Spike Relic AKA Net Runner | Monster | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Spike Relic AKA Net Runner

Medium , any
Armor Class: 13
Hit Points:
Speed: 40 ft




20 +5


10 +0


14 +2


14 +2



Skills: +0 CON sav
+5 DEX sav
+2 INT sav
+2 WIS save

Causes DEX saving throw [13 succeeds] that deals lightning damage, a symbol flies from the lance and embeds itself onto its target’s armor, acting like guiding bolt, giving creatures advantage on the target

2/day: Once per scene - It moves erratically, spikes going out from it, dealing damage

Able to summon a conduit on it's turn as a minion, likely once per scene
Creatures in its group grow spikes, adjacent enemies take piercing damage when they start their turn next to them.
Dash as a bonus action (?)
dodge - Halves damage from one source
Has defiant spark - if reduced to 0 for the first time, it goes to 1 instead.
Enemies that start their turn adjacent to your network take 3 piercing damage for each adjacent networked creature.  

A light blue skeletal relic with a metal mask and spikes protruding out of it Has a polearm, giving it 10ft of reach

Suggested Environments

The station, encountered in E20

Created by

The Expeditionists.

Statblock Type

