I am, in no particular order, a (Great)(Grand)Parent, Philosopher, Dreamer, Activist and a retired Medical Writer -- I have a love for all my many hats, and occasionally wear more than one of them at the same time.
Right now, I am -home-. I have a little in-law 'cottage' tucked underneath my youngest son's house in the midwest, and I am adoring thunderstorms and ponds of frogs and turtles and fish.
It's warm, here, in the summer, and cold in the winter, and that's just the way I think things ought to be, though I'm so disappointed in humans and the lack of care that we have for this beautiful ship of stone and water that is our home -- People's carelessness and selective ignorance just bothers the daylights out of me.
Above all else, I am a storyteller. I love making worlds and telling stories, and that is something that will follow me in every thing that I do, from now until my time on this walk is over.
As far as me, as a person, well, I am rebellious. Always. I am conformist-averse, ambisexterous, gender-rebellious, perpetually fluid, social-construct-defying, justice-seeking, humanity-promoting, joyful-alone-being, wild and asynchronous with boxing-in.
In no particular order:
In no particular order: