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The Elven Islands

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Elven Islands
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The Elven Isles is a remote archipelligo of Islands in the South Pacific Ocean. It consists of two large Islands and a myriad of small ones. The targest, knowns as the King's Island, is the Ancestral Seat of the Island, and housed proud King's for thousands of years, until King Lorian, feeling he was being guided by the gods, outlawed magic. All magic users risked their lives if they continued, but the welfare of the islands had been upheld by magic since it began. Within a short time after the removal of magic, a plague struck the main Island and no healers remained with the power to heal, and the King and most of his court was killed.   Six strong knights remained, and have set up their own Oligarchy on the nearby Golden Island. Known as the Golden Six, the swiftness with which they formed their government has caused many to suggest that they were not entirely innocent in all of this. The Isles have struggled to find enough resources to continue on...most of the forests, pastures, land and resources are on the King's Island which is forbidden to all and, more importantly, feared by all as well. An excellent Merchant Guild has managed to stabilize things with a fair trading network, but the balance is delicate.   The Kings Island has been used for one purpose over the last few centuries, that of a prison camp. Prisoners are dumped on the beaches, and monthly cargo ships drop off new prisoners and supplies monthly. On the last monthly drop off no one came out to meet the boats. The sailors brought the boats as close to shore as they could, and observed dead bodies everywhere. It would seem the curse has returned.

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