Session 77: Astral Problems Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 77: Astral Problems Report

General Summary

18th of Deismir 1524 continued     At 8pm Karl, Lily, Xeldarix, Erin, Kai and Ten leave for the mage guild with Trinity and Steve. Fargrim and Clara agree that Fargrim will guard the construct while she gets the wagon from the forge.  

At 8:20pm the larger group arrives at the mage guild. Lily has given Karl the coin for the scroll while Karl gives Lily her the scroll of Find Greater Steed. Inside Gale and Reed are at the front desk, making a scene with trying to get information about Steve. Karl quickly gets their attention to say they have him. Gale is in full pirate regalia with a cutlass on her hip and Reed is also dressed up for a fight though is more of a cross between a pirate and a druid with his equipment.   Karl and Lily quickly explain what happened and arrange for Sam to be contacted to have him come and assist with this problem. Trinity directs the group to June’s enchantment room. They use the lens device that June has to look over the cage. The cage is the table with the large lenses. The lens contraption starts large and slowly gets smaller. They can be moved in and out the way so the viewer can control how much they zoom in on. Lily uses the lenses to look for locks and runes. Lily can see a lock and door but the detailing is fine and hard to see without the lenses. Her lock picks will fit inside but she will need to use the lenses to see what she is doing. Reed leaves the room for a moment.   The group struggles to try and activate the lens device as Trinity arrives. Trinity explains how the device works and the limitations of it. Karl uses it to examine the cage. It looks kind of similar to the one Karl was in. Has healing properties so would stop someone inside from dying if they were in danger of doing so. Probably a slow heal though. Not sure what else is going on here. Trinity confirms this and adds there is a ward on the lock. It is against magical means of opening. Also the cage gas antimagic properties, likely for the person inside to stop them trying to do magic.   Karl cast Private Sanctum to make sure no one can scry on them while they try to free Steve.  
At 8:30pm Clara returns with a horse and cart. Fargrim follows her direction as the pair load up the cart. Afterwards, Fargrim tries to sort the remains while Clara leaves to unload this cart and will return for a second load.  
At 8:40pm Karl’s spell is up. Lily takes her necklace off and enhances herself with Xeldarix’s guidance to try and open the cage with her lock picks. However, even with trying to magically boost herself she cannot seem to open it. Gale tries as Reed re-enters the room. However, she doesn’t do much better. Reed nods. He comes over and puts a hand on his mother's shoulder before his shape changes and he becomes a small octopus that clings to her shoulder. The circles on him turn bright blue as Gale carefully picks him up and puts him on the table. Reed picks up the tools and moves over to the cage with the tools. Within a few seconds Reed has popped the lock and opens the door. Reed carefully pulls Steve out and just wraps himself around his dad. Steve gently pats him on the... head? Hard to say.   Karl is very surprised by Reed’s abilities but gets ready to try and dispel the magic. Lily suggests they identify the magic affecting Steve first. Meanwhile, Gale is clearly proud of her son and is talking to her family about Reed being ready to start travelling with her when she leaves town again. Meanwhile Sam arrives. Sam identifies the effects on Steve while making remarks about Reed’s form which gets him flipped off as Reed takes his human form again. Sam explains there is a rune inserted into his spine that controls his size, hurts him if he tries magic but will prevent it from manifesting. Also the band around his foot is a tracker. That's fused with the skin. If they try to dispel the rune without removing it, it will drain Steve of life and magic to reactivate it again.   Lily puts her necklace back on. The group brainstorms how to deal with the rune. Gale picks up her husband to comfort him and herself with the conversation taking place. There is a possibility if they can recover the eyes from the construction to help with this situation. In the end they agree to meet at the adventurer’s guild at 10am to look into getting protection for the Eelwind family. The school will pay for this.   At this stage Erin speaks for the first time and Gale instantly jumps down her throat. As the two start to bicker, Karl puts an end to it and Erin removes herself from the situation. Sam and Trinity will stay with the Eelwinds tonight. Trinity and Karl quickly talk about Edlin and her threats. Lily brings up the cages and how it is a list of targets. Afterwards the group collects Erin and heads for the forge.  
