Blessed be Saint Carovige Myth in Vos | World Anvil
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Blessed be Saint Carovige

Centuries ago when the first settlers from beyond the mountains came to Ulvad, barbaric creatures born of the stars wreaked havoc along the Sarpean coast. Rich in resources, Carovige himself sought to retake the place after seeking aid from one of the strongest mages alive, Adeva Marchevsky. With a few capable blades, he carved a path through the coast and to the gulf, for he knew that the source of this otherworldly corruption would be waiting for him and his paladins there. Months, they spent. Dozens of lives lost in the pursuit of something truly noble: cleansing the world of pure, malevolent evil.   When confronted by the indescribable menace, it is said that it was as tall as a tower and wide as a keep with gaping maws filled with teeth sharper than broken bone and eyes of yellow glass. Flesh like that of boiled leather, Carovige's paladins stood no chance. Their fires were snuffed out as their carcasses were brought into the quivering mass of flesh. Carovige was left with only himself and his closest ally, Adeva. A powerful sorceress was she. Partnered with the prowess of the heavens and the greatest swordfighter in history, they sent the lord to the bottom of the gulf to forever sleep.   Saint Carovige and Adeva would go on to have a single child after changing their family name to Krovnakov, meaning "born of blood". The birth of their child secured the Krovnakov dynasty's divine right to rule. Their offspring would go on to shroud their lineage in secrecy to protect the family line. This, however, would ultimately lead to their downfall. After centuries of secrecy, scheming, and infighting, the people of Carovige grew leery of the nation's future. Through a forceful coup, the citizenry instated a new ruler in 398 who insisted upon not beginning a new dynasty. Lord Regent Rostan now inattentively oversees the ongoings of Carovige.   While many scorn the Krovnakov line, a majority of the denizens of Carovige still hold faith in their warrior-saint and follow his teachings. Many priests believe that the overthrowing of the royal line dealt a divine blow to the lineage, and historians believe that the Krovnakov line was not slaughtered by the masses and merely slipped away via supernatural means. The Archbishop claims that in due time, the Sleeping Lord shall return and so too shall those who hold the divine right to rule.

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