The Four Tombs of Tighru Myth in Vanelle | World Anvil
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The Four Tombs of Tighru

According to legend, the four tombs of Tighru contain the remains of the fallen god, Tighru, who was usurped by his son, Mellus and his human wife Cirra of whom he greatly disapproved. To prevent him from rising again, his remains were divided, cauterised with steel from Mellus' own forge and interned in four tombs, far apart and inaccessible in nature.   Each tomb was sealed with an arduous ritual that greatly drained Mellus' power. When he was done, his appearance, voice and gait had changed to that of an old man - the rituals had brought him to death's door. His wife, Cirra, tried everything in her power to return him to his former self but failed. She lived on to an old age herself and accomplished much for her people, even without her god-husband. So great was her charity that the city of Ciranne was founded in her honour.   Mellus and Cirra had been careful not to reveal the locations of the tombs to anyone and thus even their general locations were soon forgotten. There are no surviving documents from that time, only snippets of hearsay that's changed and morphed as they've been passed from generation to generation. It would be impossible to tell, today, where to start searching if one wanted to find Tighru, and has been for several millennia.   The legend of Tighru did not die, however. He was a man ascended to godhood, after all, and his legend carries with it the promise that it can be done again, although no one has. Men are said to have grieved for generations after his fall; he was a beloved god. But if some versions of the legend are to be believed, Mellus, who knew his father better than anyone, saw a great hunger for power in him - one he feared would be the ruin of humanity.   Although attempts to locate the tombs have been made, most notably by an expedition put together by Lord Protector Vinmar IV who died in the process, none have been successful.

In Art

There are many works of both sculpture and painting, as well as theatre and music which depict the fall of Tighru and Mellus' journey. The legend of the four tombs have also inspired many a tale of adventure and peril, though none to be taken too seriously.  
An artist's rendition of what the entrance to one of the tombs may look like.
Date of First Recording
Early Ancient Era
Date of Setting
Pre-Ancient Era
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Cover image: Vanelle by Sofi Hjalmarsson


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