At 9pm Clara returns. Fargrim suggests burning the bits with Beholder on it but Clara doesn’t want to. She wants to extract the metal and is sure someone could make use of the flesh. They load up the cart again and head back to the forge.  
At 9:30pm when Fargrim and Clara return to the forge, they find Karl, Lily, Xeldarix, Erin, Kai, Ten and the forge apprentices there. As they unload the cart, the group updates Fargrim on what happened. Lily harvests the fleshy parts of the beholder and gets all the eyes into Fargrim’s bag of colding. Karl promises to come for dinner tomorrow night with Erin with his parents.   At 10:15 pm the group leaves for the manor to arrive back at 10:30pm. Karl spends twenty minutes ritually casting alarms and then ritually casts a dome. And then collapses. Lily does some scrying on Lorenah to see her sleeping. Fargrim goes straight to bed.   19th of Deismir 1524   Lily is awoken at 3am to a chill in the air and she's able to see her breath. As she looks around the room there is frost creeping across her window. She sends her familiar to wake the others as Uqaviel comes into the room while Lily is trying to armour up. They don’t have time as Kriesha’s angels are here and one is gathering energy to level the house. As Lily leaves her room she can see Xochitl trying failing to get in Fargrim's room. She goes to knock on the door to wake Fargrim.  
Karl is gently shaken awake at 3am by Erin. It's cold in the room and Karl can see his breath. Frost is slowly creeping across the window. Erin tells him something is wrong. They quickly get up and get dressed. Erin hears noise in the hallway and goes to check it out with Kai. Karl puts on the ugly nanny sweater Trinity made for him. Erin cracks open the door.  
Fargrim wakes up to knocking at his door at 3am, just as Erin cracks the door open to Karl's room for Kai to poke his head out as Lily is about to approach that door. The first thing Fargrim notices is that it's cold. Unseasonably so. As he opens his eyes he notices some strange beads that look like eyes that seem to be watching him. This freaks Fargrim out instantly and he quickly leaves his room with sword and shield. Lily is standing in the hallway between Karl's room and your room. You presume it was she who had knocked on the door to wake you. Karl's door opens a crack with Erin and Kai just visible through the crack.   Lily tells them about the angels and the group hurries downstairs to deal with the problem. Karl mentally messages Xeldarix to find she is getting Caramella out safely. They head out to the back when Lily can faintly see Uqaviel’s glow out there. Karl tries yelling for Abigail, but the larger woman sleeps on. As people head outside there are some blue skinned angels with light blue wings, white dresses and giant greataxes in their hands. One smiles as the group comes out and flies down to you. In the distance you can see Uqaviel and a larger angel, with too many wings and eyes, fighting.   It seems someone wants the group gone and has sent these angels. Lily makes a comment about Yura, but can’t read the angels and their reactions. Karl is tired and done. He banishes one of the angels. Lily calls down Xeldarix’s blessing to help fortify everyone, then conjures up a Hollyphant to aid in battle. The angels do not like Karl banishing their sister and one attacks him, which causes him to lose focus on the spell as her greataxe bites into him. Another angel attacks Lily and Fargrim, getting a hit on both of them. Erin runs over to help Karl, stunning the angel so he can move away from her.   Fargrim likes Karl’s idea so he tries to banish them and gets one of them. He immediately books it away from the fight. Snow and ash rain down around the house as Uqaviel and the larger angel fight above them. Karl tries again and manages to banish another one, leaving only one angel and the larger one. Lily moves over to attack with Erin. Lily gets in one good blow, channelling energy into the hit, but is disappointed by how little it seems to hurt the angel. Erin is concerned about Karl as she keeps up her assault and stuns the angel again. Fargrim heals himself as he circles the house.   Uqaviel hits the ground hard, leaving a large crater in the backyard. He has a large icicle embedded in his side that is slowly melting away as he sits up. His side bleeds. Karl closes his eyes for a moment and takes a slow deep breath. He opens his eyes and points as a thick green beam tears a hole through the air toward the angel. Karl ducks into the house, looking paler and thinner than normal as the angel turns to dust and disappears with the wind. Lily prays to Erik and Xeldarix, blessing Uqaviel and others. Erin is left confused with her target gone and no threat within a short distance of her.   