Add the ability to mark commanders in battles as KIA MIA DoW ETC. | World Anvil

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Add the ability to mark commanders in battles as KIA MIA DoW ETC.

User Interface (UI) / User Experience (UX) · Articles & templates · Created by inspectorjavert

What functionality is missing? What is unsatisfying with the current situation?

Currently you can list the commanders of various wars/battles etc. but there is no way to indicate if they died or otherwise came out of the battle the worse for wear.  In keeping with the wikipedia like layout of the articles I think it would be good to add the ability to add some of the more basic casualty classifications such as Killed in Action, Missing in Action, Prisoner of War, surrendered, executed etc.  I asked about this a few years ago and was told that World Anvil doesn't support special characters so perhaps this would have to be done using a checkbox to give each commander the relevant marks.  

How does this feature request address the current situation?

With the ability to tag each commander with the proper casuty designation users can give readers a very quick rundown of the results of battle rather than force them to dig into the minutia of the battle to see which commanders lived and which died.  If they want the details on HOW each commander ended up dead, captured, wounded etc. they can the article proper.  

What are other uses for this feature request?

People using World Anvil for RPG purposes could use it to memorialize players who fall in an encounter.

The Team's Response

This suggestion did not reach the required level of support during its voting period.   As 13emperor37 mentioned, how is this different from using the casualties section to list the article using the mention system and the outcome MIA/KIA etc? As always feel free to contact me on #developement-discussion to elaborate.
Current score

34/300 Votes · +3520 points

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