Draw of the Aether.jpg | World Anvil

Draw of the Aether.jpg

The examination any potential apprentice of the Magisterium must undergo when they are first brought into a Collegiate to determine which flow of Manna they will be trained and properly schooled, in, which Order they will become a Magister of. Simply put, one of each manna gem is laid out on the table the desk of examiner, and the potential apprentice will slowly pass their hand about six inches over each gem, waiting no more than ten seconds over each one. The examiner will watch the Aether, and note which currents of manna seem to 'tug' from the gem towards the potential apprentice's hand, whilst also waiting for one of the gemstones to flare up. Only one will, the incantations of the ritual and test insure that the strongest connection will be the only one to react thusly.

Adventures in Valerick TTRPG
Keon Croucher
Original Title
Draw of the Aether
Keon Croucher (myself)


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