Constellations: The Celestial Road Geographic Location in Vos | World Anvil
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Constellations: The Celestial Road

Tales of the Celestial Road stretch back to the start of the PGS (Post Great Storm) era. Stories and theories have been shared across the nations, and many have their opinions on its origins. No one can't quite denote the first recording or sighting of this now famous constellation, but it is heavily speculated that it may have not existed at all before the Great Storm and that it was, in fact, created by means of magic. Whether that be a dead god like Quintellius, or a creation of a once-powerful magister, no one knows.   What the populous of Dhaversland believes is that Emperor Dhaver and his giants were lost at sea for years until sighting this strange rope-shaped constellation that they followed. It is said that the Tapestry of Quint (as they refer to it as) lead them to the shores of what is now Dhaversland. Most claim that they can only view the Road from Western Dhaversland, but many a Gentrovian navigator has spotted it as far as the Silverime Sea.   Affixed in the sky, this constellation is so bright that it has been said to be viewable even on a partially cloudy evening. Navigators all over refer to it sometimes as Godmap for the so-called "divine help" it brings for them, as it helps them identify the way east.


The constellation is best viewed on a clear night. Brilliant blue stars connect in a jagged line that many identify as a winding path.


Many navigators and philosophers alike recall old transcripts that describe the sudden appearance of this constellation. It is heavily speculated, for some believe they were created by a deity or some sort of magical force or that they were simply viewable before the Great Storm occurred.
Alternative Name(s)
Godmap, Tapestry of Quint, Sailor's Boon

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