The Rebirth of the House of Sols & Duun Building / Landmark in Vos | World Anvil
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The Rebirth of the House of Sols & Duun

The worship of the overdeities waxes and wanes with the centuries but despite however fair-weather the mortals may have been, the House of Sols & Duun - of Light and Shadow - has always endured. When the Great Storm rent the planet, it scattered the worshipers of the old gods with the displaced land. Despite this, once the roil of the Great Storm settled, the people of the former nation of Florestal still found much of their old world left over. Survivors flocked to the remnants of one of the great cities and amongst the ruins, life began anew.

Using what was once a forgotten monarch's castle, the House of Sols & Duun made its new home. They found a cosmic sense of irony that a place that once intended to keep people such as them out, would forever be their new home. There is a bit of a misconception surrounding the reformation of the House. Some citizens of Florestal believe that priests, bishops, and the pontiff alike all miraculously survived the Great Storm by some divine will. Unsurprisingly, this was most certainly not the case. In the beginning, those involved were not even aware of the reformation they were undertaking. Mikael Carafa, later to become the first pontiff, united the surviving peoples with the mission of restoration and lead them by faith.

Through decades of unified purpose, effort, and dedication, Carafa and his companions returned a small corner of Florestal to civilization. They welcomed survivors and punished opportunists, creating a safe place for refugees. Florestinian culture was always rooted in faith, and their unified faith pulled the survivors closer together. Those who knew of the customs and formalities of the old church urged the reformation now they were on stable ground. Mikael assumed the mantle of the pontiff and the first building repaired in the city, now renamed Marta, became the beacon of the House of Sols & Duun.

Five and a half centuries later, the House remains in the capital of Visentia, once Marta. Though the city suffered siege, famine, and the changing of dynasties, The House of Sols & Duun has weathered the passage of time and remains a pillar of Florestinian society as a reminder to always find the balance between the dark and the light of the world.

Purpose / Function

The House of Sols & Duun is a religious organization focused on the citizens of Florestal. The actual House itself - the cathedral - is a place of worship and refuge for those who need it. The homeless and downtrodden are welcome in the House, given work in exchange meager pay as well as room and board. The House hold service one a week where the pontiff himself preaches to the people, actively engaging with the members of the House. During the week, members may visit to pray or participate in other religious activities. The House serves as a pillar of Florestal, as religion is a fundamental of the society.


The House was originally the ruins of a castle. It was one of the first buildings to be rebuilt. Over time is has undergone maintenance as well as many additions and alterations as time and tastes change. The courtyard was rebuilt into the main cathedral hall. In addition to this, housing has been added for monks and refugees.


The style of the House is a combination of the styles in the past several centuries predating the storm. The most recent addition has included pillars, steeples, and stained glass windows as well as rich colors of deep violet and silver.


Many citizens make pilgrimages to The House of Sols & Duun to attend service and witness the grand architecture of the cathedral. Before the beginning of the Son's War, visitors to Visentia would always make time to visit the House. The building is so immense, it can be seen from almost anywhere in the capital.
Alternative Names
House of Light & Shadow
Cathedral / Great temple

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