Elves of Edotora | Race | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Elves of Edotora

Ability Score Increase +2 to any Ability Score , +1 to any Ability Score
Size Medium
Speed 30

Age: Though most elves reach physical maturity at the same rate as humans, their years of adulthood and aging are much slower than humans. An Elf typically truly claims adulthood around the age of 30-50 and can live to most commonly be around 250-300 years old.   Size: Elves are range between 6 to 7 feet tall with finely toned builds.   Darkvision: Their attunement to the positive energies of the world allows elves to see through the shadows granting them superior vision in both dim light and darkness. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if you were in bright light, and in darkness as though it was dim light . Though in darkness they do lose the ability to discern color, only able to see in shades of gray.   Fey Ancestry: With your lineage to the oldworlds origins resistance to powerful magics rests within your blood. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.   Affinitive Learners: Thanks to their longevity and affinity to perfecting a craft,many elves find themselves mastering many skills.   Trance: Elves don’t need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. (The Common word for such meditation is “trance.”) While meditating, you can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.   Subraces   Sun Elves

  • High Elven Magic: You know the prestidigitation cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the detect magic spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the Enhance Ability spell (targeting yourself only) once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Casting these spells with this trait doesn't require material components.
  • Sight of the sun: When you are within a brightly lit area you gain advantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks made to spot an object at even the longest ranges in better detail than most creatures.
Wood Elf
  • Wood Elven Magic: You know the druidcraft cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the entangle spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the beast sense once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Casting these spells with this trait doesn't require material components. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
  • Fleet of Foot: The base walking speed of wood elves is increased to 35 feet.
  • Mask of the Wild: You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obstructed by natural terrain.
Moon Elf
  • Moon Elven Magic: You know the light cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the sleep spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the invisibility spell (targeting yourself only) once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Casting these spells with this trait doesn't require material components. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
  • Sense for Secrecy: You have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) and Wisdom (Insight) checks.
Sea Elf
  • Sea Elf Magic: You know the shape water cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the create or destroy water spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the gust of wind once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Casting these spells with this trait doesn't require material components. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
  • Child of the Sea: You have a swimming speed of 30 feet, and you can breath both air and water.
  • Friend of the Sea: You can perform simple communications with any creature that has an innate swim speed.
  • Touched by the Oldworld: You know the minor illusion cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the charm person spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the nystul's magic aura once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Casting these spells with this trait doesn't require material components. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
  • Season: Choose your eladrin's season; Autumn, Winter, Spring, or Summer (Most commenly correlating to the date they were born, but it does vary.) When perfroming a long rest a Eladrin can go through a procedure that changes their season (Takes roughly the time of one "Trance")
  • Fey Step: As a Bonus Action you can magically teleport to 30 feet an unoccupied space you can see. Once you use this trait, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest. When you reach 3rd level, your fey step gains an additional effect based on your season; if the effect requires a saving throw, the DC equals 8+your proficiency bonus + your charisma modifier.
    Autumn: Immediately after you use your Fey Step, up to two creatures of your choice that you can see within 10 feet of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you for 1 minute, or until you or your companions deal any damage to it.Winter: When you use your Fey Step, one creature of your choice that you can see within 5 feet of you be-fore you teleport must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you until the end of your next turn. Spring: When you use your Fey Step, you can touch one willing creature within 5 feet of you. That creature then teleports instead of you, appearing in an unoccu-pied space of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you. Summer: Immediately after you use your Fey Step, each creature of your choice that you can see within 5 feet of you takes fire damage equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 damage).
Shadar-Kai (Shadow Elves)
  • Shadow Magic: You know the thaumaturgy cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the hex spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the darkness once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Casting these spells with this trait doesn't require material components. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
  • Superior Darkvision: You can see in dim light or darkness out to 120ft instead of 60ft, and can see in color even in darkness.
  • Sunlight Sensitivity: You have disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of the attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.
  • Twilight Native: You have resistance to Necrotic Damage.
  • Blessings of Night: As a bonus action, while in dim light or darkness, you can magically teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see that is in darkness or dim light. Once you use this trait, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest. Starting at 3rd level, you also gain resistance to all damage when you teleport using this trait. The resistance lasts until the start of your next turn. During that time, you appear ghostly and translucent.



  • Common
  • Elven
  • (Sun Elves) One Extra Common Language - Sun Elves commonly interact with other races more so than other subraces of elves.
  • (Eladrin) Sylvan - Natives of the Oldworld they are well versed in their native tongue
  • (Sea Elves) Aquan - Many sea elves have interacted with denizens of the elemental plane of water from time to time, so the language is pretty commonly picked up along their travels.

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