Categories to timelines/events | World Anvil

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Categories to timelines/events

Feature Upgrade · Timelines · Created by Tiirikka
timelines organising

What functionality is missing? What is unsatisfying with the current situation?

  With full awareness that I do not know what Cronos will hold, I'm putting in to your consideration the ability to arrange timeline events and possibly timelines them self to their own folders/categories system to ease up finding certain things faster. Tags are nice, but sometimes they just don't cut it.   So, I got several timelines, some for characters, some for nations etc, and sometimes I try to find specific event and I just can't seem to find them. I've tried different naming conventions and I'm dabbling to tags, but I am rather famous for forgetting names and end up with duplicate events and other ungodly mess. :D  

How does this feature request address the current situation?

  Basically, just like we got custom folders/categories for images and articles, I would like something similar to the events, possibly timelines. This could be mainly feature, which like with pics, doesn't have to show to the public but is useful for the world creator to keep thing organized. making this custom gives users ability to categories their events/timelines for any way that is useful for their own purposes.   By categorising, for example, personal events and national events to seperate categories, it would mean little less digging to find a certain event which I have forgotten, as I could already say that it is going to be on "that folder, if it exists".  

What are other uses for this feature request?

  Well, the one cool thing is that maybe just like with the categories for the articles, we could have an option to print all events and/or timelines with a short code to a single page. For example, you could have a folder/category for all the timelines of members of a adventurer group, and they could use that short code to print links to all of their timelines to, for example, their organisation page, without you manually adding each link.

The Team's Response

This suggestion did not reach the required support to be considered.   Accepted with but due to low support with low priority
Current score

97/300 Votes · +9190 points

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