Ability to schedule articles to post in the future | World Anvil

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Ability to schedule articles to post in the future

New Feature Addition · Articles & templates · Created by shyredfox
scheduling articles planning
I would love to see the ability to schedule articles and to release them at a specific day and time, much like in Wordpress.   It would allow the user to:
  • have more consistent posting schedule on their world
  • release time specific articles, such as book or game launches. (For example I have a series of launch articles on influences for my book, inspiration for the setting, and 'interviews' of the characters.)

  • I'd also love to see this in the user journals, but it may need it's own request.

    The Team's Response

    Hasn't reached target 300 votes in 20 days - Feel free to re-suggest at a later time
    Current score

    186/300 Votes · +18550 points

    Votes Cast