Manually update "last updated" date | World Anvil

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Manually update "last updated" date

Feature Upgrade · Articles & templates · Created by Timepool
recent articles update last-updated dates saving
Say you're looking at an old article, and you find a typo. How can you not fix it? So, you do so— but now your dang data is all screwed up as the article is automatically set to have been "updated." It now appears under the "recent articles" section on the world's homepage, and on your profile— no matter how small the "update" was.   Maybe you need to copy a section or container from one article to use in another, and because of the autosave, the act of simply clicking inside the editor has now changed the last updated date, and made the article "recent" despite you not actually changing anything.   Maybe the article you tweaked is a meta article you don't really want to show up on your profile or the world's recent articles list.   Maybe you're slowly editing through your articles from oldest to newest, or otherwise need to know that order as accurately as possible— and since the date change is automatic, you've just screwed yourself over by fixing a tiny typo.  
  Either way, the automatic date-update often feels frustrating, and I think it'd be fantastic to have control over it. Perhaps a checkbox near the save button to toggle it on/off, or a switch in our user settings, could do the job? Maybe making it so the "last updated" date doesn't change unless we manually hit save could work, too.

The Team's Response

Last update date will not become changeable.   The recent articles on one's profile will be changed to follow last notification date not last update
Current score

9/300 Votes · +650 points

Votes Cast

  • +20

    by A Glamorous Dwarf
    on 2021-04-11 08:50
  • +200

    by SoulLink
    on 2021-04-11 07:31
    The Latest Work on the profile really should only be filled with articles that have been notified. For me it is usually filled with test articles and quite useless as a result.
  • +10

    by Adcheryl
    on 2021-04-11 06:53
  • -10

    by A Mischievous Velociraptor
    on 2021-04-11 04:49
    I don't quite know about the profile, but the "Recent Articles" section of your world should only be impacted by notifying followers..
  • +50

    by Isaac Thompson
    on 2021-04-11 03:41
  • +10

    by Jkaayy
    on 2021-04-11 03:28
  • +10

    by GMSeth
    on 2021-04-10 20:42
  • +50

    by Joe H. Dovescove
    on 2021-04-10 20:21
  • +10

    by Lyraine Alei
    on 2021-04-10 19:56
  • +300

    by Timepool
    on 2021-04-10 17:53