Session 81: A Duel of Seasons Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 81: A Duel of Seasons Report

General Summary

1st of Erntenir 1524 continued   At 2pm after the brawl is done, Lily goes over to find Fargrim and see how he went at the temple. They will continue to keep the ex-slaves at the adventurer’s guild building until they hear back from Salma after collecting them from the mage guild. After this quick chat they separate.  

At 2pm, after walking for six hours, Karl and his travelling group have started to enter the space between the peaks. They start their search for a way down here.  
Lily and Xeldarix get a hot chocolate and a snack on the way to the adventurer’s guild and arrive at 2:30pm. When they arrive they go down to see the where the people from Muden among the ex-slaves came from. However, from all the flying Lily has done, she is sure that those town are abandoned now. They are sad to learn this but don’t speak.  
  After some time with them she goes down to see Flux. She gets the latest report from the cave. She arranges for the potions of healing, the arrows, and scrolls be kept for guild use as required. The people who went to the caves can call dibs on the items as a cut of their share. The wand should be kept at the front desk to vet questionable clients. The rest is to be sold.   Lily heads to the bank to take out some money before going back to her guild and gives each ex slave 5 gold each to help them out while they recover. She then heads to Timest Road to watch the painting while waiting for Fargrim’s event.  
Fargrim heads off for a late lunch. He has the gauntlet challenge meal. The six courses to this challenge are; a heaping bowl of chips and fire giant salsa, a bowl of duck egg soup, a serving of catfish, a spinach salad with mushrooms, a sixteen ounce owlbear steak, and finally a fruit salad with whipped topping! While eating Darghast and Fargrim discuss food and their different perspectives on the matter.   Afterwards, at 3:30pm Fargrim arrives at the temple of Xeldarix to look over his altar. Then he checks in with Selise. As they talk, he asks about Xeldarix and her domain which he learns is second chances. Everyone mood has picked up since their shared dream and he donates the patches he was given for finishing the meal. Then he leaves for the temple of Neria.   He arrives at 4pm and the High Paladin is returning at the same time as Fargrim. There they discuss the ex-slaves and what space they have available to house some of them. The could house 5 comfortable, but 10 in a short term basis. Fargrim makes a donation before leaving for his gauntlet. At 4:30pm Fargrim updates Lily on this via sending.  
At 4pm, after nearly two hours of searching, Erin finds something. A tunnel in the riverbed. They make camp nearby and by 5pm everything is set up. Karl contacts Enna to update her on their status. Then he uses magic to shift the water away from the hole and Erin heads down to scout ahead for them. When Erin is gone for too long, Karl casts sending as he gets worried. She’s okay and is just heading back now. She found a tunnel. They return to the camp with wave leading the crew in a sing along about the pirate king sneaking off to make love on the riverbank. Karl enjoying the good natured joke sings along with them all.   Karl checks in with Viona about spying on the generals around the time of the meeting, but she recommends against it. After that, they relax for the night as Karl sets up his magical wards and rest.  
Time for the Culinary Confrontation at 5pm!   In this event, your players will use their cooking skills to earn the sweet taste of victory! A charismatic half-elf named Tydallen introduces the teams. Fargrim is introduced for the Adventurer's Forged. Eldon is introduced for the Saviors.   Fargrim and Eldon make small talk as Tydallen addresses the crowd and explains the competition. Special ingredients are raffled off to the chefs. Once they have those they are sent to a special market to try and get deals and ingredients before returning to start preparing, cooking and presenting the meals to the special guest judges; Goredawn Ramslay, Rachelle Sunray and Baltonrown.   The judges award the points as following:
  • Fargrim - 62
  • Eldon - 35
  • Cook 1 - 24
  • Cook 2 - 35
  • Cook 3 - 32
The sellers give some bonus marks based on money saved.
  • Fargrim - 0
  • Eldon - 7.5
  • Cook 1 - 5
  • Cook 2 - 7.5
  • Cook 3 - 10
New totals:
  1. Fargrim - 62
  2. Eldon - 42.5
  3. Cook 1 - 29
  4. Cook 2 - 42.5
  5. Cook 3 - 42
Feedback given to the chefs.
  • Fargrim - A good meal. It has nice presentation and makes good use of the special ingredient. This is the kind of food they would expect to receive at a nice restaurant! First Place
  • Eldon and Cook 2 - The food is edible but doesn’t highlight the special ingredient or does not look appealing on the plate. Spices added at incorrect levels. Shared Second / Third place.
  • Cook 3 - The food is edible but doesn’t highlight the special ingredient or does not look appealing on the plate. Spices added at incorrect levels and slightly burnt. Fourth place.
