Session 38: Sailing Away With Me Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 38: Sailing Away With Me Report

General Summary

6th of Haelynir 1524   The Captain is happily waiting for him and swings down from the mast to greet him, inviting him on a tour of the ship. During this tour Erin and Karl discuss many things. Such as:

  • Travelling via boat to the south.
  • What the business is of this crew being treasure hunting and smuggling.
  • Their shared love of treasure hunting.
  • Some of the details of the pirate nation and the level of autonomy.
  • The Generals in the pirate nation.
  • Some of Albrecht’s laws and how that affected some of their society.
  • What the Forged would be expected to do as a part of the journey. Such as shadowing her crew so they can learn to sail.
  • Karl mentions the fact his sister had blessed the ship.
  • Where on the ship the Forged would stay.
  • Mention of the ritual Karl would eventually have to do according to Erin.
  • An invitation from Karl to Erin for dinner on land.
  • Sharing of some of their blood abilities
  • The price of surrender.
  • The prejudice of humans
At one point during their conversation Erin pulled Karl downstairs for his tour so her crew could deal with a detected threat. At first Lily and Karl were worried this was the attempted kidnapping they thought might happen by Erin. Lily followed the crew to discover another pirate ship had come to port. The genasi duo dealt with the crew and started the motions of having the boat sink while a large squid took it slowly out to sea.   When Karl lets slip he knows about the boat sinking nearby that causes Erin to get aggressive briefly before Karl manages to calm her back down again.   As the tour comes to an end, Erin spots an invisible Celestial Imp on her mast. Immediately she gets protective of Karl, asking him to go back into what would soon be his room. She only relaxes when Lily leaves. Erin warns Karl against letting people sneak onto her ship. She reveals it is her blood ability that lets her see through illusions like invisibility.   In the end Karl leaves in a puff of silvery mist to get ready for his date. However, not getting more than 100 ft away before she sent him a Message through the spell in payback for what he had done to her the previous day.  
The date goes smoothly. Erin wears a nice dress. Her tattoos and shark teeth are missing. Her skin is clear and her smile is perfect. Looking like a much more appropriate date for Karl then a pirate fresh off the boat. Karl is able to see that illusions are behind this change through his subtle investigations.   Erin walks Karl to the mage guild, acknowledging Lily when she makes an appearance, before making her way back to her ship. At the guild Karl and Lily try to see Steve and Sam but they are unavailable. Preferring not to disturb and pester the Master’s they go back to see if Simone will have something small for dinner.  
Simone is a sleeping bundle in her tent. Karl gently wakes her. She picks at the food while talking with the pair. They discuss: The fact that Fargrim and Xeldarix will sleep tomorrow and one of them will be enforced. Bringing Simone up to speed with the situation and possible travel options. The Forged might have been better named Bad Luck They agree to do a reading   Question: "Can the forged find the path to Sunnis's children after sailing south?"   Answer:   “The union of the pirate bride and their king is a balancing act of goals where the Forged try to do enough of everything in order to get the best outcome. Trust is important and acts of trust will do a lot to secure their safety in the long run even if it makes the journey for the children slightly longer. The children are currently south and will be north after sailing south to Ariya, while the signs of them will be more obscured this way it focuses on more goals than one.”   Karl invites Simone to join them for the ocean voyage. They are quick to reassure her they want her there and if she doesn’t want to be in Brechlen she does not have to be here. Lily quickly invites everyone to go see Pearl in the morning. They believe this could be a good place to maybe get some information about Captain Erin.   Before the night is out they want to go and check on Xeldarix and Fargrim. Before leaving to do this Lily offers to scry on Elaran. However, when Karl sends a message to his Master he does not get a reply which fills him with complete dread.   Karl takes the time to go and get doggy bags for the Hallow team while Lily scrys. When Karl comes back up Lily reveals that Elaran is still alive, but in pain through being used as a part of the staff to kill some firbolgs that had been running from that witch they had tortured and killed nearly a month ago.   Simone meanwhile had fallen asleep again. Lily and Karl leave her to sleep while they go to the Avani temple.  
The pair head off for the temple. It's about 8:30pm when they arrive. There is a large crowd sitting around the temple. They look to be making sure no one ruins the paintings on the ground around it. They look like people who live in the slums or who aren't very well off. Karl is sure he's seen one or two of them begging before in the streets. This immediately seems to hit something inside Karl as he leaves after a moment to go and buy food for them all.   Inside, Fargrim and Xeldarix are doing their ritual. They both look tired. Xeldarix looks pale. She is currently drawing symbols in blood by one of the side windows and Fargrim is inscribing the area (the 60ft radius) with oils and waxes in a circle, perhaps not unlike what Xeldarix is doing but much less blood related. There is a symmetry, a synchronicity with what both Xeldarix and Fargrim are doing.   Lily checks on the wellbeing of the people doing the ritual while Karl touches base with those outside once he returns with the food. The people outside think they know what Xeldarix is from seeing her wings as she seemed to have saved some of them during the night she had to be at the temple according to Simone.   Karl goes back to the inn with a pocket bat and Lily stays at the temple for the night.   7th of Haelynir 1524   At 5:30am Lily and Karl leave their respective places for the night. Simone leaves with Karl for the docks. Xeldarix and Fargrim continue their work, so tired but happy the end is in sight.   At the end of their ritual a strange event occurs and Fargrim is too tired to make sense of it. It takes him a few moments to realise Xeldarix has collapsed. After trying to heal her through curing her wounds, he notices aside from healing some injuries she did have, it does not wake her up. This causes Fargrim to dip into his diamond dust stores to perform a Greater Restoration. This does wake her up, but she is still clearly exhausted. Together they manage to limp back to the Welcoming Hell-Hound for a well deserved nap.  
Meanwhile Lily, Karl, Steve and Simone are on the water. It takes about 3 hours to reach the mouth of the river. Once there Steve jumps into the water, but not before reminding the group to leave anything they want to stay dry in the boat. Everyone else also stores their things on the boat before making their way down to meet Mandy, Cindy and Pearl.   The trio take the group down to a tunnel in the cliff safe that has been traps currently not armed by led to a beautiful underwater temple.  
  There is a wonderful banquet of food that the group eats while they talk. There they talk about:
  • Who lives at the temple or owns it.
  • Captain Erin Lamvin
  • Erin’s trident has the power to control people.
  • Plans of the Forged travel in the near future.
  • Travel advice.
After an excellent meal, the group is taken back to their ship and go back to the Port arriving at 1pm. Karl and Lily escort Simone to see Galloway. Karl has a chat with Enfield about the temple of Avani and the Unchained. There they learn that Xeldarix wants to buy the temple of Avani and is looking to restore it. She has placed a magical item down as a deposit until she can buy it outright to pay for the taxes and land rates that the church has not paid since they left.   Afterwards Karl and Lily see Lyra and Lila to discuss the care of their new estate and what is to be done with it before going to find their other friends. At 3:30pm they find Fargrim and Xeldarix back at the Welcoming Hell-Hound Inn. Fargrim wakes up but Xeldarix doesn’t. He answers the door and talks quietly with his friends. After hearing some of the events that had happened and the fact they would be leaving soon, Fargrim says he will go with the group to see Sunnis. They leave Xeldarix a note in case she wakes up with them gone.   They head off to the mage guild and meet with Steve. He takes them down to see Sunnis upon request. She talks with them about their mission and her children. She just knows they are south but not where or how many. She rebinds the mask to the group.   Afterwards they head back to the inn to get the horses to take to the estate, Xeldarix which Lily will escort to the temple to collect her things while Fargrim and Karl pick up Simone. Fargrim takes his group to say goodbye to the temple of Neira and warn them of the wraiths Lily had seen around town.   Heading to the boat after saying goodbye and making their donations. Erin greets them and takes Karl’s crew down to their quarters before taking Karl to his own next to hers. Xeldarix and Lily arrive and are also shown to the quarters. Some of the Forged watch the leaving of port and the operations of the boat. Due to the lack of wind this evening this is helped out by a giant squid named Brutus which some of the members of the Forged are aware of. Afterwards they are invited to the officers area to dine to meet the officers of the crew.   