Plankholding Families Organization in Wyrion | World Anvil

Plankholding Families


  When Orso Nacatore united the Litoric Islands in the Unification War, those who set aside their differences for the greater good and to defeat the Northern Tribes became known as Plankholding Families. This group was made up of not just the monarchs who brought their islands together, but also military notables spread across the class spectrum who earned their way to the top during the chaos of the Unification War.  

Current Status

  While it is expected for the political groups of a country's power structure to either centralise or decentralise over time, the Plankholder families and by extension the Princes at Port in general across the Litoric Islands have seen their power fluctuate over time. Until the Frozen Wars forced a reevaluation of power distribution, the Princes at Port largely acted as mayors of their particular islands and a way to connect with the nation's early history of city-states, back when gods still walked the mortal plane. However, after Argono Vivaldi's tenure, the Princes at Port gained a more oversight-orientated role with yearly reports being made by the Admiralty Board. Today they have evolved even further, and after the conclusion of the last of the Frozen Wars, have seen their power both increase in their ability to shout down the policies of the Admiralty Board, but decrease in the implementation of those policies at home.


Family Name Home Island Founder's Role
Aldorino The Twins Monarch
Aldorone The Twins Monarch
Borea Coldharbor Monarch
Cavanna Caletta Military Hero
de Auria Mina Monarch
de Kosta Genatta Monarch
Germi Second Dog Military Hero
Nacatore Sandressi Monarch
Piantone First Dog Monarch
Portone Second Dog Monarch
Risso Lascaris Military Hero
Ross Lascaris Military Hero
Sanguinetti Mina Military Hero
Vivaldi Caletta Monarch
Political, Family


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