Fargrim puts distance between him and the back yard... eventually hoping to see what is happing in the front. Uqaviel goes to get up but a series of pin needles pin him down coming from the angel as the creature descends. "You have all committed a great crime and we have been summoned to serve justice. We will leave you with the message "For Iris" to take into the afterlife." The booming voice makes most of the groups’ ears bleed and deafens most of them. Everyone but Erin and Xeldarix are struggling to hear anything aside from blood pumping in their ears and Iris' name. This finally woke Abigail from inside the tent.   Fargrim and Karl cannot hold onto their banishment spells through the pain and the sisters return. Karl slumps against the wall and pulls a potion off his holster and drinks it. He does his best to direct Erin to one of the returned angels. Xeldarix flies out and takes stock of the carnage, sending out a wave of healing at Uqaviel and getting between the big one and Lily. Lily doesn’t respond due to not hearing. Xeldarix looks up at the big angel and draws her new dagger, readying an attack if it approaches. The angel near Xeldarix offers her a chance to live and be reborn in frost or to die here with the mortals. The angels attacks her, getting two slices in with a promise to stop hurting her if Xeldarix surrenders.   Lily looks around and makes a hard decision. Lily drops her sword, and drops a rod and a gem next to Xeldarix, then says, loudly and hoping Xeldarix can somehow hear her. “You have to get them to safety. I’m with you, always.” Then, large golden spectral wings burst from her back as she jumps up and flies straight at the giant angel. As she approaches the figure, she takes her two bags and stuffs one into the other, rending space apart between her and the furious angel. Lily and the large angel are sucked in and disappear.   This angers the remaining angels even more as one attacks Erins, getting one good hit on the sea elf. Erin reacts by attacking back and stunning the angel while she steadies herself by drawing on her stamina. Fargrim heals himself and starts trying to run back towards the fight. A flash of heat and the icicles melt away as Uqaviel yells loudly into the night. His eyes move to the angel attacking his ward as he summons his weapons once he's standing again. Karl closes his eyes, whispers a prayer to Avani, and pulls a wand from his sleeve. Karl moves to the door and points the wand at the Angel that attacked Erin. He yells out some words of encouragement as he ducks back around the corner.   Xeldarix loses herself to her wrath and screams at the angel attacking her. However, this only amuses the angel as she attacks Xeldarix while the other is left in stunned silence by Erin. Abigail runs by Karl and out the back, summoning her axe. Erin continues using the angel in front of her as a training dummy, keeping her stunned. Simone slides open a window from upstairs, whining about the early hour. Fargrim rounds the corner of the backyard and summons a spiritual sword to attack an angel. Uqaviel joins the fight properly with the larger angel gone and helps Xeldarix. Knocking the angel prine and stunned.   Karl pleads for Abigail to end this fight quickly as he continues to fire magic missiles at the angels. Xeldarix goes into her blind wrath attacks against the angel. Abigail lets out a mighty scream which causes one of the angel’s head to explode and cover Erin in the remains, while the other just bleeds from her nose, ears and eyes. Simone fires her own spells to back up the group. Fargrim’s weapon misses as he continues to run back to the fight. Uqaviel throws his arms back but slices forward across the angel, severing her head from her torso and her torso from her legs. She falls to the ground in pieces and the battle is over. Lily is gone, but the battle is over.  
As Lily is pulled into the space with the weird angel, Lily can feel her body shift and change as it happens before a sudden loud cracking noise happens and Lily is thrown away from the angel. By the time Lily can gather her thoughts to look around, with the experience causing a headache to grow with her bleeding ears. The space around Lily is a mixture of black, blue, purple and grey. There are far off lights that resemble stars, and large bodies floating around here with many creatures swarming around them. Lily is not floating terribly close to them. The large bodies are easy to make out but the creatures are not.   The large angel is spotted by Lily in the distance seems to be actively looking for Lily. Lily transforms into a celestial imp and swims/flies around collecting as much of her stuff as she can while watching the giant angel from a distance. As she does this, she discovers her thoughts move her better than her wings do. Lily can see her money, supplies, fire, poison, longswords, plate mail, and outfits. She gathers everything but the armor, as that is prohibitively large. She only grabs one of the longswords and leaves the rest with a quick prayer to Avani about the weapons. As Lily tries to float away from the seeking angel, she gets a message from Fargrim.  
