Episode Nineteen - Dogs of War Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Episode Nineteen - Dogs of War Report

General Summary

Charles Bennet, a reporter with the Freedom Ledger, was interviewing American soldiers in the trenches when he took a moment to interview a young man who's friends called him Soldier. The May 11th rain drug in the bitterest cold of 1918 as Soldier answered the questions. In answering, Soldier learned of a town called Freedom City, North Carolina. The reporter asked Soldier about the trenches and would later be quoted in the Freedom Ledger as saying, "Life is lived between two mud walls and the life above is death. The trenches are wet, cold, and full of rats that gnaw on the men. There's no cooking like mom's back home but its not to bad." Charles asked, off the record how many men Soldier had killed and he told the reporter, "not enough." A shell fell and then they poured as a barrage rolled over. Soon after, an enemy plane soared over head, several gunshots cracking off from the trenches but only the intrepid reported himself with his scoped rifle managed a hit. The engine blackened and the Hun known as the Enemy Ace soared downwards only to crash behind enemy lines. A push from the Germans rushed the trenches and there after the Officer de la Mort ordered a raid on the enemy trench. The raid failed in the end and the team fell back only to be picked off and eliminated one by one by a pack of dogs. In true heroic fashion though, the Hound of Mons that came to attack, stood nary a chance against those that would be invited to the Bureau of Oddities. The spy, Birdie, invited Soldier, Alvin Randolph, Cowboy, Sarge, and Charles to track down the weirdest things heard of in the war.

Die's World - Age of Heroes
Report Date
29 Oct 2019

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