  • Cook 1 - The meal is vile. The meat might be raw or the special ingredient is used at dangerous levels. The judges are disgusted and refuse to eat the food with snide remarks and disappointment. The food may literally kill someone. Goredawn really digs into this chef. Last place.
After four events we have the following points:
  1. Adventurer's forged: 18 points
  2. Saviors: 13 points
  3. Group 3: 13 points
  4. Group 1: 8 points
  5. Group 2: 8 points
The event wraps up at 7pm.   Lily and Fargrim celebrate the victory. They go and pick up the ex-slaves from the temple. Taking 6 instead of the recommended 5 as they all follow Neira and don’t want someone to feel abandoned by their faith. While moving, they discuss the idea of lessons from Master Barnes for Uqaviel. He is not against but does not see how it will help the current problem. Xeldarix doesn’t know what she wants to do with her downtime.   As they walk from the Adventurer’s guild Lily is noticing there is a lot of fallen leaves, which is strange because Autumn is only just really starting. She looks over one of the leaves which has a faint glimmer that fades after a moment. Fargrim forwarns the high paladin they are on the way with 6 people.   At about 8pm, as the group is near the temple, the leaves seem to be more prominent. As one blows across the street, it hits Lily in the leg and seems to be stuck there. As Lily leans down to try and get it off another hits her in the arm. They are not coming off. She gets Fargrim’s attention and he starts to panic a little. The leaves don’t seem to be effecting anyone else. They try to run for the temple. The people with them are terrified by what is happening. As Lily runs moves leaves attach to her until she is a ball of leaves which stops moving. Xeldarix looks panicked as her hand which was holding onto Lily is no longer holding up the pile of leaves. She starts to search the pile as the wind blows the leaves away and reveals that the pile is empty and Lily is gone.  
As Lily’s vision is soon covered by leaves and moving gets harder, but then she’s able to break free but now she’s in a forest that looks to be in full swing of Autumn. She’s on a trail and cannot sense or feel Xeldarix at this time. She tries to send a message to Fargrim, but gets no reply. All she can hear is the faint sound of music coming from further down the trail.  
Seeing Lily is gone, Fargrim tells everyone around him not to freak out. Xeldarix, naturally, freaks out. He hurries to drop the freaking out ex-slaves that are with them at the temple. Uqaviel appears and acts as a second voice of reason to support what Fargrim is saying. By the time Fargrim returns, the angels are wrestling. Fargrim tries to contact Lily but gets no response. Uqaviel is trying to prevent Xeldarix from planeshifting away and Fargrim reminds her that this could be a trap. Lily being the bait and Xeldarix being the target. This just upsets Xeldarix more as she throws dirty shot at Uqaviel’s injured heart which causes him great pain.   Fargrim begs her to stop and she does. She feels so guilty that this might be her fault. Fargrim isn’t sure what to do and she tells him to contact Karl.  
Upon getting the message about Lily, Karl tries to contact her as well, but has no luck. He advises Fargrim to talk to Steve or Chip. Also Abigail might have an idea since the leaf stuff sounds fey and she knows fey stuff. He takes the time to scry on Lorenah and work on copying Stone Shape.   Lorenah is in her cabin when Karl's vision is pulled into the mirror. There is a half finished bowl of stew on the table next to her. She biting her thumb nail, lost in thought as she reads a book. She seems to be reading smut. At the end a half giant comes in and it is revealed they are heading for Lichstadt as they try to narrow the gap between them and Erin’s ship. She reveals her plan to kidnap Karl, murder Erin, steal her blood, revive her and then keep her as a slave. The half giant doesn’t seem convinced she will be allowed to keep Erin since she has probably been set up to fail, but the scrying ends before hearing the rest of the conversation.   Erin and Karl discuss the details of what he saw. Karl considers asking Colin to misdirect her. Karl is worried she might have a tighmaevril blade.   Just before bed Karl recasts contingency on himself.  
Lily moved quietly down the path. After a few minutes it opens up to a clearing which looks like a party. There are balloons, flags, food, a dance floor and other wonderful things. There are many strange creatures here. The ones Lily recognises are fey. There are two thrones on a raised platform. They're all enjoying the party. Lily watches for a few minutes. Lily watches them but doesn't seem to notice someone has snuck up on her until they speak. The librarian fawn that she has met many times is watching the party next to Lily.   The fawn tells Lily why she is here after being asked. She is the entertainment of the celebration. The equinox approaches and the champions of winter and summer are required. Lily requests a message be sent to her friends and the fawn agrees to do so. The fawn recommends Lily take a moment to rest and look after herself before the duel of winter and summer champions begins.  