The First Mate Lorenah and Quatermaster Wave Ruttiger seem to be Genasi twins that are different types. They seem very close. The bosun is a stand off Triton by the name of Enna. The cook is a Gnoll named Erdad that quickly picks up on Simone’s frail nature and seems to adopt her. Then there is Ten. A Warforge of Dwarven make that is apparently a medic but frequently neglects this. It would seem Erin expected Karl’s crew to shadow her crew and contribute however this message wasn’t passed on it seems.   Fargrim quickly requests Ten as his officer to shadow based on his medical skills. This delights Erin as it would be a nice change to have someone actually be medic on boat. Lily wants to learn to use the Mangonel on deck which then Erin refers her onto Wave as he takes care of that generally. Karl says he will start with shadowing Erin, which delights her all the more. Xeldarix reluctantly takes Lorenah when weighing up her options.   It is nearly when dinner is wrapping up that a crew member requests Ten for some assistance on behalf of Erdad. Fargrim follows to find Simone is having one of her Seer fits. It would seem somehow Erdad became aware of this and had found Simone. Fargrim takes Simone back down to the quarters they’re staying at and makes her comfortable since there is nothing that can be done about it. He hears her say things like “Gold”, “Bite”, “Murder”, “Accustation”. Erdad goes to get Simone a smaller meal at Fargrim’s request. It is when she collects the meal from the officers dinner that Erdad claims Simone as her responsibility to the Captain.   After the dinner everyone leaves and heads for the deck when Lily notices a wrecked ship somehow sailing nearby. There is a ghost at the helm. Erin leaves the decision on if they go to investigate to Karl. In the end everyone agrees to go and look into it. Erdad stays with Simone while Fargrim gets changed into his armour so he is ready for any fight they might encounter.   Lily summons a dolphin to take her to the boat, Erin takes Karl and Wave takes Fargrim and Xeldarix (though is slower because of it). Lily has no trouble boarding the boat, but Erin and Karl seem to pick bad elements of rope too weathered to use. Instead, Erin swims deeper with Karl and very suddenly picks up speed before breaching the water with just enough height to grab hold of the better rope up higher and allowing Karl up safely. Fargrim has similar trouble even with help from Wave. Xeldarix manages to get part way up before also helping Fargrim.   Once on deck Lily addresses the figure behind the helm which looks to be a captain. The captain is a brawny female water genasi named Cassie, with a scar on her right eye, a black dress, and the stereotypical pirate hat. She ignores Lily’s calls and starts to hum. Around the sea shanty about a drunken sailor starts to heard from the other members of the ghostly crew. Lily does her best to join in and this prompts music to join the sound of dead voices and gives the group a glance of the boat as it was in life.   Only after this does Cassie address Lily and speak with her. When Lily asks questions about what is happening Cassie invites them below deck to tell her tale. A sea hag from Shutter Hull Island cursed Cassie, the ship and her crew for all eternity, making them want to look for a cure, or a way to finally die. They’ve been sailing the seas for 259 years and so far haven’t been successful. After discussing the issue she reveals the hags kept her hat and there is a chance their curse is linked to that after the failed attempt to steal an artifact known as Masela’s Tear. It is rumoured to give the same powers as the Pirate King when in control of the realm magic but without the fame that comes with it.   After hearing about the nature of the hags the Forged have a desire to do something about these evil beings. Erin is on board with the idea as they are a part of the old King’s reign. She suggests it would be a way of marking the start of Karl’s reign without necessarily making a big entrance. A sign of change without getting in too deep.   The group bids Cassie farewell and head back to the boat where Erin suggests they get a good night's rest.

Rewards Granted

The Wellmore Estate as The Forged HQ

Missions/Quests Completed

Fargrim helped Xeldarix Hallow the temple to Avani.


Name XP Running Total Level
Fargrim 500 65,510 10
Karl 500 65,510 10
Lily 500 65,510 10
Simone 500 39,325 8

Curse of the Unchained

Karl Moller

Level 7 Human (Brecht) Neutral Good Wizard
46 / 46 HP

Lyra Ulvendatter

Level 8 Elf Chaotic Neutral Ranger
/ 53 HP

Lily Wulfsdotter

Level 7 Rjuven Half Elf CN Druid
72 / 72 HP

Fargrim Hammerland

Level 8 Dwarf Lawful Good Cleric
59 / 64 HP
Report Date
27 Jun 2021
Primary Location

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