters of the world are summoned by such means; they will come in fullest force. A rainstorm will become a monsoon, a flood turning into a tidal wave, a sea-storm becoming a whirlpool and so on. It is also believed that Nymia can use the horn to charm the minds of those who hear her voice through it, with many attributing this as the reason for why 'Sirens' are so often found with similar conch shells in their company.   -'The Nightwater Circlet': Created together with 'Hazuki' as a proof of their bond, 'The Nightwater Circlet' is hewn from silver, and bears the jewels of both their domains. Twin bands, akin to rivers, bind one another together and encircle pearls and opals throughout the circlet, leading to an aquamarine resting at its heart. This fabled artefact is blessed with protective wards and rejuvenating enchantments to best protect Nymia as well as functioning as their current and primary focus for channelling their divine magics. The enchantments and blessings placed upon this circlet are further empowered during the night; for the vigilant eye of Hazuki is said to look upon his beloved during such times. Whether such sentiments hold true now is debatable, but the potency of these boons cannot be understated.   -'The Dreamer's Vessel': Is an ornate basin hewn from blessed metals and covered in intricate etchings and patterns that flow in and around one another. Many of these decorative details artistically overlap, contrast or otherwise conflict with one another, symbolizing the often fragmented nature of dreams. All of these patterns, however, lead towards the front of the vessel where a depiction of Nymia standing upon a body of water can be found. Within the vessel is a misty, water-like substance. When touched by their magics, the liquid will clear and allow her to peer into the dreams of those aslumber with greater clarity, and allows her to better navigate their dreams in order to impart their guidance to those she visits. The closer one gets to the present day, the more use this artefact has seen. Now more than ever, it proves a vital means by which Nymia directs her faithful agents when she cannot appear to them in the flesh.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nymia's history is defined by tribulation and tenacity, devotion and dispassion, tenderness and torment. Few can claim to attend their duties with the same determination as Nymia, nor hold a candle to her versatility. Like her fellow survivors she has endured more than any soul, divine or otherwise, should ever have to experience. She fought through the upheaval of the old world and the fall of 'The Demiurge', aided in the efforts to rebuild that which was lost, saw the rise of the mortal races, witnessed their glory, and tasted of their wrath. Whilst she has escaped some of the deepest cuts the wickedness of mortals could inflict, her wounds manifest in the fashion of a thousand cuts. Attrition, wearing down on her spirits as the years go by, and though she continues to uphold her duty, even the divine will one day find hope wanting. To fully understand how Nymia reached this position, however, it is wise that we start from the very beginning of their story.   Nymia's origins were little different from that of her fellow 'Ascended'. They were born into the old world as a 'Servitor' and would be raised amidst a stoic but dedicated community sworn in service to 'The Demiurge'. These were times of great change, for the world was still in its infancy, and many of the primordial powers still strained against those who sought to control them. Bestowed with the name 'Naiya', they would live among those dedicated to the manufacture, observation and maintenance of water and all its bodies and forms across the world. Much of her early life would be dedicated to educating them in the roles they would fulfil in adulthood, and the nature of the great work they advanced in the name of their maker. Naiya would have the fortune of learning from several elders, each elaborating on different aspects of the nature of water and how they could best attend their duties within the constraints of 'The Great Work'. The fluid nature of this primal liquid required extensive training to understand, and many 'Servitors' within the collective would specialize themselves in the duties they undertook due to the sheer versatility of this primal element. Naiya, however, seemed to show aptitude for most, if not all of the various skills required to fulfil the collective's duties. This initially surprised her mentors, but they were most thankful for such a proficient student. As she grew older, she would be informed of much pertaining to the way of the world and the duties of the 'Servitors' towards their maker. She would be taught what to do, where not to stray, and the limitations of 'The Great Work', rules and tenets she would obey willingly at first. In time, Naiya would find herself of age and ushered forth to meet the myriad duties of those who managed the waters of the world.   Naiya took to her work with enthusiasm, and would swiftly grow fond of her interactions with this primal element regardless of the form it took. It would be just as entertaining for her to submerge herself in the depths of a river and ensure its channel flowed properly, as it was for her to dwell amidst the clouds and observe how the rains fell. Her fondness for that which she worked with would only fuel her determination when faced with challenges or tribulations. She would aid, and later lead her peers to various success and advancements in 'The Great Work', garnering the approval of her fellow 'Servitors' in short order. These successes contented Naiya, and spurred her onwards. The triumphs her collective made were commendable, but before long new trials would be set before Naiya and her peerage, obstacles far more imposing than those they had previously contended with.   Their duty was evident; but this infant, chaotic world would not be tamed so easily...   None could deny the determination the 'Servitors' applied to their tasks, but the glory of their prior advances soon began to diminish. 'The Great Work' demanded the world flourish, but such was difficult, if not impossible to achieve whilst its primal aspects still strained against those who sought to control them and bring them into line. Naiya's collective were not exempt from such tribulations. With each new day, a new concern arose regarding the waters of the world; some spawned from issues yet to be rectified, others created because of the advancements made by other 'Servitor' collectives. Where one group succeeded, particularly in the case of the primal elements, another would find their work curtailed, or worse, inadvertently sabotaged. It was all well and good for those who presided over the winds to have found a more efficient way to channel their gales through the mountains, but it matter little if the rains they carried proceeded to flood another region that was not meant for such things. Furthermore, as the nuances of these challenges grew more complex, the stringent confines of 'The Great Work' would begin to become stifling. Ingenuity and experimentation were curtailed by what was considered the true way of things; or the desires of 'The Demiurge' for their legacy. For many, this was simply accepted as the fated path that must be walked. It had always been this way since their inception as beings; but there were those whose passion and desire to overcome these problems began to stoke the fires of deviant ambitions.   Naiya would be among these individuals.   Few were as dedicated to their work as she, and as such few could feel the frustrations she did when her work was constantly overturned by others and their influence. It pained her to see it. Great magma flows would undo the rivers she had tended upon and maintained for years, turbulent storms would douse lands that were meant to be arid, leaving others parched and so on. Worse still was when the work of her collective served only to create more problems, some of which were beyond their remit to solve. When the chaotic elements strained too harshly against the leash of their control; terrible setbacks would occur. An underground lake drowning caves that were never meant to hold such waters, or a river bursting its banks and undoing years of careful tending by those who oversaw the wild. These are but a few examples of how matters could go wrong, and they could do so all too easily. She toiled hard to rectify what she could, but with each victory there were two more setbacks, some of which requiring hither-to unthought of solutions. At first, Naiya sought to evade these newfound challenges, seeking counsel in her peers and elders only to be met with stoic dismissal. They had no answers to these problems. None that rest within the remit of 'The Great Work' as it was. Perhaps 'The Demiurge' would solve the matter in due course, or seeing a flaw in the nature of the 'Servitors', they would rectify it. That was all they were willing to offer and accept in turn.   This frustrated Naiya, something she had not expected. Consultation with peers did little to alleviate this sentiment. This irritation fuelled her renewed efforts towards addressing these challenges. Time and again they would try, even when such garnered the discontent of her peerage, but she would not be dissuaded. Time and again, the confines of 'The Great Work' in its present state would rob her of true success; and as such, they would eventually find the fires of ambition flickering within their heart, compelling them to skirt the line between what was permissible, and what violated the ethos she was sworn to. The results such yielded could not be denied. Thanks to Naiya and those who heeded her in spite of her ambitions, great leaps were made in the collective's duties, and the waters of the world began to truly bend to the will of 'The Great Work'. None could deny the triumphs Naiya had achieved, but concern began to mount regarding her more liberal methods. Furthermore, her victories may have done much for her collective, but they came at a great cost to those who worked around them. Just as before, where one rose, other faltered. Naiya recognized this, and it sat ill with her. 'The Great Work' could never truly be realized without a greater measure of collaboration between collectives. Traditionally, inciting such co-operation would something for 'The Demiurge' to ordain, but circumstances compelled Naiya to act. No longer could matters proceed without earnest and ardent collaboration. She brought the proposition towards her elders, speaking ardently on the benefits 'The Great Work' would receive should such come to pass. Alas, Naiya's declarations were rejected, and she was cautioned on what she spoke of. It was unusual, and unlike a 'Servitor' to speak of such things when it was not their place to. When the time was right, 'The Demiurge' would decree the true path. Until then, they must simply work within the parameters of their ordained task. Whilst some, in quiet, may have sympathised with Naiya's disposition, the result remained the same. Naiya left to return to her labours, disgruntled and bemused. For most this would have been enough to curtail any further deviance.   Yet fate had other plans in mind for Naiya, and one day whilst she was attending to desires of the sea, she would find herself the recipient of a missive sent by another 'Servitor'; one who went by the name 'Gaia'. She would later go on to be known as the 'Ascended' called 'Dalla'. They were a 'Servitor' sworn to the creation and care of life across the world, something which was often direly affected by the work of those presiding over the primal elements. She spoke of ideals that aligned with Naiya's, and a desire to unify their efforts and collaborate so as to better advance 'The Great Work' and all their designs therein. Gaia called for a moot between those she had summoned, despite the disgruntlement of their wider collectives, and this intrigued Naiya in no small measure. It was a quiet comfort to know that others shared in her dispositions and frustrations, even if she had, in some measure, contributed to them. They were bid to meet Gaia a short distance outside the great grove she tended. Naiya, seeing potential in this request, absconded from her station to hear what these tender of the wild had to say. This dereliction of duty would not go unnoticed, however, for whilst Naiya was not the only one of her collective to receive such a request, she would be the only one to heed it.   Upon arrival, having ventured no small distance to reach the summit of these discussions, Naiya found herself amidst 'Servitors' from many different collectives known for presiding over the primal elements. Though she had never met any of them priorly, she still felt a measure of recognition when beholding them. The same could be said of Gaia, whom she had heard a little of during her travels here. Some considered her an intriguing presence, but many felt concern for what they considered a rebellious streak that went against the present duties ordained by 'The Great Work'. Their opinions did not dissuade Gaia, and in its fashion, such garnered Naiya's approval. Once the last few had arrived, Gaia made clear her intentions, and re-iterated the desires for collaboration and unified action in order to facilitate 'The Great Work' regardless of the perception others may have. It was her belief that if they could show sufficient results, 'The Demiurge' would look kindly upon their ingenuity in spite of their deviation from the cause in its most rigid sense. That much they could all agree with. Discussion was swift to ensue, and its early stages would be fraught with debate and discontent; though matters that grew heated were swiftly mediated by Gaia. Naiya, though she would have her share of discrepancies with some of the others, found herself swiftly invested in the matter. Before long, the concerns of most were assuaged and the creation of foundations for their collaboration was well underway. From such a baseline, all manner of inspiring and ingenious ideas would blossom; from the creation of wind currents in order to carry the rains of the world more precisely, through to the creation of new earthen constructs in order to better prevent unintended flooding, to the direction of the world's inner flame towards precise locations via the use of Volcanos and lava channels. Many more concepts and suggestions would be born from these discussions and though they were complex and not without flaw, they would suffice to serve the means of this "council". Excitement and trepidation alike capture the hearts of those gathered as they agreed to broach these plans to 'The Demiurge', and Naiya was no exception to this. It set her heart apace and flushed her cheeks as she made ready to set forth with the rest. There was much they all stood to lose should their efforts garner ire of 'The Demiurge', but she strove to keep such thoughts from her mind, dour as they were. Surely their maker would forgive their transgressions and circumvention of proper doctrine if the results were as evident as they appeared to be.   When all was said and done, and the resolve of this "council" was hardened, they took the first steps towards 'The Heart of The World', intent on bringing the fruits of their labours to 'The Demiurge' themselves.   Alas, their wandering would be cut short, for 'The Demiurge' had not been idle whilst they had planned...   They had observed this discord in secret, desiring to know the extent of the anomalous behaviour present in these 'Servitors'. This was not the first case of individuals straying from the order of things, and it would not be the last. When Gaia and her band set forth, they would be greeted by a host of 'Servitors' from Gaia's collective, emerging from the nearby grove with 'The Demiurge' at their head. Naiya, heart pounding, presented themselves and bent the knee towards their divine patron alongside her newfound peers; some expecting punishment, others worse, yet 'The Demiurge' sought a different path. 'Twould be a falsehood to say that their nature and actions did not concern them, but in these wayward souls they saw more than the potential for jeopardy they posed. They saw potential, and therein, opportunity. They bid Gaia explain the solutions she and her associates had come up with, and she did with all due dedication. Where necessary, the different 'Servitors' would lend their voice to their ringleader's words, accentuating or expanding upon them where required, but it was Gaia that stood at the forefront of it all. Naiya would be among their number, though she could not help but to admire the relentless passion that burned in Gaia's heart. Others may have considered it unseemly, but not her. It emboldened her, and fostered the sparks of ambition within all the more.   By the end, the vistas and ideas these 'Servitors' painted with their words surprised 'The Demiurge', for in them they saw the means to advance their legacy in new and unprecedented ways. Truly, they stood impressed. When the time for judgment came, their maker did not offer fury or scorn; but instead proposed that Gaia and those who aided her continued on their path to 'The Heart of The World', so that they could meet them there once more. It was an invitation to the citadel of 'The Demiurge'. Something none of them would refuse, especially not Naiya.   Thus she, like many of her soon-to-be kinsmen, ventured forth across the infant world and into its 'Heart'. The citadel from which 'The Demiurge' presided over 'The Great work'. There, they were met by several other 'Servitors', and more would join from all walks of life before matters were brought to a head. Amongst this number were the individuals who would go on to become 'Hazuki', 'Arshan', and 'Vulca'. These three would grow to be close companions to her, alongside Gaia, whom she would maintain an ardent respect for even to this day. Within a grand and regal chamber, Naiya quietly regarded those gathered, intrigued in spite of the trepidation which still nestled in her bosom. Though she might have wished to speak to some of them, the opportunity fell out of reach before she deigned to take it. 'The Demiurge' appeared to those they had gathered and sat upon their throne. The 'Servitors' knelt before their maker, awaiting their will.   