Dark Waters by TimeBender | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

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Time Bender

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Dark Waters/Light Air dark-waters2Flight-air-timebender-archived-1645297535
Completed 910 Words

Chapter Fourteen

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After eight days of travelling through some of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been, and sailing across the bluest, clearest water ever to exist anywhere, we finally arrive at the Floral Isle. I step off the smooth, wooden boat that we had sailed over to the Floral Isle on and my paws make contact with the green ground of the island. Everywhere I look, there’s flowers of every kind imaginable.

“This is where most elves live. They call themselves flora elves.” Lightlaugh explains, reminding me of Poole and I feel a strange pang of loneliness, despite having Lightlaugh’s chatty company. I look out at the shining, pure blue waters surrounding the isle and inhale the sweet scent of the island. Bees swarm the entire island, but I don’t see any stingers on them.

“These are flower bees. They produce honey that tastes like flowers.” Lightlaugh says and I glance around at the pure white beaches.

“It never storms here.” He continues and I finally look at him.

“You certainly seem to know a lot about the Floral Isle.” I remark and Lightlaugh beams.

“Yes, I enjoy reading books about Floles every chance I get.”

A couple of small, light green-skinned people rush past us, giggling happily. They jump into the water, taking no heed of us, and Lightlaugh smiles.

“Those are elf children. They don’t talk to strangers.”

‘So, what do these elves eat anyways? Flowers?” I ask as my stomach rumbles and I grimace.

I haven’t eaten meat since I arrived and I’m dying for some raw bird meat.

“Yep. Flowers and flower honey. The honey varies in color and flavor depending on what flower the flower bees pollinate.”

“Doesn’t anyone eat meat here?” I groan and Lightlaugh purses his lips.

“No. I cannot imagine that you would kill a living creature to eat when there are so many plants and fruits to eat.”

“Do you see my teeth? These were not made for eating plants.” I snap and Lightlaugh shrugs,

“You’ll just have to get used to eating plants and fruits as long as you’re here.”

‘So, what makes the elves so wise?” I ask.

“There is no strife or hatred between the elves. They focus mainly on boating and inventing new ways to tread water.”

“And that qualifies them as wise how, exactly?” I groan and Lightlaugh frowns.

“Just wait and see.”

We walk further inland and soon find ourselves in the middle of a bustling village full of thin, beautiful, green-skinned elves. As we pass through the village, I notice an elf eating a rose with light blue flower honey dribbled over it, watching us closely. She looks to be an adult elf, being about three feet shorter than me with dark green skin. She’s wearing a green tunic and dark green leggings. She has long blonde hair braided in an updo. I turn and walk over to her, followed by Lightlaugh.

She shoves the remainder of the rose into her mouth and stands up from her to chair to greet us.

“Hello.” She says, looking at Lightlaugh and I growl.

“Hello yourself.”

The elf looks startled and looks at me quickly.

“You can talk.”

“Yes, I’m looking for a way back to my home. I’m from a different world.”

The elf studies me for a moment before she says,

“Well, I’m afraid you won’t be getting back home anytime soon. In fact, you may never get home.”

Lightlaugh nods,

“That’s what I told her.”

“What, may I ask, is your name?” The elf asks.

“I’m Gole. This is Lightlaugh.” I reply, and the elf nods.

“My name is Seeker.”

“What exactly are you seeking?” I ask and Seeker looks grim.

“A way to rid Floles of the Unspeakable One, the witch who brought death to our world.”

“I might be able to assist you with that.” I reply and Seeker looks up at me sharply.

“You may be large and strong, but the trolls have strength in numbers. They fill the Dark Lands like the flowers fill the Floral Isle.”

“Well, I might as well die trying to fix this world than spend the rest of my life wandering around aimlessly here.” I reply and Seeker watches me keenly,

“You are a lonely soul. You used to have a twin, did you not?”

I freeze at these words and feel a foggy memory fill my mind.

There’s another alterna like me and we’re both small. We’re practicing archery together and are maybe three feet tall. The other alterna looks exactly like me and I can see that we’re in a thick forest.

“How did you do that?” I demand and Seeker shrugs.

“I’m an elf. I can revive forgotten or repressed memories.”

“The elves in my world couldn’t do that.” I say and Seeker looks at me with interest.

“You had elves in your world? How fascinating!”

“Can you bring back more of my memory? I’ve had memory loss and can’t remember the first four years of my life.”

“I’m afraid not at the moment. But I’ve opened the stream of thoughts to allow them to trickle back to you over time.”

“I wish I could hug you. Except that would be extremely uncomfortable.” I say as I feel hope stir in me that I might be able to recall the first four years of my life.

Seeker laughs,

“Come now, let’s attempt the Dark Lands together.” She says with her green eyes sparkling.

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