Harvest Cattle Species in Vikacion | World Anvil
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Harvest Cattle

Harvest Cattle, despite their name, have little to no relation with cows or other bovines. Instead, from what studies have been able to show, their closest relatives would likely be a number of insect species.   They are kept on farms across Vikacion, as they produce a resource that has been found to be quite useful: Store-Meat. This meat, harvested from their back in a way that doesn't kill the animals, is capable of staying uncontaminated and comparatively fresh for up to 2-2.5 months after being removed from the animal without any modifications. When salted or similarly preserved, it can last for years without refrigeration. This has been found to be highly useful by sailors, both of naval and airships, as it allows them to keep meat on hand for significantly longer amounts of time without needing to resupply.

Basic Information


In appearance, Harvest Cattle look like a caterpillar that has been increased in size to that of a cow, with an wide mouth similar in appearance to that of a hippopotamus. The have a thick rubbery skin colored a light green with darker green splotches. The skin is thinner across a large portion of their back. They have twelve short legs, six in the front and six near their rear. They have some bone-like structures running through their body to provide support, but in a set up unlike that of more common vertebrates.    The thinner skin along their back covers a layer of flesh that is different than that of the rest of their body. It is much more nutritious when compared to that of their other meats, and is largely separated from the rest of their bodily systems. It is additionally capable of being regrown, faster than most other species are capable of regenerating removed flesh. Underneath this meat is a second layer of skin-like material, of a similar thickness to their normal skin. This flesh is known as Store-Meat.

Genetics and Reproduction

Harvest Cattle will reproduce by laying eggs, which are slightly translucent and orange in coloration. They do this twice a year, laying ~3-4 dozen eggs at a time. These eggs are the size of golf balls, and the young will hatch out of them after about two months.

Growth Rate & Stages

It takes about a two years for a young Harvest Cattle to grow to full size, at which point it becomes fertile and will begin mating and laying eggs.

Ecology and Habitats

Harvest Cattle originated in a grassland environment. However, provided that they are given enough food, they have been found to be capable of living in most environments that don't get too cold in winter months.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Harvest Cattle in the wild feed primarily on grasses, shrubs, young trees - really, any plant that they are capable of biting and chewing. When given the opportunity, they will also consume dead or slow animals that they can catch.   Domesticated Harvest Cattle can be fed anything that cows, pigs, or dogs are capable of eating. More varied diets will increase the taste factor of their Store-Meat.

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