It was here that 'The Demiurge' confessed their frustrations, and offered their bargain. They explained that try as they might, the world lacked heart. Where success was found, it was grand, yes, but it felt forever lacking. Much was in order, and yet satisfaction was nowhere to be found. Atop this, there was a myriad of challenges and emergent issues the world faced. The delicate balance of 'The Great Work' stood imperilled, and they could not hope to attend to every issue before it grew beyond their control, even with the 'Servitors' to aid them. Such lamentations brought them to this moment, for these deviant 'Servitors', clad in ingenuity, and individuality could prove the key to the salvation of 'The Great Work'. Together, they could bring stability to the world and achieve far more than 'The Demiurge' could hope to achieve alone. In so doing; the legacy of their maker could be assured. That was motive enough to dissuade the fearful musings that plagued their mind when regarding those they had summoned. Thus; in exchange for a promise of their renewed loyalty to their maker and their vision, 'Naiya', and those gathered, would be granted an unprecedented gift.   To each of them, 'The Demiurge' would bequeath a measure of their divine spark. A wealth of strength so vast they would become deific in their own right. They would be given the right to take new names befitting of their station, bestowed command over those they once worked aside if they did not hold it already, the means to shift their form if they so desired, and far more besides. All this was to be theirs if they accepted and adhered to the pledge; and accept it, they did.   Thus did Naiya cast off her former name, and embraced another. Unlike some of her fellow 'Ascended', her chosen name was far closer to that which her parents bestowed her. She still felt a devotion to them and the collective that raised her, something she would not forsake even as she rose far above them all. So it was that Naiya became 'Nymia'. Appointed to preside over the primal element of water, and the collectives that tended to such, Nymia would swiftly set forth to attend upon her newfound duties. Whilst 'Arshan', 'Hazuki' and 'Vulca' applied themselves to their monumental task, that of mastering the sun and creating the moon, Nymia would reconvene with her prior associates, such as 'Dalla', and continued to refine and improve upon the designs they had for the world. There was talk of vast seas, mountains that pierced the clouds, isles that sat upon the sky, and flames that were stoked even in the deepest places of the world. Together, they sought to create landscapes and vistas that would endear even the most stoic of souls, and her associates had much to offer in such regards. Deserts, taigas, vast forests and sprawling plains, mesas and scrubland, coral reefs, raging rapids, bountiful seas and molten flats. These were but a few of the concepts they would bring to bear. They would bring balance to the world, and then they would make from it things so wondrous even the heart of their maker would be stirred. Enraptured by this, Nymia would devote herself wholeheartedly to making this aspiration a reality. By her will, the waters of the world would be transformed, achieving a magnificence without parallel.   The majesty of the sun and moon, following their completion, served only to spur them onwards. It was proof that they could achieve the unprecedented, and usher in an age of advancement unparalleled in all history. In the wake of their kinsmen's successes, these collaborators set to work with unremitting diligence, carving out the world they believed their maker sought. This was an arduous process, one that took centuries; but as the work took shape; 'The Demiurge' could only approve. This was but the beginning of their work, however, and Nymia revelled in the opportunity to advance 'The Great Work' as she could now. In time, other 'Ascended' began to achieve feats of a similar scale to that of Nymia and her colleagues, 'Arshan', 'Vulca' and 'Hazuki'. Through the variety of perspectives they offered and pursuits they undertook, the world found its 'soul'. Even the most stoic or envious of 'Servitors' could not deny it. As 'The Demiurge' sat upon their throne, overseeing all that had come to pass, a smile graced their lips. This marked a new chapter in 'The Great Work', an age of great advancement, and through the efforts of their aides, the assurance of their legacy.   It was a time of unprecedented achievement, but such greatness was not destined to last.   For a time, all was as it should have been. 'The Ascended' achieved things the likes of which the world had yet to see, and much to the satisfaction of 'The Demiurge', it was achieved contently within the confines of their vision for the world. Friendships blossomed among 'The Ascended', and in due course, ought else besides. Nymia maintained cordial relations with most of her elementally inclined associates, though she became particularly close to 'Dalla'. She had already garnered Nymia's admiration, and the two would go on to become dear friends to one another; even engaging in the occasional triste during the early decades of their work as 'Ascended'. As the centuries wound on, Nymia would, from time to time, also accompany Dalla when she went to meet 'Arshan' and 'Hazuki'; two souls who had become brother-like in their bond. They would come to be friends with both; but Nymia would find her heart taken by the graceful Hazuki. Though their bond would be bashful at first, they would inevitably grow to be close confidants to one another, and eventually lovers. Nymia would take great comfort in the company of 'Hazuki', 'Arshan' and 'Dalla', indulging in lengthy discussions with her peers about what they could yet achieve, or the challenges they faced. The insight they offered to one another would aid them in overcoming no small measure of adversity. Another whose wisdom would swiftly garner Nymia's respect was 'Vulca'; an 'Ascended' who displayed unparalleled ingenuity. Their inventions would do much to aid their fellow peers; allowing them to triumph over challenges previously considered insurmountable. Seldom did their exchanges fail to bear fruit, and Nymia would find them to be deeply fulfilling. Much like the rest of her kin, Nymia would dedicate herself to the advancement of 'The Great Work'. Her achievements brought a deep sense of satisfaction, but Nymia was never one to rest upon her laurels. She would continue to hone her craft and seek out new challenges to undertake, or support her peers in overcoming. Each was bolder than the last, but frustration would not be the thing to curtail her desires...   For 'The Ascended' were ambitious souls, and where ambitious lies, contention was sure to follow. As time wound on, the inventions and designs crafted by 'The Ascended' grew increasingly varied and ever more ambitious. Concern began to flit among the mind of their maker; for it seemed some were beginning to stray from the order of things as they should be. It was a natural bi-product of their ever-evolving individuality. At first, they were content to allow these 'flirtations' with the way of things, hoping that perhaps in so doing, they would find their contentment, and return to a measure of normalcy. The reality was far from this, however. Where one took an inch, another took more, and before long 'The Demiurge' found themselves stepping in to guide, or otherwise chide their aides for their contributions which rapidly began to stray from acceptable limits. Politeness was traded for frustration, discontent, and eventually, fury. Neither side stood to gain, and the more rebellious souls among 'The Ascended' did not take kindly to this scorn. Two among the discontented were 'Dalla' and 'Vulca', who felt themselves unfairly constrained by the agreement they had once found liberating. 'Nymia', to some degree, shared in this disgruntlement; but they were far less vocal than some of their other peers in such a regard. Though she had her own frustrations, and could sympathise with many of her peers, she was not without empathy towards 'The Demiurge'. Having endured ill-desired influences upon her own work in the past, she understood, at least in some degree, the anxieties that stemmed from the eccentricity of her kin. To that end, she would seek to offer counsel to those who sought it whilst attending to her work. More often than not she would find herself listening to her kinsmen as they let loose their frustrations, but occasionally, some would approach her with more nuanced requests. Their beloved 'Hazuki' would sometimes approach, seeking either comfort, or insight on how to best placate those who came to him with their discontent, or what advice to offer 'Arshan' so that he might better keep the peace between their kin and 'The Demiurge'. Other times, the two bond-brothers would come to visit together, seeking a moment away from their mounting duties; one which Nymia was more than happy to provide. On occasion, when she escaped from burying herself in her work, 'Dalla' would appear to Nymia, seeking the comfort of an old friend and answers as to the nature of a desire that festered within her bosom; one she could not yet identify. Though Nymia would offer what guidance and conjecture she could, it would be her destiny to answer such a question. Like 'Arshan' and 'Hazuki', Nymia would do all she could to assuage the grievances that lay between her kin and their benefactor when her duties permit them the opportunity. Sometimes her efforts would help to stem the tide, but in spite of them, it soon became apparent that they were merely delaying the inevitable defiance that broiled in the hearts of some 'Ascended'.   Invariably, the contention between 'The Ascended' and 'The Demiurge' came to a head due to the actions of 'Dalla' and 'Vulca'. It appeared that the 'Wild-tender' had found her answer. Dissatisfied to the point of defiance and harbouring great ambitions; they wished to create life of their own, in the same fashion as 'The Servitors', but with the freedom they yearned for. They all knew well enough that such was forbidden by 'The Demiurge', but they persisted in spite of such. No amount of well-intended dissuading would shake them from their path, and such attempts often ended in private, but heated disputes between them and those who sought to curtail their efforts. Resolved; 'Dalla' and 'Vulca' declared their intentions to 'The Demiurge', astride another of their peers. They were soundly rebuked, and their maker offered them little but grave words and ire for their blatant disregard for the pledge they had sworn and adhered to since the beginning. Despondent, 'Dalla' and 'Vulca' left 'The Heart of The World' and returned to their respective domains; though this would not be the last wound this issue would draw upon the ties that bound, fraying as they were. None across the world would be ignorant of this event; and for many, it would shake their resolve. Whilst some remained loyal enough to 'The Great Work' to understand the rebuttal of 'The Demiurge', the furor in which it was delivered was concerning. Then there were those who, in the quiet hours, began to recognise similar, "treacherous" desires to those 'Dalla' and 'Vulca' presented within themselves. Nymia would come to be among them, but circumstance would deny her the opportunity to develop these notions in any meaningful manner, much less act upon them.   This dire event marked a grave turning point in the fate of the world, and the perception many of 'The Ascended' held towards 'The Demiurge'. Nymia's fondness for their maker was beginning to strain; something which was compounded upon by the dispositions of their lover, who shared his growing discontent with her in confidance. They spoke of a meeting 'Arshan' was bid to have with their maker, the sorrow their bond-brother felt, the rage of 'The Demiurge', and the impassioned promise of violence towards the defiant 'Ascended' that the 'Dawn-Warden' narrowly managed to curtail. Such things only intensified the sourness Nymia had begun to feel towards their benefactor.   The uneasy peace that followed this dour turn of events brought no comfort to Nymia.   Nymia strove to return to her duties; but all that had come to pass made the constraints of 'The Great Work' feel more stifling than ever. The tension that gripped the world was palpable. From 'Servitors' to 'Ascended', everyone awaited what was to come, be it good or ill. Time and again 'Hazuki' would come Nymia, seeking her comfort; for the concern that bubbled within him were grave already, and only seemed to mount as the days went by. Many of his answers alluded to something dire, grains of truth born from slips of the tongue whilst held in her embrace, but when pressed upon the matter; he would seek to elude their inquiries. This was unusual of him, and it would come to place strain upon their bond. Even so, Nymia would not reproach him. In truth, despite this, his presence bestowed much needed relief from the burdens that mounted upon her shoulders.   The largest of these burdens would be thrust upon her by her earliest of 'Ascended' peers, those who presided over the other primal elements. Delayed by her numerous duties; Nymia arrived at their latest meeting in a tardy fashion, something which was near enough unprecedented. The others were there, looking upon her expectantly. All except one. 'Dalla'. As Nymia joined those gathered, the overseer of the primal element of air cleared their throat, and made plain the garish elephant in the room. Word upon the wind had informed them that 'Dalla' had taken leave for the furthest reaches of the world, intent on attending to some far-flung business. Rumours had already begun to spread amidst her 'Servitors', and such things had already begun to disseminate amidst other collectives. No amount of covert action, or sworn secrecy could prevent such news from eventually spilling forth. The elemental overseers were at a loss. Their leading figure had all but absconded, and the 'Servitors' they had left in charge of the natural domain were ill-suited to mediating 'Ascended' matters. Before long; the gathered 'Ascended' began to squabble amongst each other about what to do in the wake of this alarming discovery. Heated discussions soon became arguments, and Nymia could only do so much to cool the tempers of her peers whilst enduring the indignities they threw at her and one another. Before long, she was lancing them with scathing words in turn; as much her own frustrations were brought to bear upon them, rightly or wrongly. In the end, a recess of a sort, was called, and Nymia took pains to calm herself before daring to face her peers once more.   She had never seen herself as a leader in the same fashion as 'Dalla', and to assert herself over her fellow elemental overseers sat ill with her. Nonetheless, there needed to be some kind of resolution before this meeting was over, lest further fallout ensue; and stoke the aggravations of both themselves, and worse still, perhaps even 'The Demiurge'. For all their upset, compromise did not seem beyond reach, and as such; they would aim to achieve such. Resolved, Nymia returned to her peers and was first to apologise for her barbed words. In turn, most offered their own apologies in turn, and they were able to slowly begin discussions once more. Though further disagreements came to be, they could all agree on enough to broker something of an acceptable compromise. They agreed not to alert 'The Demiurge', for they were likely already aware, and making them aware of this issue could expose their kinsmen to direst danger. Though Nymia was not aware for the full scope of matters, the words of 'Hazuki' seemed to align with this dereliction of duty by 'Dalla'. Atop this pledge of silence, they agreed not to further 'The Great Work' any more until they heard from 'Dalla' and received explanations from the mouth of their kin. Nature was still without its spokesperson after all, and any addition these elemental overseers made to the world could have grave and unforeseen complications towards that which lived upon the world. Lastly, they vowed to keep one another abreast of any developments in regards to this troubling matter; so that if ought of great concern was made known to them, they could act accordingly. Thoughts of self-preservation were once alien to them. There was no need for such things; but now... now they felt all too necessary.   With their meeting having reached its best possible conclusion; Nymia retreated to her own domain, intent on maintaining the work that had already been completed; and training an ear to the mutterings of the world around her. Before long, however, anxious sentiment, and a desire for truth would bring forth to the domain of 'Hazuki'. It was her intent to ascertain from them the full extent of their knowledge regard these "dire events" they had alluded to, and to discern whether or not 'Dalla' was involved with them. When she found his abode to be empty of his presence, however, Nymia was overtaken by concern. It was never like 'Hazuki' to abandon his post without announcement, yet none of his servants could say where he had gone, only that he had been met by 'Arshan' and the two had left post-haste, with an unparalleled urgency guiding their advance. With such knowledge in mind, but no direction, save for a hunch, with which to pursue her dearest; Nymia chose to remain with the domain of her lover until he returned. Enough was enough. She would have her answers, one way or another.   As it was, fate did not intend on having Nymia wait for long.   In due course, 'Hazuki' would return to their domain astride a distraught 'Dalla', a furious 'Arshan', and a bloodied 'Vulca'. Nymia had awaited them, fully intent on voicing her frustrations towards her lover; but upon witnessing all that she did, such thoughts subsided immediately. The truth was made plain in some measure, and her heart bled for 'Vulca'. Rushing to the side of the diminutive 'Ascended', she began to apply her mending arts. 'Hazuki' beseeched her forgiveness with and earnest and open heart, something she agreed to offer under the condition that all was explained to her. Not one of them refused such terms; but 'Arshan' requested that any further discussion be held outside of the earshot of 'Servitors', for they could not be trusted. When her mending was completed, and some measure of comfort bestowed upon 'Vulca', Nymia acquiesced to such a plea, and the five took their leave; seeking out a locale deep within the domain of 'Dalla', where few dared to tread.   It was there, among the shadows cast by great trees, that the bloody truth was laid bear to her. 'Dalla' and 'Vulca' made plain what they had done. They spoke of how they had sought to create life that bore a soul, like the 'Servitors', or they themselves. They spoke of how they had consorted 'The King among The Stars' and enlisted their aid. The rejection of their ideas by 'The Demiurge' did not dissuade them, however, for they had already known success in secret. In defiance of their scorn, they took to the furthest reaches and created a community for the first 'Giants', presiding over them as guides and carers, watching as this new life blossomed. Life that 'The Demiurge' snuffed out with a barbaric viciousness.   