Ability to See What Articles are Using a Particular Variable | World Anvil

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Ability to See What Articles are Using a Particular Variable

New Feature Addition · Variables · Created by RPGDinosaurBob
Variables are awesome! They are a fantastic timesaver... they help ensure consistency with popup information in tooltips... they can be used to wrap messy bbcode into small, reusable containers... and more!

What functionality is missing? What is unsatisfying with the current situation?

As variables get used over and over, it becomes impossible to keep track of where you are using them. So... just as we currently have a button on the article editor screen that lets us see where else in the WA world and article is being used, it would be great to have the same ability to see where a particular variable is being used.

How does this feature request address the current situation?

This request is for buttons on the Variable editor screen... either below the variable name or below the "trashcan"... that would provide a list of all articles where that given variable is used, (Since the current variable editor screen has many variables, each one would need a button. The list need not be populated until the button is pushed. As Dimi mentioned on a stream - there may be limitations on which parts of an article can be searched, but that's fine, too.

EXAMPLE: I create Article A with a variable that provides pronunciation of a deity name, a brief description of the deity, and a link to Article B, which describes the deity in detal. Later, I want to see what articles I reference this deity in. The "referenced by" list for Article B won't find Article A, because it uses the variable and not the article link itself. If I could also go see where that Variable was used, I'd have a complete list.

What are other uses for this feature request?

As variables gain more popularity and others come up with unexpected uses for them, I anticipate this will be increasingly appreciated.

The Team's Response

Closed for not reaching target votes in 20 days / Accepted  


This should be possible for the same parts of the article it happens for article mentioned right now.
Current score

28/300 Votes · +2930 points

Votes Cast