134 years after the Sundering, the final devastating battle between the Akati Empire and the Republic of Illeva, the world once again faces a threat as dark forces creeps up from under Zion in the south and a general bent on vengeance sets his plans in motion...
Powerful mercenaries murdered Beylesa's father half a decade ago. Frantic tales now come of an army ravaging towns across Emrandyr, and the young Inquisitor’s only choice is to swallow her hatred of hired swords and call upon a rising team of mercenaries to...
With large parts of his dragon heritage either mentally blocked or magically locked away Ryuko have no problems blending into human society or get bullied by some of his class mates.
Take the trip back to 1990 of "Alternate Earth" Dimension 137, to experience...
The Khul, Queen of the lands of Mordikhaan, vanished four decades ago. Now her Lord Steward is dying and his ruthless Knight Commanders gather to replace him. The reprobates, prisoners and lost souls of this great and tormented land who are dragged along in...
Up on a bridge in Heaven, a dragon and a phoenix meet.
Down in the mortal realm, a prince rescues a snake in a garden.
Unlikely love blossoms and an unusual community is formed: the Qiao Clan, a group of humans, demons, and celestial beings, joined in a...
Morgan was a soldier in the elite Rushata, working for the Imperial military and serving time for a crime he didn’t commit. Eventually, the Rushata was shut down, and he was set free to explore the world. With nowhere to go and nothing as a talent, Morgan...
Layla is a young elf on the search for her father's murderer. Olyvia is an experienced killer on the search for her sister's killer. Their paths intersect on a dark, rainy night and lead to a cascade of new questions, including the ultimate question; what...