'Hazuki' was next to speak, and they elaborated on the butchery perpetrated by 'The Demiurge', butchery that he and 'Arshan' attempted to stop to no avail. They arrived too late to stop the slaughter of the first 'Giants', nor were they able to quell the rage of their benefactor. With malice and fury alike, they wounded 'Vulca' for daring to protect their first creation, and struck down the last of the 'Giants', one they named 'En'. 'Arshan' would go on to explain how in the wake of this deed, 'The Demiurge' was rendered guilt-ridden and outraged; blustering and spewing vitriol towards their chosen, decrying their ascendance as a mistake, and that they were unworthy of the freedoms offered. They offered not a word of sincere apology before withdrawing, leaving them among the carnage they had wrought. A grief-stricken 'Dalla' made plain their desire to avenge this cruelty; a sentiment that 'Vulca' aligned with. 'Arshan' was disgusted by 'The Demiurge', especially given that their actions violated a covenant between him and their maker. 'Hazuki' had come to loathe 'The Demiurge', deeming them a tyrannical hypocrite and butcher no longer fit for their throne of rulership. All four agreed upon that; and in the face of such truths, Nymia would come to ardently share in their ire. Whatever love she had held for 'The Demiurge' was tenuous prior this point. This served only to eviscerate that bond. Such reprehensible actions could not be condoned.   They would demand retribution.   Whilst Nymia was not among the first four to turn upon 'The Demiurge', she would surely join them in their quest. Alongside them, they took to spreading the tale of 'Vulca's' wounding to her fellow 'Ascended'. Though they had shared in their squabbles throughout the centuries, the notion that their own "parent" would broker such scorn towards them was nothing short of galvanizing. One by one, they cast off the shackles of their former loyalties, working in secret to prepare for their day of reckoning, slowly becoming a unified, hidden front against their former leader. In the shadows they plotted their revolution, preparing for the day of usurpation. Even 'Hazuki', one who exonerated truth, could not deny the necessity of this shadow-play. Between 'Dalla' and 'Nymia', those who presided over the other elements all too eager to side with her when the truth came to the fore. The ties that bound them together had not been forgotten, and the outrage they felt after hearing what had come to pass was nothing short of fervent. Others would join their cause; 'The King among The Stars' and the 'Mirthless Hunter' to name but a few. Eventually, after much preparation; 'The Ascended' stood ready. Their maker was unfit to sit upon their throne, so they would see them cast from it.   Meanwhile, 'The Demiurge' found their guilt subsiding, and they beseeched 'The Ascended' to gather in 'The Heart of The World', so that they might reconcile this bloody mess in a fashion that suited their designs. They knew well enough the damage their wrath had caused, but perhaps their "children" would yet listen. Perhaps this matter could be salvaged. Yet not a single member of 'The Ascended' heeded their call. Not one. This was the second, grievous act of defiance. Enraged, 'The Demiurge' demanded their return, casting their voice to the highest heavens, that it might boom across the world no matter where his "children" lay.   They were met with silence.   So it was that 'The Demiurge' committed 'Servitors', the former flesh and blood of 'The Ascended', to retrieve their wayward "children". If they would not come willingly, then they would be brought before them by force. By the will of their maker, these 'Servitors' marched forth, scouring the world in search of their former leaders. Once they were crafters, menders, pathfinders, and so much more. Now they stood as the martial arm of their maker. In time, they would find 'The Ascended', for they had deigned to hide no longer. Not a single 'Servitor' returned; for they were either slain or routed and driven into hiding. Whilst 'Nymia' did not personally mete out such fates upon the 'Servitors', she made no effort to dissuade her peers, and would act in their defence and recovery throughout this bloody business. Her heart was already made on the matter.   Thus, through this bloody act, the reckoning of 'The Ascended' began; in all its wickedness.   What followed was nothing short of apocalyptic. 'The Ascended' brought their full might to bear, reinforced by arms and armaments the likes of which the world had never seen. 'The Demiurge' sent forth the 'Servitors' to restrain or otherwise remove their rogue aides, but to little avail. The world was brought to ruin, the great order overturned in a bloody expression of vengeance and outrage. The seas boiled, the sun cast down its fury upon the land, and the earth cracked and splintered. All that once was saw itself undone. The 'Servitors' were all but wiped from the face of the world whilst 'The Demiurge' retreated within its 'Heart', leaving their creations to perish in their stead. Such did little save to buy time, time with which they forged their contingency. 'The Sigil'. A great, cosmic truth that could not be undone by the likes of these usurpers, whose wickedness 'The Demiurge' now saw in themselves. For how could they have come to know such cruelty, if it did not fester within they who made them what they were?   Nymia fought just behind the vanguard, supporting their kinsmen when the time came to confront 'The Demiurge' directly. Heedless to the demands of their maker for them to leave, having caused ruin enough, she brought her thalassic might to bear against them. A great battle ensued, and many of 'The Ascended' were injured; but in the end, they would prove the victors. Some called for 'The Demiurge' to be slain, to be done with this matter once and for all, but this was not to be their fate. Rather, after the suggestion of 'Vulca', it was decided that they would be stripped of their powers, imprisoned using their own tools, and forced to reside deep within 'The Heart'. They would be lost and forgotten, whilst those who cast them from their throne went on to redefine their legacy as they saw fit. A poetic end, so they surmised.   Nymia would be among those who agreed with the punishment 'Vulca' posited; deeming it more fitting than a clean death, something she was unsure she could witness being carried out despite all that had come to pass to reach this point. Thus, 'The Demiurge' was stripped of their strength and bound by shackles hewn into life by the very tools of creation they had once commanded. Rancour and vitriol poured from their lips; decrying their "children" as false idols, who will know their fate when they too lay 'spurned' by those they loved, and that this will not be the end for all would be as it once was, in time. 'The Ascended' cared not for their maker's blustering, however true it would prove to be. They locked them away in the deepest reaches of 'The Heart of The World' and saw to it that they would never be found again.   So it was that 'The Demiurge' was cast from their throne, and Nymia's part in their downfall came to an end.   When 'The Ascended' emerged from their maker's citadel, they saw the world aflame. It had been brought to the very brink by their fury. Such desolate vistas brought a wounded 'Hazuki' to his knees. How high the cost of their rebellion had been. 'Nymia' soon came to console him, but neither of them could deny the ruin they and their kinsmen had brought about. It was among the world's darkest hours, and hope was all but extinguished. But such was not to last. Carried by 'Arshan', a wounded 'Vulca' seized the attention of their peers and declared that their duty to this world was unfinished; but they would no longer be constrained by the bindings of 'The Demiurge'. This world was theirs now, and they would see it restored as they saw fit. Beholding such a sight, 'The Ascended' found their resolve and pledged to remake it in accordance with their desires, and never to repeat the mistakes of their benefactor. When their strength returned to them, they would begin post-haste. Each would play their part in a painstaking process of trial and error, a process that took millennia to complete. Nymia, inspired by this speech, would march astride 'Dalla' and 'Vulca' at the forefront of these restorative efforts. No matter how long it took, they would remain devoted to this cause. In time, through no small amount of toil and tears, their efforts would be rewarded, and the world as it was prior to the emergence of 'The Spurned' would come to be. Verdant, wild, and untamed; presided over by 'The Ascended'. Collaborating with their fellow 'Ascended', Nymia would give rise to all manner of beings, some sentient, others not. She would give life to new servants, from 'Sirens' to 'Elementals'. She even had a hand in the creation of some 'Dragons'. They watched as other mortal races began to spring up across the earth; and when 'Humans' came to be, they would aid a vast swathe of them to the shores of 'Caitrea', where she would come to look over them as a guardian and guide.   To see this age lasting and fearing the potential for history to repeat itself should a singular leader be elected among the 'Ascended', Nymia would be among those who sought to establish a council of 'Ascended', such that they could govern together and ensure greater collaboration and companionship between peers. The majority accepted, though there were some who took a lonesome path, and others who rejected this notion, preferring the comfort of more select company that might serve their own machinations better. Their choice was accepted, and the infant council was formed after much deliberation. Together, they ensured this age of splendour was maintained, due in no small part to Nymia's supportive presence and diplomatic proficiency.   As time wound on, however, fresh anxieties began to form. Just as they had deposed their maker, what if their own children would come to do the same? If they believed it possible, surely there would be those with ambition enough to try? There were those like 'Hazuki' who did not subscribe to these ideals, preferring instead to offer truth steeped in guidance, but it was clear that they would be outvoted by the council they had helped create. Nymia shared a similar view to 'Hazuki', preferring to avoid falsehood where possible; but invariably once the vote was passed they would be part of the process that gave rise to a grand, and vast deception. Distasteful though it was, history was re-written to portray 'The Demiurge' as a tyrannical presence 'The Ascended' overthrew, omitting the times of joy and satisfaction that had once been known to them. It was decreed that their deific strength made them untouchable to all but those who shared in their power. Their potency was unmatched. The world was remade to undo what this tyrant had wrought, and they would preside over their new domain. A lie steeped in truth, and it would be instilled into many of the religions that came to be formed. Through this, however, it would plant the first seed of their undoing.   The age of splendour carried on for centuries, and all who came to be in this time knew its glory and its riches. But like even the most sturdy times of contentment, it must invariably fade into dispassion.   The ambitions of 'Ascended' individuals began to transcend their former trappings, and their inexperience as leaders began to reap its toll. The mortal races and the nations they founded would find reason enough to look upon each other with disdain as often as with love. The same could be said of their makers. Conflict and cruelty were doomed to follow. Debates began to run rife throughout the council as to how they might best preside over their flocks. These would be exercises measured in decades, seeking answers to questions far beyond the simplicity of a singular answer. During these times, the mortals found their voices unheard. When calamity struck, they would be left to fend for themselves more and more often. When war broke out, they found their deities granting their boons, or interceding, less and less often. Mortals and 'Ascended' alike clashed with their own, be it on the battlefield, in the shadows, or in the chambers of debate. Though Nymia would try to ward her flock from conflict and diffuse what they could through diplomacy and discussion; she, and her followers, would invariably be embroiled in conflict. Sometimes these conflicts were forced upon them by hostile powers, and other times, duty and ideology would force their hands. She held little love for such things, but those who underestimated their zeal would find themselves swiftly, and firmly punished. As 'Hazuki' continued his quest against his malefactors, much to the worry of the Tidemaiden, Nymia would find herself and her followers assailed by numerous insidious sorts seeking to harm the 'Night's Sentinel' through her. These attempts did not meet success.   Many considered this to be a time of great darkness, but worse still would follow. As the centuries wound on and the divine debates grew more vitriolic, their capacity to attend their flocks dwindled severely. The mortal races grew uneasy. As time marched, however, unease turned into fear, fear turned into upset, upset into despondence, and despondence into hatred.   Nymia, in accordance with their nature, strove to devote themselves as best they could towards both the concerns of their mortal flock and contending with their fellow 'Ascended'. For all her ardent efforts, however, such proved to be a near-impossible task. In spite of all they tried, dissatisfaction mounted on every side. More and more members abandoned the council in favor of their own ambitions, whilst more and more mortals began to look upon their makers with scorn. Whilst Nymia was able to maintain a better relationship with their flock than some of their fellow peers, the conflicts they were continually thrust into, and the split focus circumstance demanded of the Tidemaiden did little but aggravate matters. Centuries would pass, with little sign of improvement whilst the contempt of mortals grew. History appeared poised to repeat itself, and repeat itself it did.   The mortal races formed what was known as 'The Grand Host'.   This vengeful force marched upon the gods, deep into 'The Heart of The World', heralded by one who declared that they had seen through the lies of the divine and endured their attempts at removal. They would have the truth, or they would have blood. Nymia was not blind to the danger this host possessed; and as such, they would be among those who dedicated themselves to brokering unity among a fractured council so they might placate their flocks before it was too late. Nymia gave all they could, and they were not alone in such efforts; but in the end, there were those among their kind who were far too set in their ways to change now. No amount of reasoned argument, empathy, or zeal would change that. Nymia's detractors did little to aid her cause. Tempers flared among those within the council and without it. Before long; 'The Ascended' came to blows, kinsmen turning on kinsmen in a bitter show of wickedness.   When 'The Grand Host' arrived, the lie was bared to them. The proof was found in the bloodied forms of the divines and the venomous words that had fallen from their lips during the host's descent. Whilst some would strive to spare their divine makers and seek answers away from the carnage, all too many were overtaken with outrage. In their fury, they descended upon their wounded makers, and slew all they could, wounding many whom they could not. Some of 'The Ascended' managed to abscond, but they were few and far between, soon driven into hiding by that which followed.   Both Nymia and 'Hazuki' were among those who survived the carnage, but neither of them would leave unscathed. Watching as countless members of their kin were brought low was a hideous sight to behold. For her lover, the loss of 'Arshan' crippled 'Hazuki' with grief, and Nymia, seeing 'Vulca' perish and 'Dalla' be gravely injured, was shaken to her core. Worse still was beholding what became of those who fell. As the survivors fled, Nymia among them, they would be forced to witness as their slain kinsmen were twisted and rose anew as vicious echoes of their former selves. Once risen, they turned their fury upon their murderers; slaughtering 'The Grand Host' and forcing them to rise anew in service to their ruinous designs. These fallen 'Ascended' would come to be known as 'The Spurned'. To behold such evil, and to know such a fate awaited Nymia should she fall, inspired a terror enough to shatter spirits and drown all pretences of resolve. That she manages to continue in spite of such is a testament to her will and devotion.   Alas... others did not share in her resilience. Of those who survived, many were either gravely injured, broken in will, or a mixture of the two. Most would seclude themselves deep within their own domains; hiding away from 'The Spurned' who now march upon all they once created. 'Dalla' was crippled by her wounds, and 'Hazuki' withdrew to 'The Silver Palace', overcome by grief at the loss of 'Arshan' and his peers. This grief continues to swallow the 'Night's Sentinel' to this day, despite Nymia's ardent efforts to aid them in beginning to walk the road to recovery...   Thus, for the most part, Nymia faces the world as is now on her own. Though she never saw herself as a great leader like 'Dalla' or 'Arshan', fate has demanded they rise to the occasion. She is one among the few remaining 'Ascended' who strikes out against 'The Spurned' and 'The Black March' which serves them. For near to thirty years these efforts have persisted; with they and their flock taking a stand against this evil despite the tragedy such poses to the Tidemaiden. Yet for all their efforts; they fight is a battle of attrition they will not win alone. As it stands; they can do naught but delay the inevitable, all the while heaping heavier and heavier burdens upon their shoulders as they are torn between the duties of a divine guardian, a tender lover, a caring mender, and a leader against evil.   Without aid; defeat is inevitable, both for her and all who follow them. The fate that awaits Nymia should such come to pass is abhorrent...   But whilst she yet fights, and others take up the fight against 'The Black March', hope remains that one day, victory may not be out of reach.

