Clicking "Like", "Leave comment", "Follow" should not teleport to the top of the page | World Anvil

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Clicking "Like", "Leave comment", "Follow" should not teleport to the top of the page

User Interface (UI) / User Experience (UX) · World presentation layer · Created by Angantyr
like -leave-comment button

What functionality is missing? What is unsatisfying with the current situation?


Presently, clicking Like, Leave comment, Follow results in reloading the page and shifting the screen to the top of the page. So leaving a Like, a comment and following the world is playing "There and back again":

  1. Click "Like" button ---> Page reloads ---> Screen shifts to the top
  2. Scroll down
  3. Click "Leave comment" button ---> Page reloads ---> Screen shifts to the top
  4. Scroll down
  5. Click "Follow" button ---> Page reloads ---> Screen shifts to the top
  6. ...
Plus, on bad days it is annoying.


How does this feature request address the current situation?

This could be addressed by leaving the position of the screen/page as is after each "click button" action and relocating any information regarding that action to the top of the screen, instead of the top of the page.


What are other uses for this feature request?

  I cannot think of any at the moment.

The Team's Response

This sutggestion received very little support during the period of its voting.   This is a good suggestion and honestly something that got a bit sidetracked (it was meant to be done earlier). Having said that, due to low support I will be actioning the Like/Follow but not commenting without refresh for now.   Note "teleport" is not really a good way to create a suggestion. Please try to leave literature at the door when you are asking for a feature :)
Current score

112/300 Votes · +13680 points

Votes Cast