8 Pivon 4284 by Tally | World Anvil

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8 Pivon 4284

8 Pivon 4284

by Tally

I’m worried about Jasttor. We… they talked to Ilweth today (I was trying to get to know Havine and Relentless a little better since… well, they’re kind of… everyone else kind of ignored them after we agreed to go take a look at the woods with this guy… Aungor, I think his name was) and she said… the person who knew Jasttor would be there in those caves was someone named Ashwing and… apparently that was someone Jasttor trusted a lot. I just… he wants us to go ahead and take the job, but he gave me this amulet of his and it seems really important to him, but I don’t know why. And he’s going off with Ilweth directly back to the guild but… we used to take turns keeping watch at night to make sure she didn’t try anything. How’s he going to manage without getting any sleep? I know the roads are mostly safe and he’s… a lot stronger than the rest of us, but it’s not right for him to have to do that alone, especially with all this extra shit going on.
I… I regret not stopping him when he walked away after that. I wanted to say something and just… froze. It’s probably just as well. We… aren’t that close and.. I’m not the best at saying things that are actually helpful with stuff like this. I’d probably just make things worse.
[A gap, followed by clumsy, shaky handwriting.]
So, the wolves are actually undead. Go figure, right? While everyone was setting up camp, I found some tracks that seem to be headed deeper into the woods. I’m just waiting for everyone to get back so I can let them know what’s up.

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