Optional plaintext entry for items that may not need a whole article | World Anvil

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Optional plaintext entry for items that may not need a whole article

Content Addition · Articles & templates · Created by DCoward
plaintext plain-text entry

What functionality is missing? What is unsatisfying with the current situation?

I'd like to be able to designate "Human" or any other race without needing to link to an article. It bogs down how many items I have and I feel compelled to fill them out or at least move them in a reasonable location in my organization. The same want applies to ethnicity, rank, really anything that ostensibly needs to link to another article.    

How does this feature request address the current situation?

While it's fine to have the option to link to articles, having an option for plaintext would be a simple accommodation for people who are working on things like a DnD campaign or a location in real life where it may not exactly be necessary to create these articles in order to say what they are. For instance, everyone knows what humans are in a generic sense. This addition accommodates the want of being descriptive about the details of a character without needing to clutter workspace if everyone is expected to know what a given thing is.    

What are other uses for this feature request?

As alluded to, this doesn't just stop at race or ethnicity, but those are big ones. Especially in the context of a DnD campaign or something adjacent to that, where you have a lot of races that are already extremely detailed - you simply don't want to have to make an article for "elf", nor "half-elf", nor "half-orc" etc. Sometimes you do for homebrew changes, but generally? A lot of this is assumed knowledge. Expanding this to every applicable option that requires an article, but instead could have a plaintext placeholder would greatly assist with workflow as well (less starting and stopping).

The Team's Response

This feature already existed under the name "Variables"
Current score

20/300 Votes · +1150 points

Votes Cast

  • +10

    by DeVille
    on 2021-05-14 12:29
  • +20

    by Constant0123456789
    on 2021-05-14 03:28
  • +300

    by WaxBaby
    on 2021-05-09 02:15
  • +100

    by NotQuiteLilac
    on 2021-05-07 14:43
  • +200

    by theaaronw0
    on 2021-05-07 10:02
  • +20

    by markelcortazar
    on 2021-05-06 10:45
  • -20

    by redbeardcreator
    on 2021-05-05 17:54
  • +20

    by stonebandit
    on 2021-05-04 16:51
  • -100

    by ka_jan
    on 2021-05-03 07:19
    In Text, you can use variables (or rather Tooltips), in the sidebar you can use key/value fields.   I do not really see the appeal of this feature. It reads like I'd have to put much more effort into achieving less. Also meaning that if at any point I want to change it, I have to go through every single article and fix it retroactively.   Real Life Example: D&D 5e made Goblins and Orcs available to Players. Now I'd have to check every single mention of Orcs and Goblins to see if it references either the Enemies or 5e Player Race. Even if I'd only used a Stub Article until now, I could go there and have a convenient list of all Text Mentions. Otherwise, I'm combing through all my Articles with a fine brush.   Stub Articles are a convenient Place to store your Notes and have References for your Players, or as I mentioned, an Aid to Link Data. It does not need to be an unfulfilled promise of a full article.
  • +100

    by ChrisJWalker
    on 2021-05-02 13:49
  • -10

    by Vertixico
    on 2021-05-02 05:03
  • +10

    by FictionFan1995
    on 2021-05-01 15:54
    From what I understand, this problem is already addressed with the "variables". However, I can imagine that it would be useful for variables to also be available for journeymen or even freemen.
  • +100

    by Mac Attack in Dixie
    on 2021-05-01 14:51
  • -10

    by Hexagon06
    on 2021-05-01 13:27
  • +100

    by Dwarfinator1
    on 2021-05-01 05:19
    As someone who used to not be subscribed and may not be in the future for financial reasons, this would be amazing. My draft limit wouldn't be reached from the 1000 species articles I'm probably gonna have this way.
  • -10

    by iamthetot
    on 2021-05-01 04:09
    I'm genuinely not even entirely sure what you're requesting here. Who is making you create an article for elf, half-elf, and half-orc? Don't, if you don't want to.
  • -10

    by Lyraine Alei
    on 2021-05-01 03:20
    I'm voting down more because there is the --KEY::VALUE-- system and for Master and higher ranked guildmembers, under "Tools" is "Variables" which can be used for things you may not want a whole article for. Variables in the Codex
  • +10

    by storyauthor
    on 2021-05-01 02:17
  • +10

    by Jacob-W
    on 2021-04-30 21:56
    I like your idea, but like Michael said. you can add things to the sidebar and have them show up using the bb code --label::value--. That will give you the result Michael (accidently) showed you :)
  • +10

    by Michael Chandra
    on 2021-04-30 21:40
    So basically, for prompts you want to be able to go "just this text instead of an actual object"? But in that case, you could go into your sidebar, and do the following:  
  • +300

    by DCoward
    on 2021-04-30 21:21