Gender Identity

Nymia is non-binary. Her pronouns are She/They/Hers/Theirs. Whilst predominantly comfortable in her feminine aspects, they have no qualms with adopting more androgyne qualities. Their nature is flowing, and she will often shift according to their current preferences.


Dalla is Pansexual. They are attracted to individuals regardless of gender. To their mind, the deeds and disposition of an individual matter far more than their physical traits as far as desirability is concerned.


Much like the rest of 'The Ascended', Nymia received a comprehensive education in multiple areas of interest from their fellow 'Servitors' and 'The Demiurge' themselves. As a result, they were fully proficient in the use of advanced technology the 'Servitors' made use of, and the powers bestowed upon them by their maker. Nymia holds a particular affinity towards water and thalassic magics therein. Her capabilities and training reflect such, and her capacity to manipulate this primal element is unmatched across all the world. This is not merely the product of talent alone, however. She has honed these skills over millennia to achieve the mastery she holds today, and even now she continues to learn and improve where she can. From summoning healing rains, to coaxing the bounty of the sea to the surface, to unleashing cleansing floods; all of such things fall within the domain of Nymia's power. The breadth and precision of her knowledge in such regards is worthy of fables.   In addition to her more conventional and personal education, the skills she has fostered from such have benefitted greatly from collaboration with her fellow 'Ascended'. Those Nymia held close would often receive her counsel, and she would heed theirs in turn. Individuals such as Hazuki and Dalla would often have wisdom to exchange with the Tidewarden, resulting in mutually beneficial bonds that enhanced the knowledge and skills of all the involved parties. This brings joy to Nymia, and she strives to maintain these bonds even now.


Throughout their life, Nymia has undertaken various duties, assumed the mantle of various posts, and attend to myriad matters as circumstance or desire demanded. The first role they undertook, like the rest of their fellow 'Ascended', was that of a 'Servitor' sworn in service to 'The Demiurge' and their designs. This was a duty that they approached with dedication and devotion, even when circumstance and ambition would bid them to stray from the beaten path. In due course, they would garner the interest of their maker and would in turn be offered the chance to become one of 'The Ascended'. In accepting such, Nymia was risen high above her former station and given the opportunity to preside over all that which affected the primal element of water, one of the fundamental forces integral to the continued success of 'The Great Work', and the stability of the world as a whole.   From this lofty position Nymia would continue to attend to her work with zealous determination. Her devotion both to the task at hand and the 'Servitors' that aided her would swiftly garner her their approval and admiration. She would be swift to placate the anxieties of her detractors, and the waters of the world would brim with beauty, richness and bounties the likes of which they had never before seen. Alas, as the centuries wound on, the fires of ambition continued to burn within her heart, and with their growth came the emergence of dissatisfaction towards 'The Great Work' and its constraining limitations. Whilst Nymia was not as initially rebellious as some of her other peers, she would still come to view her benefactor with contempt once they gave in to tyranny's methods.   Following the slaughter of the first 'Giants', Nymia would swiftly heed the call of her outraged kinsmen, rebelling against the rule of their maker. The wrath of the tide was brought to bear, and the results were ruinous. Her fury wrought wounds in the world 'The Demiurge' considered their legacy, and she would be among those who fought their way into 'The Heart of The World' in order to confront this divine being directly. Together astride her lover 'Hazuki' and her fellow 'Ascended', they brought low their great patron and saw them cast from their throne of power. Only when they had achieved their bloody victory did she and her kinsmen emerge from 'The Heart'.   Once given chance to look upon the ruin they had wrought upon the world in their quest for retribution, Nymia would find herself galvanized by the words of 'Vulca' and their declaration that the world could yet be saved and even reformed as they saw fit. She would devote herself to the restoration of the world, seeing its waters restored in all their forms. Great seas would reform the shape of world, and rivers would carve new borders between landmasses. She would work tirelessly alongside her fellow 'Ascended', particularly those who looked after the other primal elements, and though compromises would inevitably have to be made amidst peers; the result inspired nothing but pride and satisfaction. This would be the very same world that the mortal races would come to inhabit.   Nymia would play her part in the creation of numerous creatures, from loyal servants to her cause and fierce elementals fit to guard her interests, through to wild aquatic beasts that roam the seas. She even had a hand in the creation of the blue scaled dragons. As many of the mortal races began to blossom into being across the world, Nymia would be one of 'Ascended' who took a particular shine towards humanity. Whilst others such as 'Hazuki' and 'Arshan' would house their share of this race, Nymia would guide her measure towards the temperate midlands of the continent they would come to name 'Caitrea', there she would establish her home of sorts, guiding her burgeoning flock from the waters, all the while free to follow their currents should the fancy take her. She would become their patron, and in order to serve their interests and better aid her fellow 'Ascended', Nymia would join the council 'Arshan' headed, sharing in the belief that it was the best path forward for mortal and 'Ascended' alike.   In the millennia that followed, Nymia would continue to attend upon her duties and her bonds with ardent devotion. Where she could offer guidance, she would. Where comfort could be imparted, she would be among the first to heed the call. Where matters might be mended, she would lend her rejuvenating waters to the cause. In so doing, she would swiftly garner the admiration of a multitude of races, fostering one of the largest flocks across the land; even if humanity were, by and large, her primary worshippers. It is no small wonder that such would come to pass, given the vital nature of water to life itself. She would go by many appearances across the lands, but most would share in their respect for her. Alas, though she strove to be a guide and guardian, there were those who resented her influence and ambitions. Often their own intents would conflict with hers, or they held some deep seated resentment towards the god for wounds inflicted in times of strife. Regardless of their motivations, they would turn their ire upon Nymia's followers; and they, full of zeal, would rise to meet the occasion. Conflicts were inevitable, Nymia would invariably be embroiled in such, and little good would come of them even if her own found victory.   As the centuries grew darker, and Nymia's attention grew stretched by the myriad duties and obligations she was sworn to, the zeal of some of her followers would spark fresh conflicts and incite new wounds in place of mending old ones. This would only breed further resentment towards Nymia and her fellow 'Ascended' by proxy, despite her admirable efforts to curtail such. In the end, their attempts to keep the peace would prove insufficient, and they would be subjected to the slaughter perpetrated by 'The Grand Host'. Though she may have survived such butchery; the malice it has unleashed has left deep scars upon her being. The ties that bound have been all but severed, and the few that remain are severely frayed. The world as she knew it is dying, and her domain and flock alike suffer for it. Some would expect the 'Ascended' that survived to turn their back upon their former flocks, and whilst that is true of some, it is not of Nymia.   To this day, she continues to act where she can in the name of protecting her flock, counter-acting the evil of 'The Spurned', and supporting her peers. As virtuous as this is, her burdens stand only to grow, and her the results of her efforts are seldom as significant in the grand scheme of things. They do ought to delay the inevitable, but the solemn reality is that Nymia fights a battle of attrition she is doomed to lose unless the fate of things can be changed. Should she perish; that which would come of it would be dire indeed.   One can only hope that such does not come to pass...

