Additional layer for manuscripts | World Anvil

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Additional layer for manuscripts

New Feature Addition · Manuscripts · Created by RibenLARP
manuscript manuscripts writing

What functionality is missing? What is unsatisfying with the current situation?

  At the moment manuscripts have one layer of depth. So you have your manuscipt and "chapters" as folders inside that manuscript containing the story.
And while it is possible to add a table of contents in every text you add to said manuscript, you can't use it to navigate nor can you create "subchapters" within a chapter. As soon as you move a folder into an existing folder, the content inside vanishes for the readers.
Due to this situation it is impossible to group shortstories into chapters, while still seeing the titles of those shortstories in the lefthand navigable table of contents.   Or to formulate it as a user story:
As a writer I want to be able to create subchapters in chapters.
 As a reader I want to see the story titles of short stories grouped under a chapter in the table of contents area on the left side.

How does this feature request address the current situation?

  Adding a second layer of depth would provide more felxibility for writers. 
Like some novels have a "book 1" inside the printed medium or a named chapter, while inside the "book 1" or named chapter there are more chapters with either titles or numbers as title. With a second layer of depth writers could group stories under a chapter without creating a "wall of text" and giving the readers the possibility to navigate between the stories or chapters of the same manuscript.   What are other uses for this feature request?   A second layer of depth might help writers to keep less manuscripts and gather more stories under the same manuscript grouping stories in chapters, instead of making a manuscript per chapter and having the stories inside those.
You could have a chapter with like seven short stories, navigate between them via ToC, while the next chapter is a longer story and the next chapter contains again a collection of short stories.

The Team's Response

This suggestion received very little support during the period of its voting.   This will not be actioned. BUT there is already planned for Homer II the ability to create groups of manuscripts. In essense. No we will not go a step down but I will be adding a step UP allowing you to create the same thing.   I am hesitant to create alternative structures for the navigation of manuscripts since that will introduce a variety of edge cases on the browsing and will make it much more complicated.
Current score

56/300 Votes · +8530 points

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