Goblin Ethnicity in Westlo | World Anvil
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Goblins are members of a proud and important race of folk in Westlo. They have their own language, their own history and their own culture. They are most commonly used for comic effect.

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

In Westlo, most goblins have short, one or two syllable names. Coincidentally, these names often sound like longer names when strung together. Notable examples are the goblins Carly, Ray, Jepson, Chris, Tina, Aggie and Lera, all of whom are employed by Cool Jazz.   An exception to the 'maximum two-syllable rule' is Harridan, a notable administrator.

Family names

Goblins tend not to use family names, at least in communication with other folk.


Major language groups and dialects

Goblins speak a language called Goblin. They are also often fluent in Common.

Culture and cultural heritage

In Westlo, Goblins have traditionally held an important cultural role as entertainers. In the past, goblins have been tumblers or jugglers. Nowadays, they are charged with carrying news and entertainment products to the provinces.


Gender Ideals

Goblins are admirably egalitarian in terms of gender. This may be because it is very difficult for anyone - goblins included - to ascertain the gender of a goblin. As a result, goblins may identify as any gender they see fit.   Whatever the root cause, goblin men and women are equal in stature in goblin culture, and there is little expectation placed on either gender.

Courtship Ideals

Goblins tend to enjoy the act of copulation more than most creatures, and as a result their courtships tend to be brief and plentiful. It is extremely rare for goblins to become attracted to other folk, and even more rare for other folk to be attracted to goblins. Therefore, half-goblins are completely unknown, at least in Westlo.

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