Accomplishments & Achievements

Nymia has led a storied life, one that features no shortage of triumphs. She has achieved all manner of commendable things, from "mundane" acts of kindness to things of truly legendary proportion. From ensuring a sickly child recovers, to ushering in the bounty of the sea to a city beset with famine, to unleashing a righteous flood upon the wicked, their deeds are numerous. Some of their most significant achievements can be found below. These include:   -Maintaining and presiding over the waters of the world, from the smallest pond to the largest sea and all that lies in-between, above and below.   -Becoming an 'Ascended'.   -Rising against the tyranny of 'The Demiurge'.   -Playing their part in usurping her corrupt maker.   -Assisting at the forefront of the world's reformation after 'The Demiurge' had been defeated. Her contributions to the world's recovery cannot be understated.   -Joining the council of 'The Ascended', and aiding in retelling the history of their rise to prominence in order to secure their thrones among and above their mortal flocks. Nymia would be among those who strove to offer as much clarity as they could, in spite of this deception.   -Guiding a vast swathe of humanity to lands of plenty, and acting as their guardian ever since.   -Creating myriad creatures, from elementals to deep-dwelling fish, and ought else besides.   -The creation of what her followers would go on to call 'Nymia's Basin'.   -Aiding in the defence of her flock, where possible, when they were encroached upon by hostile powers.   -Surviving 'The Fall of The Old Makers'.   -Continuing to stand against 'The Black March' and her twisted kinsmen, even when others have turned their back on such, or hidden themselves away, awaiting the end.

Failures & Embarrassments

Though her achievements are myriad; Nymia's life has not gone without tribulations, failures and faults. She has endured her share of setbacks and defeats, try though she might to avoid them. Some of the more prevalent examples can be found below. These include:   -Being unable to draw 'Hazuki' up from their sorrows.   -Impeding the work of their peers, former and present, throughout the history of the old world. Gaia's gathering would do much to alleviate this, however, and the rise of 'The Ascended' would only compound upon such.   -Creating advances for 'The Great Work' that, though successful, were very costly with regards to the work of other 'Servitors'. This was mitigated to a large degree following the rise of 'The Ascended'.   -Failing to reconcile with 'The Demiurge'.   -Failing to join the revolt against their maker earlier than they did.   -Being forced to bring low their divine, and parental figure.   -Finding themselves engaged in repeated disputes with their own kind.   -Engaging in conflict with former peers, some of which could not be resolved without bloodshed.   -Being stretched too thin by their myriad duties, both to her mortal followers and her fellow 'Ascended', ultimately leading to the disgruntlement of aspects of their flock.   -Surviving 'The Fall of The Old Makers', and thus having to bear the great guilt such imparts.   -Being unable to save many of their fellow kinsmen.   -Failing to achieve little more than slowing 'The Black March'.   -Failing to fully shelter their domain from the corruption of 'The Spurned'.

Mental Trauma

The 'Ascended' have endured much; and their tribulations have left their marks upon them, try as they might to rebuke such. Nymia is no exception to this. Burdened by the past and lashed by the guilt of surviving the butchery of 'The Grand Host', her sorrows and discontent well within her; brewing and festering like an ill-tempered storm. It is restrained in part only by her dedication to her peers and what remains of her flock.    Historically, whenever a tragic occurrence came to pass Nymia would be among the first to rise to the occasion and seek to mend that which was damaged, or cast out that which inflicted cruelty upon those she cared for. Whilst this is, by most accounts, an expression of virtue; the toll it would take upon her only grew with each passing travesty. Now, as we stand on the precipice of oblivion, Nymia neglects her needs and sorrows in favour of fighting a quiet war against 'The Spurned'. One she cannot hope to win alone, and serves only to aggravate the cracks in her resolve. She devotes herself to her cause, her surviving kin, and those who yet worship her. None can deny that. But the weight of such wears upon her, and the inability to aid those who need it grates against the very fabric of her being. This can lead to overcompensation in her efforts, pressing the boundaries of others, bouts of withdrawn sorrow, or the erosion of hope. Many rely upon Nymia, and those closest to her shirk her efforts for they are claimed by their own grief. This culminates in a slow, but crushing pressure resting upon their shoulders; one which will surely win out if matters do not change. In a fashion, there is a bitter irony to be found in the notion that the 'Ascended' associated with water would drown her sorrows in her duties.   Whilst her detrimental selflessness is by far the most pressing of her mental traumas, there are others that nestle within her being. Feelings of inadequacy, guilt over the suffering of their flock, fear for what may befall them, the lingering influence of mental fatigue, paranoia over the fate of 'Hazuki' and so on. These all contribute to the solemn state of being Nymia endures as she rages against the dying of the light.

Intellectual Characteristics

Nymia is a wise, devoted and versatile individual. Her intellectual characteristics reflect such. Like her fellow 'Ascended', Nymia was possessive of a keen intellect, something which would be required to wield the magnificent devices and powers bestowed to them by their former maker. Her mind was sharper than some of her peers, and she uses such to great effect when overcoming adversity, or outsmarting opposition. Furthermore, Nymia can be considered both book-smart and world-wise. Her experiences, both academic and exploratory, have honed her mind and granted her a versatility that is admirable. Whilst she is by no means 'The King Among The Stars' or 'The Wild-tender', she holds her own and then some on either end of the spectrum.   Her devotion, both to her tasks and her peers, has allowed her to navigate tribulation, alleviate concerns and accomplish great things. It has also garnered her the good will of mortals and some 'Ascended' alike, as they see their devotion to be a hallmark of virtue and integrity. Equally, it has garnered the discontent of others whose goals oppose that which Nymia devotes herself to. Additionally, for all her variety in skills and sensibilities, her dedication can leave her blind to the concerns of those not bestowed with such; or she will neglect one duty in favour of another, ultimately leading to setbacks, failures, or disgruntlement.   This being said; perhaps her most impressive trait, both intellectually and otherwise, is her adaptability. She takes after that which she presides over with remarkable efficacy, capable of ebbing and flowing in whatever fashion is required to attend to her tasks. It is this versatility that has enable her to triumph where others have fallen short on many an occasion, and it has allowed her to navigate opposing points of view with greater nuance and acceptance than others of her kin. This is not to say Nymia does not have a line on what she tolerates, however.

Morality & Philosophy

Nymia's morality is largely considered benevolent, and she shares similar ideals to other 'Ascended' who can be considered such. Nymia exonerates versatility, believing that it will best permit individuals to overcome the challenges they face in life. To "be like water", and now when to shift from the placid lake to the raging sea is something she values highly. Those who can temper themselves and harness such a philosophy will be quick to garner her respect. Devotion to ones peers, and seeking clarity of mind before acting are also traits and actions which sit well within the morality and philosophy of Nymia. Despite such, she also commended the exercising of one's zeal where necessary or justified, though unleashing it excessively or without due course would be sure to garner her displeasure. Ultimately, her ideals revolve around dedication, adaptability, kindness and righteous wrath where necessary; ideals respected by some of her follows, and taken to the extreme by others.   In addition; Nymia presides over dreams; and imparts much of her guidance through visions and meetings held in the minds of those she chooses. To that end, she pities those who would deny her touch and prevent her from offering her guidance during their slumber. She holds little love for those creations of artifice that blind the mind's eye to that which she provides the dreaming, even if she can understand why such would be used by those tormented by nightmares or other, more insidious influences.


Given her generally kind and benevolent nature; Nymia would come to consider many things taboo which she shared with 'Ascended' like 'Arshan', 'Hazuki' and even 'Dalla' to some extent. Needless bloodshed, undue cruelty, blind vengeance and actions born from clouded judgements. These are but a few of the common place taboos that Nymia abhors. She shared a disdain for treachery with her beloved, 'Hazuki', perceiving it as a violation of the clarity the mind requires to make informed decisions. Mischief is one thing, but falsehoods born of malevolence are deplorable to her mind.   Those who also exploit the seas, and ravage the life that lingers for the purpose of gluttony and greed will swiftly garner Nymia's ire. Her domain is capable of offering plenty to those worthy of it, but it is not there to be pillaged of all it has to offer simply to serve the appetites of the ambitious. There have been ample stories of avaricious expeditionaries and faithless fishermen being lost at sea when their designs exceed that which is tolerable.    Another taboo to Nymia is the idea of defiling that which is pure, in any context. She vehemently disdains such; and it is perhaps one of the quickest ways to garner the anger of her and their servants. She will not abide such corruption, especially not her domain. This is no doubt why she fights so fervently against the encroachment of 'The Black March'. This particular taboo has been wielded by certain aspects of her followers in less than favourable fashions. Those that do so walk a dangerous line however, for to inflict needless cruelty towards that, or those which they wish to remain pure, will swiftly earn the discontent of their patron.

Personality Characteristics


Though Nymia no doubt had a multitude of motivations prior to the rise of 'The Spurned', many of them have been brought to ruin by the insidious actions of her former kinsmen. Despite such, she still clings to those that remain, pursuing them with a righteous devotion. Of those that remain, these are the most pressing motivations for Nymia:   -To impede the advance of 'The Black March' to the best of their abilities.   -To do all they can to prepare their followers for the bloody battles ahead; even if they know precious little on how to truly end this threat beyond the ramblings of a long lost benefactor.   -To safeguard the waters of the world, and prevent their corruption as best they can.   -To mend the wounds of 'Dalla', should the means become available to them.   -To aid 'Hazuki' in rising above the grief and despondence that buries their light.   -To continue mending the strained bonds between them and their mortal flocks.   -To see 'The Spurned' undone, abominable as they are.   And lastly:   -To avoid death, and thus escape bringing ruin to all she still holds dear.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

As is required of her station, Nymia possesses a variety of savvies and proficiencies that allow her to best attend to her duties and overcome the adversity that comes with such. From her potent understanding of the primal element of water and her capacity to manipulate it, to her patient disposition, wisdom and intellect, to her commendable versatility, altruistic ideals, martial prowess and much more besides. By all accounts, they are most fit for their position; and there are precious few who could have come close to upholding it to the same degree as Nymia. Though her strengths are commendable, she is no less dedicated to them as she is her weaknesses. Ever determined to better herself for the sake of the cause; they strive to improve themselves wherever they can, even if such is not always be met with success. Where possible, they seek to collaborate with their fellow 'Ascended' in order to manifest the best results for their efforts. This has often lead to greater advancements, and the strengthening of the ties that bind.   All this being said, however, Nymia is by no means without ineptitudes, try as she might to amend them. Some of her more notable notable areas of inability can be found below:   Firstly; whilst Nymia may have a competent understanding of the other primal elements, she can only exert her will over the domain of water with any measure of proficiency. Many of the natural phenomena that are present in this world are born from collaboration between the varying 'Ascended' which preside over the elements, each potent in their own domain, by reliant upon their peers to achieve the greatest results. One cannot expect her to conjure volcanic fires, nor shearing bolts of lightning to scorch her foes from the high heavens. Drowning them beneath a deluge of rain, or rejuvenating her allies with caress of a life-giving tide, however? That is far more feasible.   Another of her ineptitudes stems from the realm of dreams. It is no lie to state that Nymia has a keen mastery over navigating and even influencing aspects of the mind's perception during slumber; going so far as to be able to combat the exertion of other external forces upon the mind of her present target. Despite such, in the land of dreams, she cannot compel her target to wander down a certain path through any form of controlling or dominating magic. Beyond external factors like divine discontent, or making convincing arguments, she cannot force the dreamer to take action. She can only light a way forward or open the door; it is not for her to make them walk, even if she could surely attain the means to should she hone herself enough. This is a lack of skill they display little inclination to improve upon. Enslaving a mind to her will is not something she is willing to do, though some have challenged her on such a stance, given the usage of charming affects she and some of her servants employ when they deem it necessary.   Additionally, Whilst Nymia has a keen understanding of jewelcraft and enchantment, capable of infusing various gemstones with mystical or pelagic power; her skill in creating items and objects fit to store such things is markedly wanting. She is certainly capable of assisting in the efforts of those who are proficient in smithing, leatherworking and so on; but she has little talent for such things beyond that of an assistant. This being said; some of the finest relics the 'Ascended' have ever created have been born from collaboration, and Nymia's efforts have been instrumental in cementing this sentiment.   Finally, though Nymia is a proficient combatant, especially with regards to the use of polearms, her preferred style of fighting relies heavily upon freedom of motion, and the ability to flow from foe to foe without compromising on the reach her weapon provides. It is through such form that she is able to unleash her zeal with the greatest, and most terrible efficacy. Commanding the righteous floods she brings to bear, and exerting control over her opponents becomes ever more difficult should she be forced to fight at a close distance where manoeuvring the 'Skvalspere' becomes more difficult. Should they find their means to fight compromised, and her efforts to repel her enemy to be futile, she will often attempt to retreat to a more amiable distance. Should that fail, however, Nymia will be placed in a most precarious position indeed. She is far from the most durable of the 'Ascended'.

