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Avini Fallowcrest
The Witch

8 / 8 HP

This unsettling young woman wears an eerie smile. She wears sultry, luxurious clothing, and bears the pungent aura of arcane components. The top of her wooden staff wears a black velvet prisoner's hood.

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The major events and journals in Avini's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 9: The Nuclear Option

09:02 pm - 29.07.2021

Session 9: The Nuclear Option

06:03 pm - 26.07.2021

Session 8: When was that, again?

05:27 pm - 26.07.2021

Session 8: When was that, again?

06:21 pm - 20.07.2021

Session 6: The frailty of life

06:20 pm - 20.07.2021

Session 6: The frailty of life

05:46 pm - 21.06.2021

Session 4

01:31 am - 20.05.2021

Session 4

06:48 pm - 19.05.2021

Session 3

06:47 pm - 19.05.2021

Session 3

02:42 pm - 12.05.2021

Session 2

02:50 pm - 06.05.2021

Session 2

04:10 pm - 05.05.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Avini.

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