Working with Engineering - First Science Endevour by Seth | World Anvil

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Thu 11th Aug 2022 12:55

Working with Engineering - First Science Endevour

by - Seth Richards

I've recently been made part of the science department, and truly thought I’d have some more scientific endeavors. Which I have, of course. I’ve assisted working on upgrading our “scuba” gear with Officer Lio Levon, the lead engineer, and that was very informative and helpful for even my own interpersonal relationships with other crew members. Something I truly need to work on if I want to actually be part of a *crew* and not someone who hides behind a bar or a room.
It’s not just that, but I really miss being able to enjoy the water. I know it’s nothing like it is at home here, but at least it’s something.
I have no idea how old Lio is, but he’s incredibly intelligent. At least half his small body must be his brain! I really hope he doesn’t get pissed at me accidentally running him over. He seemed pretty OK despite … well… the circumstances, but this is one of those incidents that will keep me up when I am supposed to be asleep thinking on how stupid I am.
Either way, he’s incredibly helpful, and it’s a good first step to working with scientific endeavors a bit more

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