Likes & Dislikes

Nymia is known to approve of the following:   -Water.   -'Hazuki'.   -Kindness and acts of altruism.   -The freedom to explore the world they helped restore.   -Variety in her activities.   -Sea creatures.   -Dragons, specifically those of an azure variety.   -Mending pains.   -Dwelling in dreams.   -Dalla.   -The company of close friends.   -Bathing beneath moon.   -Jewel crafting.   Nymia held disdain for the following:   -Corruption of her domain.   -Those who would exploit the water's bounty to excess.   -Needless cruelty.   -'The Grand Host'.   -'The Demiurge'.   -'The Black March'.   -'The Spurned'.   -'The Lost'.   -Apathy or selfishness towards those in need.   -Treachery.   -Unnatural shadows and aberrant beings.   -Stagnancy.   -Unnecessary violence.

Virtues & Personality perks

Nymia has endured much; and the suffering she has born witness to, partaken in, and striven to mend has influenced much of her personality throughout her life. As such, many of her virtues and the perks of her personality revolve around altruism, devotion, clarity and the ability to remain versatile wherever possible. She is possessive of a kind-hearted demeanour that could rival even that of 'Arshan', and she would among the first to offer aid to those in need, even at the expense of themselves. To that end, she has proven to be a loyal and fast friend to many virtuous souls, both mortal and 'Ascended' alike.   Rare are the occasions in which Nymia makes a rash decision; for she is the sort to seek clarity and information to the best of her abilities before acting. She is of a mind that delving into matters that remain mystified is to invite all the more complications, many of which you may be ill-prepared or unable to attend to. Some would consider her disposition cautious; but such preparation has allowed her to avoid many of the pitfalls her fellow kinsmen have fallen to, and allowed her to navigate the societal nuances of her flock and the council alike with greater success than most, generally speaking.   Nymia's adaptability is also present within her character and personality. She is able to better empathise with a wider array of viewpoints than others perhaps might, and her efforts to ensure she views matters through a clear lens allow her to avoid duplicitous action for the most part. Furthermore, it has allowed her to undertake a variety of roles and attend to numerous different tasks with relative proficiency, allowing her to spot for others when their strengths begin to faulter, even if she is far from a maestro in that which she undertakes as a result. This has additionally lead to her wisdom growing at a far greater rate than some of her other peers, and leaves her better able to utilize her surroundings, both literal or otherwise, to her advantage.   Above all else, however, is Nymia's devotion to those she cares for, and that which she upholds. You will never find another 'Ascended' more dedicated to her peers than she, save perhaps 'Arshan'. They will go to great lengths to aid her peers, alleviate the concerns of her flock, and safeguard that which she holds dear against malevolent machinations. She cares not for thanks, and does so simply because it is, to her mind, the right thing to be done. Her selflessness has seen countless wounds healed, and numerous rifts mended, even if such has come at a cost to her, or those loyal to her. Seldom is that cost given unwillingly, but it is a cost nonetheless. This disposition, however noble, does leave its burdens...

Vices & Personality flaws

Few would dare deny the virtues Nymia possesses, given the wellspring of evidence that is available to support the verity of their nature. Rather, it is more likely they will target the vices and flaws that do exist within her character. They are an admirable individual, that much is certain, but even the most virtuous of 'Ascended' are not without their shortcomings. Some of Nymia's more notable weaknesses can be found below, including the following:   Nymia's greatest strength stems from her devotion. It has fashioned her into an unremitting force for change, both good and ill, when its passions have been stoked. From counterbalancing famine with the sea's bounty, to tending the wounds of the world in the wake of conflict, to her unyielding stand against the hideousness of 'The Black March' and much more besides; she attends to her duties with a nigh-unmatched altruism. Consequently, however, it leads to one of her greatest flaws. Her selflessness does not come without expense. Time and again, she has pushed herself for the sake of her objectives and peers; bearing the burden of such overextension with little qualm. In earlier centuries, she may have been afforded greater opportunity to mend the aches and pains wrought by such, both literal and psychological, but now she has no such luxury. She continues to strive against the machinations of 'The Black March', raging against the dying of the light, but with every victory comes three setbacks, if not more. It is a battle of attrition she will not win, but they fight it all the same, even as their burdens mount and the fires of hope begin to flicker and fade. Even the most resilient will eventually crack, and Nymia is no exception.   She is also slow to give voice to the burdens she carries. They continue to mount and she has precious few means to relieve themselves of even a small portion of them. In the past, she would have given voice to her concerns and frustrations to either a mortal champion she was fond of, 'Dalla' or 'Hazuki', or perhaps one of her fellow 'Ascended' presiding over the primal elements. Now, however, her stock of champions wane, and those capable of bringing her comfort are few and far between. Hazuki has withdrawn himself, overcome with grief she tries in vain to tend, Dalla has been left crippled by her wounds; wounds Nymia tries to ease with negligible success, and few of her former peers can hope to assuage Nymia's concerns, when they are burdened by their own mountains of tribulation. In such a fashion; she suffers alone, withering away in spirit whilst providing a visage of resolve for those who need it most. It is no lie to state that Nymia will march against ruin until she is reduced to a broken crawl, but within her heart of hearts, she yearns for little more than the comfort of a companion's embrace, or the means to nestle away and let her sorrows weep until she has the strength to stand once more. Alas, circumstances have not been inclined to offer her the opportunity as of late.   Another of Nymia's flaws stems from her desire for clarity before acting. Whilst this in of itself is a respectable disposition, it contrasts her otherwise versatile nature. Whilst they are certainly able to adapt to sudden circumstances; the efficacy of such will always be lesser than when she has been able to discern matters and formulate a strategy around such. This desire to ensure matters are clear can, and has lead to Nymia being caught unaware by impulsive action or particularly keen acts of deception whereby she has little means to prepare a proper counter to the adversity thrust upon her. Should she be given long enough by that which she faces, however, she will surely develop some means of overcoming the challenge pit against them, however. Furthermore, this desire to have the greatest possible understanding of a situation before acting has rendered Nymia slow to engage with matters on more than one occasion, which in turn has sometimes lead to greater complications or suffering born from a lack of immediate intervention. When such occurs, it troubles Nymia deeply, and has occasionally spurred her into rash responses. Sometimes this has worked in her favour, but not always. It is also not entirely unheard of for some of her detractors to extrapolate upon her failures in such a regard, and use such as a means to criticise her cautious desire for the full picture of a situation as cowardice or a dereliction of the duties she claims to devote herself to. These kinds of accusations wounds Nymia more deeply than she cares to admit.   Finally, Nymia is, by her nature, a forgiving and kindly individual. She will offer those who have wronged her every opportunity she feasibly can to repent or otherwise correct the course of their path. For many, this can be construed as a noble or honourable disposition, but it is not without its pitfalls. Sometimes, their desire to meet malice with benevolence has led to a lack of retribution for those who have suffered at the hand of her present quarry, which in turn has stoked the fires of detraction towards them. Conversely, however, as is often the reality when handling zealous souls, when Nymia's ire is finally pushed over the brink; the wrath that will come for her opponents will be swift, unremitting, and devastating. Her "righteous floods" are far from compassionate, regardless of the form they take. One would be wise not to drive them over the line of their tolerance, lest they wish to be considered irredeemable by Nymia and her followers. It must be made abundantly clear, however, that for all their fervour in times of bloodshed; Nymia regards violent conflict as a sorrowful affair and feels it should not be permitted to continue for longer than is absolutely necessary. Unfortunately, however, such zeal, when displayed by a divine example, is all too easily co-opted and misused by the more extreme, and often reprehensible elements of their mortal following. The kinds who do not share in Nymia's reservations, and are all too eager to escalate to such severe lengths in order to achieve their aims, self-righteous or otherwise.

Personality Quirks

As a rule of thumb, Nymia is generally considered a benevolent and enchanting individual. Her personality evidences such, and the various ticks and quirks that stem from such continue to support this perception of 'The Tidemaiden'.   When Nymia is among company, her more supportive quirks will emerge in fuller fashion. She will rarely cut anyone off whilst they are speaking; and if she does so, she will endeavour to get her point across clearly and concisely so as to avoid undue rudeness. Their kindness will manifest in gentle touches upon those who need it, should they be willing to accept such, and encouraging smiles to stoke the confidence of her peerage. As ever, she will remain attentive even if she is not the largest contributor to any given situation. With clarity comes the means to better assist those she is associating with, should such become necessary.   Whilst in high spirits, Nymia will garner more of a spring to her step. Her motions will become more spritely, though retaining their flowing nature. She will speak with a warmer, more excitable tone, and will often elaborate in greater detail upon things that interest her, should they become the subject of conversation. They have little qualms ceding the centre of attention to another, however, if they have ought they dearly wish to speak about. In some circumstances, she will even be silently thankful for such, even when joyous. This being said, she has little qualms with urging others away from the proverbial spotlight should they be taking to it a little too greedily. Should there be activities occurring that are of particular interest to Nymia, she will be among the first to partake of them; and she will do so with a sense of deep contentment. Some may even see a rare, competitive streak emerge in them, should such be applicable; though it should be said that they will accept victory or defeat with elegance.   Should one spy Nymia during a bout of sorrow, however, their quirks will be markedly different from that which they usually present to the world. She will become considerably more languid in her gestures, and their voice will trade much of its usual colour for deeper, dourer tones. Seldom will she feel inclined to move, and when she does, the motion will be languid and weighed down by whatever prompts her discontent. When in the company of others whilst in such a state, they will often attempt to feign a brave face, to varying degrees of success. It is only among their dearest companions that they are willing to consider forsaking such pretences and seeking out their comfort. Once the façade falls however, the floodgates are sure to open before long. This tendency to bottle up their burdens has served them far less than they portray.   Finally, perhaps the most dynamic changes in her personality can be observed when her wrath has been coaxed to the fore of her being. She will have little time for idle frivolity, and will devote herself to exacting retribution upon the wicked. Her words will become clipped and commanding; and though she retains her elegance, her enchanting qualities become more malicious in their manifestation. Their motions will become sharper and more precise, and the supportive gestures they may have offered up until this point will be replaced with dispassionate sneers and accusatory finger pointing. This is, of course, if they still deem their quarry worthy of such. If not, they will be offered nothing but the anger of the seas, and the business end of the 'Skvalspere'.