The group at the manor regroups. Karl cleans everyone up with some magic as Uqaviel is carefully approaching the very angry Xeldarix who is still stabbing angel bits. The group tries to calm Xeldarix and find out what is wrong since no one else saw what Lily did. Xeldarix explains what Lily did and the fact that she has to go get her. Karl is very quick to reinforce the idea that Xeldarix cannot go alone and should wait before they go.   They discuss getting Captain Celaser to help them with possibly navigating the Astral Sea. Uqaviel makes it clear a visit to the Astral Sea will be very triggering for Xeldarix and she should not go alone. Karl uses his stone to try and talk to Lily but doesn’t get a response which has the group panicking a little. Fargrim uses a spell to contact Lily and she replies confirming she is alright. The group is happy and stunned Lily replied.  
Lily turns and floats as fast as she can away from the angel, and towards one of the large bodies, just close enough to get a better view. The large body seems to be a man with Vos features. He has tribal tattoos of an owl, chameleon and a whale. Lily keeps her distance while floating past the dead god, and looks back to see if she’s being chased down by the angel. She tries to find her way out of the god graveyard.  
Xeldarix reveals she sent Caramella to the temple. The group decides to get the remaining rest they need there as the manor might not be safe. Hopefully the hallowed ground will protect them. They go upstairs and gather their things and some things from Lily’s room. Karl grabs the greataxes from the dead angels, while Xeldarix grabs the things Lily dropped for her.   As Fargrim goes into his room, he is shocked and terrified that the eyes are still in his room. Karl goes to investigate. Karl looks through the star at them. They just look like normal beads with eyes painting on them through the star. Without the star the drawn on eyes seem to look like they are watching Karl and moving with him.   Simone is obviously disappointed Karl won’t be spending the day with her anymore, but she understands. She heads off to bed with Abigail. Karl suggests to Abigail that they look into doubling Simone’s guards. Karl searches Lily’s room for some of her things and is surprised the speaking stone is not there. Then the group starts the long walk to the temple.  
Lily floats away for her best guess of 15 minutes, or until she can’t see the bodies of the gods, whichever comes first. There are still giant bodies in most directions she looks. There are some that are smaller. There are many creatures around them and they seem to be in conflict around the bodies. She uses her stone to message Karl after she returns to her usual form.  
At 4am, they arrive at the temple. The door are closed and there is a sign on the door. "Enter if in need, but be respectful of the sleeping." The group quietly enters the room. Erin, Xeldarix and Ten follow. Xeldarix holds the door open for a few seconds extra before quietly closing it.   Inside there are people sleeping in pews, on mats on the floor and a few people awake. One approaches the group, carefully stepping around the sleeping people. A young man approaches to see what they need. He suggests they use the Lady Xeldarix’s room upstairs. Caramella had been sent up there when she arrived.   Up on the third floor there is only one room. It is a large bedroom, with a large King sized bed with two bedside tables full of offerings and more that scatter themselves around the rooms. The offerings range from candles to notes and small trinkets. Caramella is sitting on the bed praying when the group enters.   Karl takes the rod and gem from Xeldarix, but she keeps Lily’s sword. Everyone settles down to sleep. As Karl tries to fall asleep he gets a message from Lily. Karl does his best to pass on what he knows about the Astral Sea.   The astral sea is mostly empty space. However there are domains inside it. The god graveyard is one of them. There are hazards like Silvery Clouds of the Astral Plane which can sometimes make strange things happen. Not sure what their deal is. There is a main city inside a dead god but it's not in the graveyard. No one has reported on where it is.  
