A way to see the world through the eyes of a subscriber-group | World Anvil

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A way to see the world through the eyes of a subscriber-group

New Feature Addition · Access management (subscribers/authors) · Created by Happypill
Why are we bound to looking at our worlds and articles from 1 perspective. Would it not be better to be able to look at something from the perspective of another person? With the feature to be able to look at something from the perspective of another person you could more easily look on how things look for people other than you but it could also help in aiding world builders so they don't accidentally show something or help them in showing someone an article from there device without showing the other person everything.   How I could see it being implemented (from someone who has no clue the job a feature like this would entail (visuals beneath)) For minimal intrusion, but maximal usefulness have it in the same way codex or world studio is displayed. When not used it is only an icon.   When used it displays itself with the list of subscriber-groups from which you choose which to exclude/ include (more on that later)    Then you have done your selection the page reloads but your viewpoint is now from a fictional subscriber who is from all groups included or from all groups not excluded in the view. From here you can look at the article / world from this perspective.   With only icon visible (here in red) With the window opened     Additional things: Would be good for people (mostly i guess Grandmaster+) to be able to search for specific subscriber-groups for ease of use in big libraries of groups. Would also be good for Grandmaster+ to be able to select subscriber-group-groups since they can organise their subscriber-groups and this would make it easier to select multipel things. (this comes from a "Master" so take the organisation in the visual with a grain of salt)   Footnotes: Exclusion and Inclusion button. Having two buttons. 1 that is: "Select these" and 1 that is: "Select everything but these" Enables faster selection of certain groups. If you for example want to see what is invisible for someone from Sub-group Name 1 (in the visual) you could select GN1 (Group Name 1) SGN2 (Sub-Group Name 2) GN3 and GN4 (and if you have more all of those as well) and then include these in your view or only select Sub-group Name 1 and choose exclude. Therefor it would be good to have 2 buttons if you have a lot of groups to go through.   The strange green and red circle. It should be easy to visualise if you have selected all / some / none of the sub-groups in a group. To present this to the user a group with subgroups should present this and not be binary. (either "none"  of/on "at least 1" or  "not all" of/on "all") if that makes sense.

The Team's Response

Thank you all for giving your opinion and points to this suggestion.
This suggestion will be declined, and it is indeed the first suggestion that reached its goal and will be declined. Let me explain why.  


1. This is already possible in two different ways (see below). 2. As described above by [username:happypill] he kind of added 2 - 3 features in the down-low (e..g exclusionary rules) 3. This is extremely difficult and VERY dangerous to implement (dangerous as in, content access/security dangerous.  

How to see what your Players can see

The Articles & Categories way

  • Go to the Articles & Categories page
  • By default, the articles are in "compact" mode. Click on the top right of the list to activated expanded type.
  • Once expanded (this sticks until changed) you are able to see in an article is draft/published public/private and which Subscriber Groups it has assigned to it
  • Not only you can see which groups are assigned to each category and article but you can also change it from there, which the solution above does not allow for.  

    The secondary account way

    If you wish to primarily browse the world as any of your players or any other combination follow the steps below:    
  • Create a new acount with the same credentials followed by _test or _player like JohnDoe_player (or any other, that is the convention I use)
  • Assign to that account the subgroups you want
  • Login using another browser or incognito mode of the same browser
  • You now have infront of you exactly what that player can see AND by having your actual admin window open on the other tab/browser making actual changes on the state of articles/categories will be reflected there with a simple refresh   This will also allow you very quickly to make changes and see them reflected by simply refreshing another tab/browser.   Both solutions are used widely throughout the community in great effect and carry no danger to the security of your content.  


    Do not forget that when you browse your world with you being logged in, on the top of each page you can see who has access to it.
    This was a recent addition that happened exactly for this reason, so you can, in a glimse of the eye to have a good understanding who has access to what while navigating your world.  

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