Befitting of a being that admires purity; Nymia's considers hygiene to be a matter of great import. Though she does not balk at the notion of muck and grime, nor does she shirk the prospect of exploration and all the toil such brings, she takes pains to ensure she is as clean as she can be, particularly before meeting her associates, or presenting herself to her mortal flock. Nymia finds the act to be therapeutic and deeply satisfying; and she will spend no small amount of time submerged in the waters she presently frequents so that she might be with her thoughts with nothing but the current and its denizens for company.   From time to time, Nymia would be visited by 'Dalla', and the two of them will would bathe together and converse as age-old friends. In the present day, the opportunity for such has become far scarcer. They retain what banter they can despite the times, however.    When the moon was at its highest, prior to 'The Fall of The Old Makers', Nymia would sometimes await 'Hazuki' in her basin; welcoming their lover to converse, bathe, and dwell in their presence when chance allowed them the opportunity. Sometimes, Nymia would come to the waters nestled near 'The Silver Palace' to share in their lover's company, an act they still sometimes partake in; even though Hazuki has secluded themselves within their domain. It is her hope that one day she may yet bring him back to the waters, so that they might share a moment together as once they did.   Thus far, however, her labours have yet to bear fruit...



Nymia is among the few remaining 'Ascended' whose reigns are yet to end. Whether this "blessed" state of affairs will continue to persist throughout the days ahead remains to be seen, but 'The Spurned' are nothing if not tenacious in their efforts to bring low their former kinsmen. Nymia's reign spans millennia, and has encapsulated innumerable lives throughout it, but it has declined severely in recent history. Between the contention that led to the 'Fall of The Old Makers', and the evil such unleashed, Nymia's reign is a shadow of its former self.   'The Tidemaiden' opted to preside over her flock indirectly, fashioning herself as a benevolent aide, offering guidance where it was sought or required, and as a righteous defender of that which she held dear. Whilst she would strive to heed the prayers of her flock to the best of her ability, she strove only to intervene directly where it was necessary and beyond the scope of her servants to solve the matter. She was of the mind that her flock could never grow to fully understand virtue, nor develop their own versatility if they were denied the opportunity to experience adversity. This largely permitted the healthy development of the flock she took under her wing, and has led to many of the mortals she presided over developing an affinity for exploration and adaptability as well as fostering the reverence of the masses towards her. Alas, with the rise of 'The Spurned' and the ruinous advance of 'The Black March' therein, circumstance has forced Nymia and her remaining agents to adapt anew, becoming considerably more proactive in their efforts. Some consider this a boon, others consider it too little too late. Alas, stretched thin as they are, many pleas for deliverance still go unheard and there is little hope of remission in such a regard as of yet.   Nonetheless, Nymia's devotion to what remains of her mortal flock has garnered her far more good-will than some of the other 'Ascended' maintain during these direst of days. Among her most faithful, she remains well-loved, and even those more reserved in their dedication still hold a measure of respect for 'The Azure Maiden'. To this day there are still knights and sailors alike who pledge themselves to her, despite all that has come to pass.   Prior to their fall, Nymia maintained something of a more supportive role amidst her fellow 'Ascended', particularly when interacting with 'The Council'. She would lend her insight to those in need of it, and attempt to diffuse tense exchanges where possible. Often, her ability to attentively heed either side of a dispute without compromising upon her own ideals would do much to mitigate some of the contention between her fellow 'Ascended'. Together astride those she aligned with, Nymia would go on to achieve great things for both her reign, and theirs. Alas... not everyone would benefit from her benevolence. There were those who directly opposed her, or whose ideals were so far apart from her own that there was to be no hope for reconciliation or collaboration. Many of her victories amidst 'The Council' came to them as naught but salt in the wounds of their discrepancies. Sometimes, these aggravations would fester, and where they did, cruelty would surely follow.   No matter how virtuous or noble Nymia strove to be, there were always those who acted in fashions that went against her ideals, her close companions, or her flock. Of them, there would be some who would not hear her reason, nor repent for their actions. Such defiance would invariably lead into conflict and bloodshed; though such would seldom be instigated by Nymia herself. Such clashes would only breed further contention, both among mortals and 'Ascended' alike, sometimes sparking grievances that would prove too severe to be remedied. Invariably, this would lead to an armed and righteous response from Nymia's servants and her mortal followers, coming to crash upon their foes with all the force of a raging flood. Should matters have grown dire enough, Nymia would even take the field, a zealous fury cascading upon her opponents and clashing blessed armaments with her former peers. Some of the bloodiest conflicts Nymia has been immersed in have been those where she has taken the side of her beloved 'Hazuki' in striking out against those deemed as "malefactors". When justice was served, at least as far as she saw it, Nymia would withdraw with her servants and implore her flock to do the same. For the most part, they would oblige her divine request, and the more virtuous may even return to the sites of battle some years later to offer their aid to those who sought to restore what was lost. Alas, not every soul would share in such sentiments. Throughout the history of her reign, there have been elements of her flock who have taken ideal of zeal beyond the remit of what many would consider acceptable, framing their vengeful, or otherwise expansionist crusades as a necessary action for the continued safety of their domain. This form of behaviour has been particularly common in 'Aldori' territories.    Some could have their course corrected before they immersed themselves too deeply in such ideologies, but not all, and the damage such elements wrought was often too severe to appease or amend. Nymia could disavow some of such groups, or even strike them down in rare cases... but it would do little in the grand scheme of things, and the survivors would surely turn their ire upon her and own thereafter. As the discontent of mortals grew towards a fever pitch, and whispers of 'The Grand Host' began to circulate among the 'Ascended', many, including Nymia, would find their ability to preside over their flocks becoming stretched. There was all too much to do, and with every misstep, the ire of the mortal races only grew. Unable to attend to every matter, or police every extreme group that began to emerge, this... less than righteous zeal would find its way into Aldori society, nestling amidst the hearts and minds of certain demographics with increasing ease as the centuries went by.   Invariably, no matter her efforts to curtail and appease the mortals of this world, 'The Grand Host' would be formed, and ruin would befall 'The Ascended' in turn. Nymia's reign had already been declining prior to this point, but this would cause irreversible damage, leaving her and her remaining servants locked in the plight they face today. Vast swathes of her flock have already been lost to 'The Black March', their settlements crushed beneath the heel of their malevolent advance, and those remain must face all the trials and tribulations that come with these dour days. It is a testament to her devotion, however, that many who remain still place their faith in Nymia; and the bravest of them turn their eye towards this most hideous evil, brandishing steel against it. Even those more extreme cohorts have their uses against such a baleful evil... but their priorities are seldom virtuous.   Now, in the face of 'The Black March', Nymia and those who dare to stand against this malice fight a war of attrition they cannot hope to win alone, ignorant of any true means to end this calamity. Their greatest victory has been little more than holding the line, and even the most sturdy defences will one day buckle and falter when sufficient pressure is applied. Whilst pledged to this effort, she also takes pains to seek out the other 'Ascended' who survived, or at the very least those she still holds love for. Some she has found, and of them only a few reciprocate her efforts. All too many are concerned with self preservation above all else, or are otherwise lost to their grief and despondence. Such does not bode well for the fate of her resistance in the years to come.   And that is before one considers those 'Ascended' who still cling to the old hatreds even now, as the world bleeds...

Contacts & Relations

Though Nymia has certainly interacted with numerous individuals, both mortal, 'Ascended' and otherwise; she is somewhat more conservative in who she establishes greater relations with. 'Tis not born from a malicious stance, mind, but merely that she prefers to have a smaller circle of friends and chosen companions that she can trust to support her when she requires it. This is no doubt due to the fact she devotes herself to the wellbeing of so many, something which has not changed even after 'The Fall of The Old Makers'. Nymia always held a preference towards associating with kinder and otherwise virtuous individuals, but her judgement would be swayed far more by the merits of their deeds than their personality alone. Actions speak far louder than words to this one.   Despite her desire to support her peers, Nymia retained a relatively small host of close companions amidst 'The Ascended', and after 'The Fall of The Old Makers', that host has grown smaller still. She had an amiable enough relationship with 'Arshan', but found love in his bond-brother, 'Hazuki'. Theirs is a love that has persisted to this day, though grief and dour circumstance has done much to fray the bond between them. They also have an immense respect for, and camaraderie with 'Dalla', and they were capable of working in relative harmony with their fellow elemental 'Ascended', albeit that they had a clear preference for some of their compatriots over others, chiefly those who presided over the earth, and the wind.    Nymia also maintained a relatively strong connection to the 'Ascended' known as 'Vulca' prior to their death at the hands of 'The Grand Host'. They were fascinated by their ingenuity; and their relentless desire to derive new and ingenious solutions to whatever adversity they faced. This inventive spirit was very close to the versatility she admired within herself and others. Nymia would give much to speak with their old friend once more, and seek their insight in combating the abhorrence of 'The Black March'. Alas... such is not to be, for Vulca is dead and gone, and only their twisted vestige remains as one of 'The Spurned'. To see such a creative spirit bringing ruin to so much that they helped create is nothing short of tragic to the 'Tidemaiden'.   Despite maintaining a smaller measure of companionships than others, 'The Fall of The Old Makers' struck Nymia profoundly. The deaths of so many peers has ravaged her heart and mind alike. She bleeds for those lost, regardless of the nature of their bond; but few have affected her so greatly as the losses of Vulca, 'Arshan', and Hazuki; though their reclusion is another beast altogether. There is but a thin measure of hope that their bond can be restored, and the 'Night's Sentinel' may once again rise to their post, but whether or not such is born from foolishness or virtue has yet to be determined. The loss of Arshan affected 'Dalla' dramatically, and through the effects it has had upon her, Nymia can glimpse into what life would be like should Hazuki fall to 'The Black March'. The mere notion tears at her in direst fashion. To lose Dalla, also, would reave a terrible injury upon her spirit. Perhaps that is why she dedicates herself so ardently to the pair, even if the results of her efforts are ultimately negligible.   Where mortals and other non-ascended beings are concerned, Nymia has entertained all manner of individuals as contacts and formed relationships of varying degrees with them. From sailors, to knights, to fervent criers of her wisdom and ought else in-between. She listens to their prayers, heeds their tales, bestows her comfort and imparts her guidance when they seek it. Mortal life is a finite thing, and though it has been a difficult lesson to learn for Nymia, she has come to cherish the present with her mortal compatriots, seeking what fulfilment she can in the moment as opposed to fretting over the future and their invariable end. In the early days of her interactions with mortals, she found comfort in seeking Dalla's wisdom on their ephemeral nature. Now, however, she is forced to confront it all too often; for her battle against 'The Black March' is ever costly...

Family Ties

As is the case for many of 'The Ascended', Nymia came to regard their fellow kinsmen as some form of found family, with 'The Demiurge' acting as something of a parental figure until their children rose up against them. Their blood family was long dead by the time 'The Demiurge' fell, something which is a common reality to 'The Ascended'. In such a way, they have no "true" familial ties left. As for their found family, they have been the source of great joy, and dour sorrows for Nymia. Some of her happiest moments have been shared amidst her kinsmen, but in the same breath, they have given rise to some of her most ireful and dour moments.   Since 'The Fall of The Old Makers', many of her found family have perished and risen again as the abhorrent 'Spurned'. These twisted vestiges care not for the bonds they once upheld, and turn their malevolence upon all that they once helped to create and safeguard. It is this most dire evil that Nymia pits herself against, no matter how futile or torturous it is to her being. The few that yet live, she clings to where she can; but that is easier said than done. Many refuse to heed her call; or are otherwise unable to aid her even if they are willing to share in the company of the 'Tidemaiden'. Those who stand against 'The Spurned' often do so alone. something which must change if there is to be any hope for circumventing the world's end.

Religious Views

Nymia, like the rest of 'The Ascended', knew of the existence of the Divine Spark. She understands the comfort mortals find in turning to a higher power for answers, and respects the virtues of tenets and guidelines in framing one's approach to life. All such things are often part of religions, and there some that consider her to be their higher power. Alas, Nymia does not consider herself to be religious, despite her understanding of how religions come to be. They are beholden to no higher power. Not anymore. Despite such, they still strive to live by the virtues they exonerate, so as to be a fitting example to those who follow them. Many of these ideals have gone on to form various tenets and guidelines in the faiths surrounding her. One can only assume, therefore, that they have done well enough as a role-model to warrant such.

Social Aptitude

Nymia is a socially proficient individual, navigating their social circles with a supportive disposition, and an attentive ear trained to those around them. She is capable of seizing the moment, or commanding the room should such be required, but their true strength lies outside of the spotlight; providing insight and encouragement to those around them. Seldom does she speak in an uncouth fashion, and when they do, it is never without good reason. Rather, she engages those who heed her with a decorum and elegance many have come to consider enchanting.   Only fools mistake her more modest and introverted aspects for vulnerability or weakness, however. Whilst Nymia does not care for the spotlight, and her circle of closer confidants is smaller than some, she is by no means a push-over. She is strong willed and devoted to that which she holds compassion for, and such will not easily be shaken even if she is willing to heed the words of those who oppose her. Goading Nymia into action is not easy; and you may find that in your attempts, both her support, and that of your peers will grow absent all too swiftly. Be careful of whom you barb with your ire...