Lily gathers herself up and keeps flying, looking for either a less-contested god body or an end of the graveyard. Lily for now sees no end to the bodies and gets lost a few times, passing that same Vos body a few times. She has not seen the angel again since. She focuses on finding one that has less of a war going on around it. It takes a while, but eventually Lily does find one that doesn't seem as contested. It's a female that looks elven in features. Her torso has a large hole inside it where the heart should be. There are some creatures around, but nowhere near as many.   Lily approaches cautiously. There are some tents set up on her stomach. A figure looking around her head and a few under her since there is no ground. Lily lands on her stomach with her hands up to show no weapons drawn. As Lily approaches she sees a group of hairless humanoids with the proportions of Dwarves in a human size under a large pavilion. Their faces and bodies are perfectly symmetrical. If they have scares, they seem to have the same or similar scar on the other side of their body. They're dressed like researchers. They range in colour from green to purple. Those a light blue seems to be the most common around them. One of them seems to have a second face. The one with the second face frowns twice and approaches. He speaks to Lily but she doesn’t understand.  
However it seems one does speak some broken Elvish. She requests a place to rest and offers to help them after she has had some rest. They agree. The two faced purple individual leads Lily away from the pavilion area. He leads Lily to the edge of the woman and off the side there is a ship moored there.  
Lily admires the ship for a minute. The individual and Lily float to the ship. There are fields and crops on the top layer with a nice garden in the centre. He takes Lily where more of these creatures here that seems to be doing various things around the ship. Most wear robes and some others have simple clothing. There are children here. He takes Lily into one of the buildings. Lily will sleep for four hours and work for four. When left to a simple room, Lily summons Xochitl to watch over her as she gets some rest.  
Karl and Fargrim wake up at 7am. Karl quickly heads downstairs for a moment when they are brought up bowls of oatmeal by the children who wanted to come and see Xeldarix. She is still sitting at the window seat as the sun is rising, filling the room with a morning warmth. Fargrim gently ribs Xeldarix as she tells the children they can’t with them today.   Downstairs, Karl prays to Avani and after a moment, he hears something in return. However, it was just Lily sending him a message via the stones.  
Lily is awoken later by a knock on the door. She realises she doesn’t seem to have healed in her sleep like she normally would. A green two faced individual brings Lily breakfast and talks with her after casting a spell. Her name is Wuon. The people want Lily’s help in trying to locate something in exchange for the rest. Lily asks for more information about the god these people seem to be researching here. Lily suspects this is Cerilia. Aebrynis' wife and mother to the old gods. Wuon wants to get Ank, their leader, when Lily says she might have information that can help him. Lily is advised to go to the garden outside when she is done eating. Lily eats, meditates and sends a message to Karl. She tells him her theory about Cerilia and Karl promises they are looking to get to her soon.  
Karl returns upstairs after speaking with Lily to eat his breakfast. He arrives to kids conspiring to ignore gods as they take Fargrim’s words the worse way possible. Xeldarix is eager to get going, but eating and spellwork takes time.   Fargrim tries to lecture the kids about following the examples of the gods and to be good to one another like they do here at the temple. However, the kids do not seem to be very good at listening. They get distracted by anything that flies past the window.   Karl and Fargrim start preparing their spells.  
Lily speaks with the people that gave her sanctuary. She tells them to story she knows of Cerilia, the Baatezu who cursed her with illness and Aebrynis’ actions to try and saver her soul/heart. She learns:
  • The lace of signs of a divine spark in the body was a curiosity.
  • They are researching divine sparks.
  • They will leave now that they know they cannot find anything of use here and will help Lily to thank her for saving them time.
  • They are known as the Quom.
  • Lakal. She was a domain in this sea and their god who was killed in the Dawn War.
  • Their people are split into two factions. Those who hold close to the spiritual beliefs of before the war. They are healer, meditators, scholars with a great interest in the occult. The others are scavengers, raiders and predators as their hate grows over sadness of their history.
  • Lakal’s body is hidden from scavengers and they are trying to restore her.
When they’re done talking, Lily starts to help them pack up.  