As soon as Fargrim tells her what Karl said she storms off to head for the mage guild. Fargrim again tries to get Xeldarix to stop while he contacts Steve via the ring. They arrange to meet in the park. Fargrim also touches base with Simone about Abigail and they will also meet Fargrim at the park. Xeldarix is annoyed that it might be fey and almost seems to be on the edge of remembering something but it fades as her anger runs hot.   Fargrim theories all the different options that could have taken Lily, which just angers Xeldarix more. Xeldarix makes a comment about the possibility of Fargrim turning on them, but he can’t stealth for shit so at least she would hear him coming. Fargrim looks confused and asks Xeldarix about it and reveals that she can hear Darghast’s thoughts. This offhanded comment of dark humour, hurts Fargrim and he stops heading for the park.   Fargrim has mistaken the comment to mean Xeldarix would kill him at the first sign of trouble, which he thinks is contradictory for someone whose domains are second chances. Xeldarix calls him an asshole for putting words in her mouth when she explains what she meant. They hustle to the park silently together. When they arrive Fargrim spots a small winged creature watching them from the trees. He points it out and Xeldarix captures it. This is a fey pixie named Honeydew is a messenger sent by Archfey Calluna. The winter champion will be returned when the duel is complete. Should be back by morning at the latest.   This does not do much to sooth Xeldarix when she finds out this could be a duel to the death. Honeydew cannot return it is over since the realm is protection against intrusion and disruption of the celebration. Steve arrives at this point. They talk through the problem more but they realise they can only wait. Lily will be returned at the end of the duel, dead or alive.   When Simone and Abigail arrive, Fargrim fills them in. Abigail knows Calluna and tells them once the archfey has something in motion, there is not a lot anyone can do about it. Not unless she wants you to. Steve, Fargrim, Xeldarix and Honeydew head to where Lily disappeared from. Though after a bit of discussion Steve and Fargrim head back to their homes to get some rest. Xeldarix keeps watch where Lily last stood with her tiny owl and captured pixie. He arrives at 9:30pm and heads to bed. Though he prays for Lily first, but goes unheard.  
Lily rests and enjoys the party as much as she can. After an hour a bell rings as they two people on the thrones stand and the guests move off to the sides. Leaving a large space in the centre. The queen of winter and summer beckon their champions forward. An Eladrin with brilliant red hair and light orange skin, clad in a gleaming red breastplate and leather with a cloak of flower petals cascading off their shoulders steps forward. A sword appears in his hand which he raises in salute. This is Thecian, the summer champion.   The rules for the duel are discussed. The champion either dies or yields to end the duel when they have reached their limit. The battle begins and ends in moments. Thecian brings Lily down to half her health in one rounds but Lily gets in a critical hit with a smite and knocks him out easily. The librarian fawn who seems to be hosting the event is a little disappointed by the shortness of it but is impressed by skill shown. The Summer queen revives her champion as she pouts at the loss.   There is a ceremony to finish it off as Lily is filled with vitality and Thecian is drained of it. Lily requests an audience with her supposed queen. It is granted. Once the ceremony is done they go to her personal tent. Lily talks to her about the famine curse and the Queen reveals this type of punishment is used to turn a population against the man who committed such a crime against the heavens and nature itself. If she had laid this curse it would end with the death of the man. Once the earth has tasted his blood, she would have life return to it. However, this was not her doing. However, an archfey is responsible.   When Lily leaves the tent the librarian is waiting for her and sends her back to her plane. Though when she arrives, she is not familiar with the area and she messages Fargrim to say she’s back. Lily makes a little camp and waits for Xeldarix, hoping she’ll arrive soon.  
At midnight, Fargrim gets the message from Lily and casts sending to inform Xeldarix. She is already flying in Lily’s direction.   2nd of Erntenir 1524   As the sun rises, Xeldarix has not arrived. Lily turns into an imp and then a bird to start flying towards Xeldarix. She’s exhausted from staying up but knows now is not the time to rest.  
