Raven Burningstone | World Anvil

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Raven Burningstone

On the run after the Lonetail Stalkers pack was broken up, Raven has made her den in a neighborhood called Dharma Downs of the city of Chicago. Born a Cree Indian in Saskatchenwan, she is a long way from home.

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Tue 13th Feb 2024 02:50

Raven's Journey

by Raven Burningstone

Session 0: 2/12/24
Raven Burningstone, Eugene Mossberg, Marcus Thorne, Bruce
Set debts.
Hub moves for the West Side: Up for Grabs, the Price of Secrets
Session 0.0 2/19/24
Completing Hub relationships and character creation.
Session 1 4/1/24 "Make No Small Plans"
Went to Odin's apartment after not hearing from him for a month. It was tossed, no sign of Odin, appears he did not leave willingly. Using Bloodhound to discover Odin was taken downstairs and the trail vanishes (due to magic). Eugene was written in blood on the wall from what looked like Odin's handwriting. Raven crumbled the drywall to hide the name. The scent of the kidnapper is detected and Raven will recognize it if she smells it again. On a sour note, some of the neighbors did see Raven there that night.
We met at Eugene's with Marcus & Bruce and told them what was going on. Rossi, from the sacred architects, asked that we do a favor for Shelia Root; another knot to untangle.
City Move Results:
Sacred Architects are hiring 'draftsmen'. The Jazz Union has been searching for something and have found 'it'.
Found out there is a rumor about someone from my pack being in the Toronto area. A few Howlers are still hunting our area, keeping an eye out for us. My mother, aunts & uncles are well.

Raven's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Raven's Journey
    13 Feb 2024 02:50:15
  2. The Journal Entry’s title
    13 Feb 2024 02:50:15

The major events and journals in Raven's history, from the beginning to today.

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Raven.

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