Toggle visibility of relationship ratings | World Anvil

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Toggle visibility of relationship ratings

Feature Upgrade · Family trees · Created by GeekBear

What functionality is missing? What is unsatisfying with the current situation?

Any given non parent-child relationship reflects a rating of the relationship between the two characters. This is not always relevant to said characters nor should non-game masters even have any visibility into that rating.    

How does this feature request address the current situation?

Adding a toggle for visibility allows more control of the visibility of the relationship, as well as reduces the amount of screen real-estate taken to display non-relevant information.  

What are other uses for this feature request?

Theoretically, a visibility toggle could be used in any information field allowing the creator to fully enter information but control what becomes available to read.

The Team's Response

This suggestion has not reached any voting threshold during its voting time   That will be possible but I will require a bit more support to action it. In the time being CSS classes will be introduced on that section to allow you to easily hide across the board the parts you do not wish to have.     Partially Accepted > Will move to closed once CSS rules are implemented
Current score

47/300 Votes · +6080 points

Votes Cast