At 9:30am the spell prep is finished. Karl and Erin talk about her staying with them until they leave for the Astral Sea when she will then go off and continue her training, while guarding his blood gem that Lily dropped. They need to go by the Adventurer’s guild first to help the Eelwind family. Most of the guild members are here having breakfast.   They arrive at the adventurer's guild at 10am just after the Eelwind family arrive. Gale, Reed, Ava, Trinity and Sam are there. As you approach you can Steve being carefully held by Gale. They're talking with Flux. They look over the candidates and pick who they think will be the best for the Eelwind family. They select Hoelat, Queg, Mariabel, Lancion, Aired and Nalian. Fargrim volunteers to stay with the Eelwinds and do the surgery while Karl and Xeldarix go get Lily. Fargrim and Karl confirm plans for what they will do.   Karl speaks to Celaser privately about Astral Sea. She tells him what she thinks is helpful, while cutting him off from cutting her off. He learns:
  • There are places warded from being found through thought travel direction mentions.
  • Thought travel is thinking of a destination and traveling towards it in the fastest route (not always safest).
  • There is a hidden city this will not work on. This is made inside the corpse of a god.
  • Your intelligence determines the speed on the Astral Sea.
  • Cerilia is considered a backwater plane.
  • Most are ravergers, savages or slayers.
  • You do not feel hungry in the Astral Sea.
After some deliberation Karl decides to take Captain Celaser with her to go get Lily. The Captain will meet Karl at the Mage Guild.   When Karl goes back to Fargrim, he suggests they ask the Sailing Song of Neira for assistance with the surgery. Fargrim uses the ring to speak with High Paladin Salma. Salma will send the paladin squad with her best surgeon. By the time Karl and Fargrim are done talking, Flux has arranged the guild members to go with the Eelwinds. They will serve them for a week.  
Lily is helping pack up the research area on Cerilia. It is very basic instructions from Ank in his basic Elven. Afterwards she goes with the group into the body. It is a strange stone yet fleshy like material. Hallways, stairs and such have been carved into the body to allow passage.   When they’re done, Lily floats up to sketch the body and the cavity in the torso. Wuon sends people with Lily just to make sure she’ll be okay.  
Karl quickly runs to the manor to grab Lily’s armour, unappraised jewellery and the mask with Erin. The Eelwinds, Trinity, Xeldarix, Uqaviel and Fargrim will head to the mage guild. Xeldarix camps out by the circle with Uqaviel to wait for Karl. Fargrim and Co head straight up to June’s enchanting room. Trinity and Fargrim talk about what needs to be done and what Karl is going to do. Fargrim pulls out the tuning fork for Cerilia. Trinity shows him how the lens work if they are needed during the surgery. She explains the seriousness of the metal rune and they come with a plan. Gale and Ava will go downstairs but Reed will stay to watch Fargrim due to mistrust after the cookie incident.   When Fargrim touches base with Salma about the supplies for the surgical team, he asks about the Chanty. She heard from the Chanty on the 16th. She arrived in Blackgate then and has not been heard from since.  
Karl arrives at the mage guild as the Sailing Song of Niera crew arrive. He finds Celaser already there and is waiting to go. He quickly goes up to see Fargrim before he goes. The Sailing Song of Niera crew arrive at the room at the same time as Karl to see Fargrim. Karl goes back downstairs to say goodbye to Erin and planeshift away with Xeldarix. Celaser is turned into a small bird to make it easier on Xeldarix.  
Fargrim and the surgeon speak with Gale and Steve about what needs to be done. As they discuss what has to be done, Fargrim assesses the surgeon is likely more experienced than Fargrim. They will try to poison Steve to sedate him, but he has a natural resistance to it and as such the Paladin’s will help restrain him in that case. He starts the surgery with assisting Neira’s best available surgeon.   Fargrim casts Antimagic Field and the surgery with Steve returns to his normal size for this.  
As they arrive in Astral Sea, Karl drops the polymorph on Celaser. All around them are large dead bodies. Uqaviel is visible, he has a very noticeable ice patch where he was hit by an icicle. Karl activates his stoneskin on himself which happens easier and quicker then normal. He speaks to Xeldarix, but she is not paying attention to him and is staring at the bodies. She is highly distracted and having a hard time focusing.   Karl contacts Lily to say they are here. Lily is glad to hear from them but warns them to stay away from Basaia. Karl explains how Xeldarix is right now. When he is done he grabs Xeldarix and encourages her to think of Lily. Karl does the same. Uqaviel also holds onto Xeldarix, giving Celaser a lift as they move as she is not as fast as Karl or Celaser. She uses a rope to tie herself to him so her hands are free to allow her to use her bow to pick off creature that try to approach. As they move off, Xeldarix starts to change direction but between Uqaviel and Karl they force her to stay on track.  