Nymia's mannerisms vary in some measure depending upon their mood, but by and large they exude a flowing elegance befitting of the waters she presides over. True to her nature, many of her gestures and movements are soft and gentle in their application. For example, when among friendly company, she is the sort to rest a hand upon those she is nearest, especially when they are at the fore of matters. This is but one of many of the unspoken acts of support she offers to her companions. Though water, and by extension its keeper, are versatile things; she takes pains never to shift gait suddenly whilst it is within her control; particularly when she is offering her benefaction towards those in need of it. This soft, but measured disposition is also often present in the way they speak.   Traditionally, when at ease, Nymia will favour clasping her hands in front of her, or otherwise resting them in their lap whilst they are seated. When her duties are attended, and she is afforded a brief measure of peace; she is sure to relax into more languid gestures and movements. It is not uncommon for Nymia to almost drape herself over a surface whilst she undertakes some personal fancy, be that combing her hair, or gazing into the reflection of the moon and stars above a lake, or whatever else. Her enchanting quality remains; and for the most part, she holds no qualms with being observed so long as such does not delve into disrespect.   Should more sorrowful sentiment take hold of Nymia, she will "wilt". Her pace will grow sluggish, her shoulders slumped, and her gestures will lose much of their enchanting flow. Such will be exchanged for a dour, languid gait, as though she has become sapped of strength. Her voice will become dulled and disheartened in its tone when she is alone, or amidst company where she can bear her sadness without scrutiny, elsewise she will default to putting on a brave face for the sake of those around her; something which is seldom beneficial to her.   When Nymia finds herself to be in high spirits, she has the potential become as lively as the babbling brook, and her mannerisms will reflect such. It is not uncommon for her gesturing to become larger and more exuberant, and her offers of physical contact to be greater. In place of an arm being touched, she may embrace it, and so on. Her explanations towards things that she approves of or takes interest in will become more elaborate, though never to the point of hogging attention when amidst a group. In addition, should she be engaging in competitive matters, she will find find her spark for such ignited. This being said, she will accept victory or defeat with grace and poise.   Alas, should one be unfortunate enough to catch Nymia during an ireful period, or worse still, be the focus of her wrath; they can expect to see their disposition shift drastically. Their elegance will remain in some small fashion, but her peaceable nature will be cast aside in favour of a candour more akin to a raging flood than a gentle stream or placid lake. Her gestures will become sharp and weighted by her disdain. Accusatory finger pointing will become a staple of the mannerisms she applies towards those who have displeased her, and their tone will range from dispassionate, to furious depending on the severity of her quarry's actions. Perhaps her most scathing mannerism in such a state is bestowing her opposition with a sneer of disappointment. That Nymia could feel such about you often strikes the heart for many.

Hobbies & Pets

Nymia, like many of her kin, has numerous duties they must attend upon, from overseeing the primal force of water, to looking after her mortal flock, to securing her domain, and now; resisting the malevolence of 'The Black March'. As is to be expected, many of these duties consume a considerable measure of their time, leaving precious little left for respite and the pursuit of more personal interests.    Even so, when circumstances permit her the opportunity; Nymia does engage in a few choice hobbies that have captured her interest over the years. Some of the main examples can be found below:   As befitting of her nature, Nymia's most common choice of pastime is to roam the waters of the world; either in her humanoid form, or taking on the likeness of an aquatic beast. It appeals to her versatile nature to be able to visit all the varying forms and locales that house her domain. From traipsing the shores of of a gentle sea, to fashioning herself as a fish leaping up stream, to dwelling in the deepest places as some bio-luminescent creature, to simply resting as herself amidst the heart of a placid lake. Roaming her domain fills her heart with joy, and entreating the various creatures she comes across to roam with her often serves to embolden this fact. It is a pity, however, that in these darkest of days she cannot engage with this hobby as much as she once did. Now, when she ventures throughout her domain, it is seldom for the purpose of pleasure, and the corruption that has begun to seep into it troubles her greatly.   The next of Nymia's preferred hobbies is the art of jewel crafting. Whilst she lacks any particular proficiency in the arts of leatherworking or blacksmithing or the like; they hold a particular affinity for gemstones and jewels. Wielding her thalassic powers as a mortal would their tools, she takes great pains to smooth these stones and form them into all manner of intricate shapes fit for whatever her whims desire. She she be so inclined, she may imbue some of these stones, such as opals or aquamarines, with vestiges of pelagic essence. This will empower them, and by extension, whatever else they come to be attached to. She finds comfort in immersing herself within this particular activity; for it most certainly requires such dedication if the result are to be satisfying.   Nymia also enjoys enchanting as a pastime, wielding her divine powers to embolden varying objects, from prestigious artefacts and relics through to more mundane odds and ends fit only for a minor boon. This often goes hand in hand with the finer aspects of her jewelcrafting process, particularly if the end result is to be a gift for another.   Lastly; Nymia holds a particular love for music and the playing of such. She is a proficient singer, and can create all forms of enthralling melodies both via their voice or the use of their blessed conch shell. They hold those who are capable of such talents in high regard, and they consider it a gift to perform for others. The creation and delivery of music is one of the few things Nymia is eager to claim the spotlight for, and they find a profound sense of contentment in offering her melodies up to those around her, especially if they are individuals she is close to. It is not unheard of for her to have sung 'Hazuki' to sleep should the night's vigil have burdened him gravely. Even now, reclusive as he is, she is still said to appear in the waters near 'The Silver Palace', and sing her gentle melodies up towards its battlements. Whether or not such is heard is anyone's guess, but it warms the heart to think that it does.   Though Nymia holds a great adoration for most, if not all of the creatures that dwell in her domain, and she makes all due efforts to attend to those she comes across, she has only two companions she truly considers as pets.   The first of these pets is a plucky otter named 'Feran', who freely roams with Nymia whenever they travel down the rivers of 'Caitrea'. They are blessed with long life, and shrewd senses to help them navigate and avoid dangers that would claim their more mundane kin.   The second is a tenacious and loyal killer whale named 'Bana'. Much like 'Feran', they are blessed with long life and honed senses, but atop this, Bana has been bestowed with supernatural strength and agility, rendering them a potent companion and guardian when she opts to explore the seas; or duty compels her to defend them. Some have even claimed to have seen Nymia riding atop this majestic beast; where the two fight as though one.


Nymia's voice is predominantly soft and polite in its tone. She is a mezzo-suprano, and her voice is almost universally clear and easy to discern when she wishes it to be. Her voice can exude warmth readily, accentuating her naturally supportive disposition. When immersed in sorrow, or wrath, this warmth will fade from their voice and it will swiftly be replaced by dour undertones, or chill dispassion. Nymia tends to speak in a measured fashion, though such can sometimes be forsaken when they are particularly excited about something. For those close to Nymia, it will be relatively easy to discern her mood from her voice and patterns of speech. This is due, in no small measure, to the fact that she is far more willing to lower her guard around her more treasured companions. To those outside such a circle of influence, however, discerning her disposition is markedly harder. This is largely due to the fact Nymia has a tendency to put on a brave face, or otherwise mask her sentiments behind kind-heartedness and civility. This is particularly prevalent when she is dealing with more official matters, or they find themselves among unfamiliar company.   As a point of trivia; Nymia is, unsurprisingly, particularly fond of using water-based metaphors as a part of the guidance she offers to mortals.


'Nymia, the Tidemaiden'

Lover (Vital)

Towards 'Hazuki, Night's Sentinel'



'Hazuki, Night's Sentinel'

Lover (Vital)

Towards 'Nymia, the Tidemaiden'



'Nymia, the Tidemaiden'

Friend (Important)

Towards 'Arshan-Nuwair, Warden of The Dawn'



'Arshan-Nuwair, Warden of The Dawn'

Friend (Important)

Towards 'Nymia, the Tidemaiden'



'Nymia, the Tidemaiden'

Close Companion (Important)

Towards 'Dalla, Keeper of The Wild'



'Dalla, Keeper of The Wild'

Close Companion (Vital)

Towards 'Nymia, the Tidemaiden'



'Nymia, the Tidemaiden'

Former Friend (Important)

Towards 'Arshan-Nuwair, The Pale Conqueror'



'Arshan-Nuwair, The Pale Conqueror'

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards 'Nymia, the Tidemaiden'



'Nymia, the Tidemaiden'

Child (Important)

Towards 'The Demiurge'



'The Demiurge'

Parent (Vital)

Towards 'Nymia, the Tidemaiden'



'Berach, Dubhslán, and Fiachna; The Mirthless Hunters.'

Friends (Important)

Towards 'Nymia, the Tidemaiden'



'Nymia, the Tidemaiden'

Friend (Important)

Towards 'Berach, Dubhslán, and Fiachna; The Mirthless Hunters.'



Wealth & Financial state

As an 'Ascended', Nymia has little need for that which mortals define wealth by. Whilst she has no shortage of access to conventional riches, she much prefers to define her wealth through more abstract, social and philosophical means. The integrity they provided to their followers, the virtue by which they enacted their will, the size and contentment of their flock, the security of their domain, the health of their relationships and the state of their being, among numerous other factors. By keeping such things in a hale and hearty condition, and holding true to the ideals she leads by, she can consider herself a wealthy individual indeed. This being said, they are not ignorant of why others may grow fond of more conventional riches and resources, even if she herself does not care for them in any major fashion.   Alas, in these direst of days, Nymia is far poorer than once she was; both in the conventional sense and by her own definition. The malice of 'The Black March' has proven costly for even the "richest" of 'Ascended', and their flocks have suffered greatly since their emergence. The resistance Nymia has undertaken against this threat demands much of her coffers, and such a steep price will not ease without aid.
Divine Classification
Neutral Good.
Current Status
Alive, tending to the lakes, rivers and seas of the world.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
By virtue of their nature, the domain they exert influence over, and the numerous deeds they have accomplished throughout their life; Nymia has garnered many titles from several different races and cultures. Her most prevalent titles can be found below. These include:   -"The Azure Lady".   -"The Tidewarden".   -"The Lady of The Lakes".   -"The Angler's Mistress".   And above all else;   -"The Tidemaiden".   All of these titles hold some measure of significance to her; though the worship she receives varies depending on which depiction of her being those followers subscribe to the most. Some will even refer to her by name alone. In 'Aldori' culture, however, it is more likely to hear Nymia being referred to by a title than by her name alone. Her name is usually used only in significant contexts, quiet, individual worship, or as a part of an exclamation. I.E "Nymia preserve me!"
Immortal, appears to be in her prime.
Date of Birth
'The Grand Ascension'
Date of Death
Circumstances of Birth
Born as a 'Servitor', bestowed power immeasurable by 'The Demiurge', granting them their true 'birth' as a deific entity.
Circumstances of Death
The Old World.
Place of Death
Current Residence
'Nymia's Basin'.
Open, kindly, and coloured like the azure of the ocean.
Long, flowing, and hued in raven.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Soft, light, and tinged with the faintest hints of blue.
6'10 whilst in a humanoid form.
Quotes & Catchphrases
Nymia has said many things which have come to capture the hearts and minds of countless mortals; both within her flock and beyond it. Some of her most influential quotes and catchphrases can be found below, including:   -"Let my rains rejuvenate this place!"   -"Let your peers drink of your cup; and see them emboldened in the face of adversity."   -"Rest, you noble soul, and let the waters of this place restore you."   -"It is ever those who can adapt who will rise above the tide of circumstance."   -"Feast upon the bounty of the sea!"   -"Your virtue shines through you, like the moon upon the waves."   -"May your dreams be clear, good wanderer."   -"Awaken your zeal, and let it crash upon your foes like the sea's wrath!"   -"I beseech you, repent, lest my hand be forced..."   -"So be it. For your wickedness, I will thee and thine drowned beneath a cleansing flood. Let the world be rid of your evil."   And perhaps most importantly:   -"To thrive upon this world; you must be able to ebb and flow like the waters that nourish it. There will be times when you will require the calmness of a still lake, and others where you will require the levity of the babbling brook. In the face of tribulation, you may require the quiet resolve of the stream, or the zealous wrath of the flood.  Be like water. If you can master such, there is little on this world that will catch you unprepared."
Known Languages
As one of 'The Ascended', Nymia is capable of heeding, understanding, and speaking all known languages.
Character Prototype
Nymue and Cerwiden from Arthurian and Welsh mythos respectively. Additionally, Morgana from BBC's Merlin (Katie McGrath).

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