Rgo Ugo: Sand-Town Settlement in Wouraiya | World Anvil
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Rgo Ugo: Sand-Town


With its cosmopolitan bent, Rgo Ugo could never be the capital of Yatkaugo or the Ugo-yt Empire (that honor would be given to Rakouriyo, further north). Even still, Rgo Ugo was the second largest city on the continent. Its population was composed of five parts T'kakou and one part D'zjariae; no other sapient species than humans and dwarves lived in the area.


Rgo Ugo is run by a city council of seven elected delegates. There is no mayor, and no council member holds rank over any other. City decisions come down to a majority vote within the council. Outside of a taxation system, the council doesn't have an official means of carrying out most of its decrees, but respect, honor, contractors, and their own labor help bring their designs to fruition.

Industry & Trade

Nothing could live off of Yatkaugo's soil, so it was believed that the only thing that Yatkaugo had to offer was precious metals buried deep inside the land. Rgo Ugo did invest in these metals, harvesting gold and palladium in abundance. Even so, thought the city council, the metals would dry up or lose their value. The once proud city would fade away into obscurity, and the inhabitants would be left destitute. They needed another industry upon which they could rely.

Well, if the soil could not produce for them, they thought, the soil itself would be the product. The terrain of Yatkaugo, when mixed with salt, would disintegrate into fine sand to the point of powder. Soil was already a byproduct of the extensive mining operations around Yatkaugo; literal mountains were made simply to displace the excess. The council got straight to work employing the few harvesters that would not or could not venture down into the mines, and the mountains of dirt became mountains of a fairly coveted resource.

Keyrit had refined its glasswork techniques and industries but was only able to harvest sands from its own beaches. Emissaries from Rgo Ugo struck a deal with the Keyrit Daskalarchy (which was passed on to the Keyrityi merchants) to trade large amounts of sand in exchange for plant-based foodstuffs, clothing, and other products that were exotic to Rgo Ugo. The small town easily became the most cosmopolitan city on the continent, and it traded off certain bounties from Keyrit for even more share of gold, palladium, and other precious metals.

Even with the intercontinental trade, Rgo Ugo was able to entice expert glassblowers to base their own businesses out of Yatkaugo, building self-reliance and establishing industry one level above mere resource harvesting.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Sister City of Sand
Location under

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