Lily waits for the group at the front of the ship. She messages the group with a description of the ship. No one is really sure how long it takes for Karl and the group to arrive. Celaser tells Karl a little about the Quom on the way. Uqaviel has taken over holding onto Xeldarix as she gets violent with trying to get away. It takes a while, but eventually the group comes into view. Lily flies off to greet them. A few of the Quom follow Lily. Lily hugs Xeldarix while stops her attacks and escape attempts briefly.   Karl gives Lily the mask and explains the plan to rest before returning to Cerilia. The Quom agree to help Celaser get back to a place that will help her get in contact with her crew or the very least get in contact with some people she trusts in. Tu’narath is the name of the hidden city.   The Quom explain they are looking for a divine spark and one day want to come to Cerilia to look into the divine spark. As they talk, Karl notices Xeldarix is doing really poorly. So he conjuries his mansion on the deck of the ship in a location that the Quom believe will be safest. Lily invites Ank and Wuon inside to see the magic and perhaps talk a little more. Once everyone is inside Karl closes the door and Xeldarix stops fighting and goes limp. Uqaveil dumps Xeldarix on the couch while servants bring her chocolate drinks and food. Xeldarix does eat and drink, but she is clearly struggling to focus and is very tired. Uqaviel sits as well, holding his side that has started to weep around the frosted parts of the wound. Xeldarix clearly got a few good hits in that spot.   Lily asks about how the flying planar ships are made, constructed and work. Ank, Wuon and Celaser lecture Lily on this. There are apparently rocks and metal that float. Lily is given information about where such metals can be found given the habit and environmental factors. Normally found near volcanoes and is very dangerous to mine as a result. Mithril is also needed due to the lightness of the metal for the ship structure or light but strong woods. Lily is given indicators on how to identify it. It is reactive to magic. Karl joins this lecture. Ank is talk with Celaser about the journey to the hidden city.   There is a brief talk after updating Erin and Fargrim on their situation where Lily tells Karl about what has happened since she got here before the group arrived.   The lessons change to being about the plane from Ank and Wuon and Karl takes many notes. A connection is made about the hole in the body of Cerilia and the continent shape of Cerilia.   They try to head to bed at 10pm but it is a little off. Lily magically heals herself since she is not naturally healing. Karl casts a magical spell on himself as well before bed.  
Fargrim and the surgeon finish the surgery successfully without issue. The antimagic spell is dismissed and the paladins heal the surgical wound. Reed covers and comforts his father. Then he takes Fargrim down to see his family while the surgeon finished up with Steve. Gale and Ava are in the family area. Fargrim tells them the good news. Ava is a little upset her dad is full sized. Fargrim suggests that Reed be a doll sized toy for her to play with and Reed reminds Fargrim he is a shit baker and banned from their kitchen.   Fargrim asks if Gale has heard from Karl. She seems annoyed that anyone would think she would want to hear from Karl. With that Fargrim goes looking for any master around. He finds Trinity first. They talk and Fargrim learns that Trinity has not heard from Karl since he left. Fargrim casts sending instead of using his stone to check in on the group. However, it doesn’t get through to the other plane. Trinity reminds Fargrim to remind Karl about reports.   Fargrim then leaves and uses the ring to contact Simone. Simone replies she is doing a walkthrough of her district. Fargrim is once again sure the party is today but Simone corrects him. She gets really upset at the idea of Karl, Lily or Fargrim missing her party. Fargrim does not make any promises about the others making it to the party but he will definitely be there.   Eventually Fargrim decides to do some research after saying goodbye to the people from the temple of Neria. He leaves a donation of 1000 gold, 7 silver, 24 copper to the temple. He researches Seers and anything of note about past Seers with Hathana’s help (2.5 gold for the help). They start at midday and end at 5pm. They find:
  • Seers can be afflicted by different curses but all seers have a curse.
