Legend of the Tree of Avaal Gathi'on Myth in World of Mythris | World Anvil
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Legend of the Tree of Avaal Gathi'on

“Legend has it whosoever finds the tree of Avaal Gathión will be granted control over the woodland realms.”   The legend of the tree of Avaal Gathión is beyond myth. Those who remember the coat tails of the story produce a fragmented tale that confuses and confounds. In 1488 however there were some who sought the legendary tree. The Druids of Pav Ature were an informal guild of elves and men. They along with the help of skilled woodsman and rangers made up a troupe of 30. They were rather renown in their time and were even revered by the circle of eight claiming that they were “Astute beyond their years” and “Willing to sacrifice for the arcane arts in securing the safety of the world.” But they were by no means famous nor did they make their dealings public. From securing the safety of hamlets with infestations of wolves to delving deep within dungeons to recover the sacred “seeds of life” these Druids only sought to make Vedania a safer place. They were comprised of followers of Ehlonna and Obad-Hai. One day however...the Druids and their company vanished. Unbeknownst to the general public, the Druids found a means to the end in regards to The Hex Glade. The leader of the group, Háléighna Elindeer, spoke of ancient texts in Druidic that told of the true existence of the tree of Avaal Gathión. By her reckoning it wasn’t a myth and she felt strongly that the mysterious uncharted woods held the hulking beast. The legend wasnt deemed to be true until a young ranger Danovir of the Peaks, reemerged from the glade almost two hundred years after the expedition went missing. He states that the rest of his party is still trapped within the Hex Glade to this day.


Those who live below the Drowned Girl River may have heard of it.
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