Fargrim wakes at 6am and prepares for his day. He speaks with Simone and hears that she has not seen Lily and Xeldarix. Fargrim knocks on their doors and in the end casts sending to Uqaviel to check in. They are still flying West towards Lily and have been doing so all night. Afterwards Fargrim heads down for breakfast and suddenly realises he needs to step up and manage the gauntlet events with Lily not here. He then heads off to check times and make sure everyone knows where and when they have to be.  
Karl gets up at 6am and they prepare for the day. He ritually casts water breathing on everyone before getting ready to head down. They’ll use the driftglobe as a lightsource. By 7am they’re ready to go. Due to going in a line down the tunnel, in a cramp and narrow tunnel on their belly, it takes half an hour to reach a point where it opens up. Erin stays in the water to help the crew and everyone out since there is a waterfall that then takes the water off into another underwater tunnel. However, on this cliff there is a tunnel that people can go through single file.   They send Aeyrn to scout ahead. It twists and turns a lot. Karl pulls her back after 300 ft before sending Erin down the waterfall to explore that way. Erin jumps down, carefully using the cabin walls to slow her fall before getting down low in the water. Looks like she has to crawl through the tunnel like the last one. Karl waits and tries not to be nervous.   Half an hour later Erin returns. They discuss their options before heading down the twisting tunnel.  
At 10:15am after finishing his errands, he goes to the temples of Neira. He donates some gold and checks on the ex-slaves. Then Fargrim and Darghast get an early lunch. Darghast is disappointed they are not getting a big one like the day before. Then hang around and wait for the fishing to start. Just before it does, he checks in with Lily  
At about noon Lily sees there is a city hidden in the forest with a palace that looks to be made from crystal. It's a majestic and beautiful sight. Fargrim contacts her as she lands after checking in at the inn called the Whispering Fletcher Tavern and paying for a room and food, she asks about the city she is in. This is the Sielwode woods and their capital is called Siellaghriod. Lily passes those names onto Fargrim.   At 12:30pm food is brought up to Lily. Roast deer with a fine array of veggies, potatoes and gravy. A fine wine is brought up with it as well. After consuming it, Lily collapses into bed and sleeps.  
At noon Karl and his crew arrive in a cavern after walking through the tunnel for hours. They carefully explore the cavern and draw the attention of some lizard. The lizard folks attacked and Karl quickly cut their numbers in half with his magic. They tried to run but Karl and his pirates killed them all.   They search the bodies. They find:
  • 29 gp
  • 72 sp
  • 169 cp
  • 3 gems
  • Very badly damaged trident
  • 1 torn net (unusable)
  • 1 poorly carved stone of a lizard
  • 1 bracelet of beads made of bone
  • 1 bracelet made from a dried lizardfolk tongue
  • 2 tortoise shell splashed with blood
  • 9 small animal carcass(es)
  • 3 pouch of reptilian scales
  • 1 necklace of various teeth
  • 1 bent, clogged blowgun (unusable)
  • 1 flat rock with a bloody red lizardfolk handprint
With the dangers of the area gone, they look for the lizardfolk campsite. Then they search the camp. In the search the following is found:
  • 2945 cp
  • 811 sp
  • 20 gp
  • A Hat
  • A necklace
  • Some Gauntlets
  • 3 gems
After that they stop here to rest for a while.  
At noon it is time for the Fish Frenzy event! For this event, the players will be given access to a boat and basic fishing equipment but no bait. They are not permitted to purchase bait and must find it themselves in the area or shallow waters. They must then use this bait to go and try to catch the largest fish. The competitors are given ninety minutes to get this done! They must be back at the docks at the end of the ninety minutes or none of their fish count!   The arm is filled primarily with bluegill, largemouth bass, and catfish. The catfish are the largest of the potential fish but also the most difficult to catch. Largemouth bass are also quite big and can easily win the competition. Catching a bluegill is simply a backup in case you can get nothing else. Bluegill can also be used as bait for catfish! The players will need to use their knowledge of nature, their survival skills, and a bit of luck if they hope to come out the winners of the Fishing Frenzy!   Queg is representing the Adventurer’s Forged and Milo is representing the saviours. When the fishers are released to start looking for bait and start fishing, it is a careful and calculating event.   5 points Categories
  • Biggest Fish: Queg Catfish 26 inches
  • Biggest Catfish: Milo 20 inches
  • Biggest Bass: Queg 18 inches
  • Biggest Bluegill: Fisher 1 5 inches
Total fish (excluding big winners)
  • Queg: 4
  • Milo: 5
  • Fisher 2: 6
  • Fisher 3: 5
Total Points:
  1. Queg: 14
  2. Milo: 10
  3. Fisher 2: 6
  4. Fisher 1 and 3: 5
  After five events we have the following points:
  1. Adventurer's forged: 23 points
  2. Saviors: 17 points
  3. Group 3: 15 points
  4. Group 2: 11 points
  5. Group 1: 10 points

