Allow for maps to be shared as discord updates | World Anvil

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Allow for maps to be shared as discord updates

User Interface (UI) / User Experience (UX) · Maps · Created by illumiinae
maps discord-webhook discord-update

What functionality is missing? What is unsatisfying with the current situation?

  Maps tend to be the very last thing I make and I find it somewhat unsatisfying to finally have all the relevant articles done, put all my pins in place, and then not be able to share it with my server. I know it will appear on related organization/location articles, but oftentimes I've already shared those because those were what I completed first. It would be nice to be able to notify everyone that specifically the map has been completed, or for those playing TTRPGs, to be able to re-share the map with added locations that players have discovered or made note of.

The Team's Response

Yes but due to low demand - low priority
Current score

19/300 Votes · +4501 points

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