Cloak of Invisibility | Item | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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DnD 5e

Cloak of Invisibility

Wondrous Item

Legendary Legendary Requires Attunement

While wearing this cloak, you can pull its hood over your head to cause yourself to become invisible. While wearing you are invisible, anything you are carrying or wearing is invisible with you. You become visible when you cease wearing the hood. Pullin the hood up or down requires and action. Deduct the time you are invisible, in increments of 1 minute, from the cloak's maximum duration of 2 hours. After 2 hours of use, the cloak ceases to function. For ever uninterrupted period 12 hours the cloak goes unused, it regains 1 hour of duration.

A long dark cloak that seems to have clouds swimming in it, but once you focus in the freeze. 

Cost: 500 GP
Weight: 3 lbs

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