After their rest, Karl and his crew carefully climb the giant steps that the lizardfolk camp was at the base of. At the top there is a chute that goes down out of their sight. Karl casts fly on Erin so she can scout ahead. While she’s gone, Karl talks with Wave and learns Enna has actually nailed people to the front of the ship. Apparently someone had infiltrated the crew. Got close to the captain and hurt her real bad. Thankfully she had her ring at the time so it was only a few days to recover. Enna took over the interrogation.   When Erin returns she tells them that the group is 1000 ft away and this chute is 800 ft long. They discuss pros and cons on to go now or wait for tomorrow. They magically all go down, draining Karl of most of his remaining magical resources.  
After the fishing event Fargrim gets a second lunch and heads to the mage guild to research where the hell Lily ended up. He arrives at 2:30pm and begins his search.  
After getting everyone done into the pit, they explore and find some ruins. Strangely, there is grass growing down here and jungle trees. There is a very large building that they can’t even view in it’s entirety down here in the dark. The ruins are tall and composed of solid stone. They don't look as old as the ones the group had passed on the way to it. The steps leading up to two large doors are 10 ft high and come up to a total height of 50 ft. They work together to climb the steps and open the doors. The doors open to reveal more normal looking steps. They're still taller than normal but they can climbed with wide strides.   Erin hears movement inside. They hide and send Aeryn ahead of them to scout. However, the familiar is shot not long into her scouting and Karl pops her away to protect her since she is badly hurt. They decide to go in and kill whatever did that. The battle was hard at first but after waiting them out Karl and his crew overwhelmed the drow that was here. Afterwards they gather the bodies at the entrance and search them.   Karl then sets up the mansion outside the ruins. He lets Enna know they are safe and what has happened. Then he scries on Lorenah to see her helping with her crew with sailing. It’s windy as if a storm is building. The Karl settles in to relax for the night.  
After an hour of search with no luck, Fargrim hires Hathana to help him search for 2 hours. By 5:30pm Fargrim has found the location, but now he has to run to make it to the performance. There he meets the team to have a quick practice and get their costumes.   They go out after Saviours to do their scene and they do fantastically, but acting troop 3 steals the show.   The results for the show are:
  1. Troop 3 - 5 points
  2. Adventurer’s Forged - 4 points
  3. Saviors - 3 points
  4. Troop 2 - 2 points
  5. Troop 1 - 1 point
With that the final results are:
  1. Adventurer's forged: 27 points
  2. Saviors: 20 points
  3. Group 3: 20 points
  4. Group 2: 13 points
  5. Group 1: 11 points
  Fargrim congratulates them all on a great job over the last few days. He heads back to the manor to get dinner and resolves to message Lily after dinner.  
At 8pm Lily wakes up and prepares for the day… or night in this case. After that she sends a message to Fargrim, which catches Fargrim as he gets back to the manor. She tells him that Xeldarix is still on the way and this causes Fargrim to cast Sending to Xeldarix and Uqaviel. Neither Xeldarix or Uqaviel know where they are. Uqaviel doesn’t know mortal city names and Xeldarix is just mad. Lily asks Fargrim to be ready to cast Magic Circle around Phobe’s tree tomorrow.  
Afterwards Fargrim heads to bed and tells Darghast the story of how Xeldarix got hurt and lost her memory.


Name XP Running Total Level at end of session
Fargrim 750 215,121 16
Karl 750 215,121 16
Lily 750 215,121 16

Curse of the Unchained

Karl Moller

Level 7 Human (Brecht) Neutral Good Wizard
46 / 46 HP

Lyra Ulvendatter

Level 8 Elf Chaotic Neutral Ranger
/ 53 HP

Lily Wulfsdotter

Level 7 Rjuven Half Elf CN Druid
72 / 72 HP

Fargrim Hammerland

Level 8 Dwarf Lawful Good Cleric
59 / 64 HP
Report Date
20 May 2023

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