  • Blindness which becomes a situation where they do not need their sight.
  • Deafness which helps them be resistant/immune to thunder damage.
  • Despair where they struggle to fight off death when brought to 0.
  • Haunting (which Simone has) which later develops into deeper and greater knowledge sets with the help of the spirits. They can become a master of the spirits once they turn the curse into a blessing.
  • More experience is required to turn a curse into a blessing.
  • Seers have gifts.
  • Simone has Abjuring gift (mage armour)
  • Warding sanctums and designating safe spaces.
  • A seer can self heal if they are ever threatened with death.
  • Become misty (misty step)
  • Seers with great experience can forewarn others mid combat to help them evade danger.
  • They need practice and guidance.
  • All Seers have an angel or spirit to guide them. If they are removed that is when the seer tends to fail.
  • There are general suggestions to help with chronic fatigue. It can lead to chronic pain.
At 3pm Fargrim gets a message from Karl about their intentions to planeshift back in the morning with Lily and everyone.   At 6pm dinner is had. Fargrim tells Simone about all he learned today. He asks her about the angel that was helping her who is held by Morningsteel. His name is Nisroc and he served Niera. She is delighted that the others will be back tomorrow. She just hopes he doesn’t drown in the Astral sea. After a confusing exchange they finish dinner.   After dinner Fargrim tries to call on Haelyn’s grace for Erin but feels unheard. He goes to bed at 9pm. He dreams of mountains and spines.   20th of Deismir 1524   At 5:30am Fargrim wakes up. He spends some time praying for Erin and prays for some new spells for the day. He has breakfast and heads for a relaxing bath before the shops open so he can go shopping for the party.  
Lily and Karl wake up. A little unsure of the time. Lily mediates before checking in on Xeldarix. Uqaviel is sitting on Xeldarix to keep her in the mansion. Xeldarix is still not looking well. Lily looks over Xeldarix and believes that leaving this place will help Xeldarix get better. It is likely this mostly a mental problem with physical manifestation. Uqaviel is clearly very tired and done with the whole situation.   Karl prepares his spells for the day and messages Erin about when they are planeshifting back. She will meet him at the guild. When he goes out to see the group, Lily sends him out of the mansion with the mask to thank the Quom for their help. Xeldarix immediately trying to get out as soon as Karl opens the door. Lily and Uqaviel keep her contained.   Lily is worried that Xeldarix did not get enough rest, but Uqaviel assures her that Xeldarix did. His influential magic that he used on Xeldarix in the Beastland will probably not work for much longer as Xeldarix grows in power, but for now it means she got some rest. She will likely be groggy and tired for the rest of the day as a result. Karl does speak to them without issue and returns.   Lily turns into an imp, Karl becomes a bird, they put the tuning fork in Xeldarix’s hand and Uqaviel puts a hand on either side of Xeldarix’s head. Lily pleads with Xeldarix to take them back to Fargrim. It takes a little bit and Xeldarix realises Fargrim is alone. She seems worried Basaia is alone and wants to come back later. Lily does not say yes and just repeats Fargrim is alone. Uqaviel also mutters that Fargrim is alone to drive her Xeldarix to take them to him. This brings Xeldarix to tears as she planeshifts them back.  
As Fargrim enjoys his bath, there is a popping sound as Karl, Lily, Xeldarix and Uqaviel all end up in the bath with a bit of a slash as three other figures follow the group through the rip and into the private bath area Fargrim was using.


Name XP Running Total Level at end of session
Fargrim 8,625 202,211 16
Karl 8,625 202,211 16
Lily 8,625 202,211 16
Simone 8,625 90,336 11

Curse of the Unchained

Karl Moller

Level 7 Human (Brecht) Neutral Good Wizard
46 / 46 HP

Lyra Ulvendatter

Level 8 Elf Chaotic Neutral Ranger
/ 53 HP

Lily Wulfsdotter

Level 7 Rjuven Half Elf CN Druid
72 / 72 HP

Fargrim Hammerland

Level 8 Dwarf Lawful Good Cleric
59 / 64 HP
Report Date
17 Feb 2023

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